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Reduce use of master and other controversial words #6

Open pinobatch opened 3 years ago

pinobatch commented 3 years ago

During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021, I have taken up wearing two forms of protective equipment: a cloth face mask for source control and a hoop skirt for social distancing. A vocal minority of people object to face masks as a symbol of capitulation to radical Islamist totalitarianism and hoop skirts as a symbol of embracing antebellum slavery. I disagree with both.

To avoid calling to mind slavery even further, I'm looking for places in source code and documentation where I can rename "master" to "main", "trunk", "primary", or the like, per recommendation of the Inclusive Naming Initiative. Likewise, the allegedly ableist term "sanity check" can become "soundness check", "consistency check", "coherence check", or "confidence check". per Elian's answer.

To find these terms in my repositories, I'm running this command:

egrep -ri 'master|slave|stupid|retard|sane|sanity' . | cut -c 1-79 | less

Additional commands to find cases arising from particular project templates:

egrep -ri 'run_dma_master|master[-_ ]palette' . | cut -c 1-79 | less

These names are on a long-term allowlist:

I also have a short-term allowlist until the initiative endorses replacements:

And a second short-term allowlist until public repository hosts get tooling in place:

Once IME is renamed, Pently's "master" switch to shut off the music portion of the sound driver can also be renamed.

These terms were removed in April 2023 after INI issued a clarification about "mastermind" and "master inventor", which clearly refer to skill rather than dominance over a subordinate entity:

pinobatch commented 3 years ago

What do we call the flip-flop in the 8080, Z80, and SM83 that di sets to 0 and ei sets to 1, or the register at 0x04000208 in the Game Boy Advance that turns interrupts on and off?

During research for this, I awarded Inclusion Cookies™ to members of the gbdev server for backronyms:

pinobatch commented 3 years ago

I replaced run_dma_master originating from a project template for Game Boy with hramcode_start. To open an editor ready to do this, I ran this:

find -name "*.z80" -exec egrep -Zli 'run_dma_master' {} + \
    | xargs -0 mousepad &

Explanation of command-line syntax:

pinobatch commented 1 year ago

In April 2023, the words "mastermind" and "master inventor" were spotted on the "no change" tier of Inclusive Naming Initiative's word list. The entries for these terms state that each term "refers to a level of skill rather than a dominant/subordinate relationship."