pinpoint-apm / pinpoint

APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.
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k8s환경에서의 pinpoint-collector와 pinpoint-web을 hbase의 service를 바라보도록 설정하는법 #11109

Open moondal opened 3 weeks ago

moondal commented 3 weeks ago

Hello. I am testing to convert the pinpoints you provided as dockers to the k8s environment.

Hbase and zookeeper built as standalone as the default setting for Apache..

The hbase is also created as a pod, and the master is also displayed as a pod name. The pinpoint-collector and the pinpoint-web are trying to communicate with the hbase pod despite no settings.

I was wondering how can I convert hbase to service IP of kubernetes in pinpoint collector and pinpoint web.

Additionally, I would like to ask if there is any help provided by k8s. The data I found is two years old, so I'd like to ask if you have the latest data

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donghun-cho commented 3 weeks ago

Please ask questions in English so that all pinpoint users can check the contents.

It seems that the HBase address is correctly configured, so is this issue with resolving address in k8s environments?

moondal commented 3 weeks ago

I translated it into English. You did not set the hbase address, but Pinpoint-collector and pinpoint-web try to call the hbase pod.

donghun-cho commented 3 weeks ago

in docker-compose instead of environment variable PINPOINT_ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS is used

Additionally, I would like to ask if there is any help provided by k8s hasn't been updated recently. Since Docker Compose has been updated well, it would be better to convert and use it.

There are two references that might help

moondal commented 3 weeks ago

apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: pinpoint-collector-configmap data: |

set -e
set -x
exec java -jar /pinpoint/pinpoint-collector-boot.jar --spring.config.additional-location=/pinpoint/config/ --pinpoint.collector.type=ALL

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: pinpoint-collector spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: pinpoint-collector template: metadata: labels: app: pinpoint-collector spec: containers:

It is already set to zookeeper. Still looking for dns as a pod.

      value: "zoo1"

06-04 04:07:17.017 [htable-pool4-t1] INFO o.a.h.h.c.RpcRetryingCaller : Call exception, tries=10, retries=35, started=38416 ms ago, cancelled=false, msg=pinpoint-hbase-6fcd554b99-kxkpq:16201 could not be resolved, details=row 'AgentInfo,,00000000000000' on table 'hbase:meta' at region=hbase:meta,,1.1588230740, hostname=pinpoint-hbase-6fcd554b99-kxkpq,16201,1717390997262, seqNum=0, see

Should I set the Hbase hostname to hbase servicename in the zookeeper setting?

I would like to ask if there is a method or environment variable to change from zookeeper to hbase servicename.

pinpoint-hbase ClusterIP 60000/TCP,16010/TCP,60020/TCP,16030/TCP pinpoint-mysql ClusterIP 3306/TCP pinpoint-web ClusterIP 8080/TCP,9997/TCP
zoo1 ClusterIP 2181/TCP

Thank you.

donghun-cho commented 3 weeks ago

I think this is not a problem with the pinpoint collector configuration. It is an issue with the Kubernetes environment and HBase cluster settings.

You should check the kubernetes and Hbase documentation for things like