The interface pages badly need an overhaul, they've broadly had the same text since they were originally created and it tends to waffle about devices I was playing with at the time, and include vague code snippets that are maybe out of scope for pinout.
Rough TODO:
[ ] Drop code snippets, we're a pin documentation website, let's stay in our lane
[ ] Remove references to wiringPi on pages (but don't remove wiringPi page), while it's on life-support it's still officially deprecated
[ ] Document related dtoverlays/config/methods of enabling
[ ] Find some useful text for JTAG (see #321)
[x] Update 5v power text- does this still apply? Don't be too chatty
[x] Update 3v3, current limits Pi 4, Pi Zero W etc? Maybe a breakdown/table
[ ] 1-Wire page is very hard to read, all the code snippets are low contrast
[x] Add a PWM page?
Additionally the home page has been overloaded with a lot of things, and is starting to look very, very busy:
[ ] Drop orientation text, as it's in the legend now
[ ] Drop "Explore HATs & pHATs" and re-word the link at the top of the page to better describe the section: "Explore pinouts for HATs, pHATs & more" maybe
[x] Move the pHAT Stack link somewhere in the UI and maybe casually drop it into the intro text like the boards page
[x] Improve intro text, "designed to be" is non-comittal and redundant, it "is".
[x] Make sponsor links 100pt comic sans ms in red, and surround with blink and marquee tags
[ ] Drop Rogue from "Maintained by", replace with @lurch ?
The interface pages badly need an overhaul, they've broadly had the same text since they were originally created and it tends to waffle about devices I was playing with at the time, and include vague code snippets that are maybe out of scope for pinout.
Rough TODO:
Additionally the home page has been overloaded with a lot of things, and is starting to look very, very busy: