pinpoint-apm / pinpoint-docker

Official Dockerized components of the Pinpoint
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pinpoint-quickstart test application request 404 error #195

Open IMWoo94 opened 2 months ago

IMWoo94 commented 2 months ago


I started to using pinpoint apm with docker compose. In this tutorial pinpoint-docker


After running the monitoring normally, there was a problem with the request operation. The Quickstart Application provided in the guide is causing 404 errors when requesting a specific URL. The specific URL is "/callSelf/httpclient4/getTwitterUrlCount.pinpoint".

스크린샷 2024-04-09 오후 10 44 26




I analyzed the files in the path through decompiles, but there seemed to be no problem with the code. However, it seems that the Twitter API is no longer available.

HttpClient4Controller does not have mapping information defined for Twitter API.

It would be nice if you could simply provide exception response information through exception handling such as ExceptionHandler. Or, if you write down the failure case in the API description, it seems that the user will not misunderstand.

For other url(getGeoCode), we are sending a response with details about the error through exception handling when a problem occurs.

While this is a guide project, I suggest that it's better to fix the code causing errors.

Thank you for taking the time to read the long text. I hope it was helpful.

Error log
