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Missing advanced functions on GP26, 27, & 28 #14

Closed ZodiusInfuser closed 1 year ago

ZodiusInfuser commented 1 year ago

These pins have SPI functionality that the advanced view does not show.


Is this an easy enough thing for me to edit and raise a PR for? Looks like they would need a 5th column on the UI, so perhaps beyond me web skills?

Gadgetoid commented 1 year ago

Whew, that's a rather awkward problem. I might have to eschew the original pinout diagram layout in order to better incorporate the ADC functions.

I guess Ground / AGround is rather redundant, and ADC_VREF1 being moved one spot over is also slightly weird.

What if ADCn was combined with GPn in the first label, recoloured to ADC colour and SPI got its rightful slot.

Like this:


ZodiusInfuser commented 1 year ago

That compacting seems okay to me, but then I'm not the primary audience of the non-advanced mode.

Gadgetoid commented 1 year ago

I don't like the compacting much, but I think it's a necessary evil to avoid occluding pin functions.

All the I2C, SPI and UART RX/TX that's currently not shown by default can be added and make the default view a little more visually balanced :laughing:

lurch commented 1 year ago

Works for me :wink:

Gadgetoid commented 1 year ago

Proposed default view:


The "ADC" toggle becomes redundant... well I say "becomes", it was never all that useful.

Still need to address #13

ZodiusInfuser commented 1 year ago

Could be argued that those new additional SPI pins should not appear in the default view, since they're not complete blocks? Or at least the one on pin 29? If it were to stay, then the I2C0 SDA and UART0 TX on GP28 should be shown in the default view too 🤔 . Doing that would then mean the advance just adds the CTS, RTS and PWMs.

The addition of the UART on GP20 and GP21 is good. Can't see a reason that would have been excluded on the default.

Gadgetoid commented 1 year ago

Ugh, darn CSS changes are being stubborn about re-loading. Might need a cache-buster. Almost as frustrating to refresh as 7-colour e-Ink :skull: