pinobatch / libbet

Libbet and the Magic Floor - a puzzle game for Game Boy
zlib License
35 stars 1 forks source link

Add attract mode #2

Closed pinobatch closed 5 years ago

pinobatch commented 5 years ago

It was brought to my attention after v0.01 that an animated attract mode, analogous to that of Kirby's Avalanche, could explain gameplay better than a wall of text.

attract_mode_map For this, I've designed a special floor for attract mode. Like all 4x4 floors, it starts Libbet at c1.

The floor tiles have four
shades. Libbet can roll
or jump between tiles of
the same shade.

All cells are connected by a combination of rolling and jumping. Proceed to b1 b3 a3 b3 b1 c1.

She can also roll or jump
onto the next brighter
shade or from white to
black. This leaves a track.

The last line of this is 113 pixels wide, but we can fudge it because the last pixel is white padding after the glyph. Proceed to b1 a1 a2 b2 b3 d3 d2 c2 c3 a3.

Tiles with no exits
contain a trap door that
leads to the entrance.

The attract mode map has a dead end at d4 and an unreachable at d1, but I need not cover the latter. a4 b4 d4 (warp to c1) a1 a2 c2 c4 d4 (warp to c1)

Leave 90 percent of
possible tracks and roll
to the exit at top to win.

A concern was raised that "roll to the exit to win" was too vague, particularly in the 2x8-cell floor, whose exit is off the top of the screen.

pinobatch commented 5 years ago

attract_mode_mockup Attract mode might look like this