pinojs / express-pino-logger

🌲 an express middleware to log with pino
MIT License
199 stars 13 forks source link

How to avoid the entire request being logged every time using pino? #54

Open vahuja4 opened 3 years ago

vahuja4 commented 3 years ago

I am new to nodejs and decided to use the pino logger in my application. Here is the code snippet showing how I am using it:

const expressPino = require('express-pino-logger');
const { LOGLEVEL } = require('../config.js');

// Constructs a Pino Instance
const logger = pino({
  level: LOGLEVEL || 'trace',
  prettyPrint: { levelFirst: true, colorize: true, ignore: 'pid' },
// Construct an express middleware using the above pino instance
const expressLogger = expressPino({ logger });

module.exports = { logger, expressLogger };

Now, every time I do req.log.debug(config['abc']), the entire request body gets logged, thus making the logs very cumbersome to read. I tried changing the log levels but that doesn't help. Here is an example output: DEBUG [1610445271782] (on blserver-org1): sku=FIN01 Query String req: { "id": 1, "method": "POST", "url": "/ifo_params?sku=FIN01", "headers": { "channel-name": "mychannel", "content-type": "application/json", "authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjVmOTcxMmEwODczMTcyMGQ2NmZkNGEyYTU5MmU0ZGZjMmI1ZGU1OTUiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.QlHxLrxcfxUmGK_Q193RdQSIBsoHly66CZDTWdRdyfZNAn-wH13el41ILnAj3YqVWgAFJY8u4BcFgZYePCujIO2gKFsM0WUs2M-a7CsMcDaWpqrQyVsfalRoYMDsk1DJypaevuKV8O4IbmdkgCbS8HmYO-dk99LRcwwYKs_vVnNBO4bTv5FFzMLh-DXrVfVBKk23Qem7JN5lX9UU6RZ-4WAVN-pN-TR5uRuF2koWjCoa90CKNhYOzKW1zeN904f1rCeuY0a4R4faFYMNAlkxslBpVSKaXCkSBXOSCjVykp611Ay6EQBkrpqbD1zHvv6eEfaaMyOzjlH3DzDye-vfMQ", "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.26.8", "accept": "*/*", "cache-control": "no-cache", "postman-token": "aab26357-78ff-4899-8509-7918ca9a65c4", "host": "localhost:3000", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "connection": "keep-alive", "content-length": "114" } }

Can someone please tell me how to tell pino to not log the entire request every time.

mcollina commented 3 years ago

These can be easly done by passing your own serializers. Also, it might be a good change to pino-http.

shousper commented 3 years ago

I've just run into this as well. It seems @types/pino-http indicate you can pass the redact option to pino-http, but this has no effect. Seemingly because pino doesn't support re-configuration?

mcollina commented 3 years ago

I don't really understand how this relates to typescript. Note that @types/pino are not maintained by us.