pinry / docker-pinry

An easy way to get a Pinry instance up and running using Docker.
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Infinite loop circle #22

Open gerroon opened 5 years ago

gerroon commented 5 years ago


I believe I installed this properly. I can run the image, login to the site and add a pinned image. When I add the image it grabs the preview, and adds the entry. But when I try to goto the main page, all I get is infinite looping circle inctead of the actual thumbnail. Clicking on the image does the exact same issue.

I then right click on the pin and choose view image in Firefox. The browser says Not Found The requested URL /static/media/7/9/79fcc80bd0f4edeacee091e0a5ac60ce/330px-Nokota_Horses_cropped.jpg was not found on this server.

It seems bogus because the image is there, under the defined data folder under that exact path.

It seems like the file url maybe not translated properly?

I installed it under Debian Buster.


winkidney commented 5 years ago

Could you please provide some previews/screenshots of your issue?

I use the latest version of pinry at, seems that it works well.

And, what does you mean when you mentioned "main page", could you please give a example url for that page?