pinterest / PINCache

Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
Apache License 2.0
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Discrepancy between Header Comment and Implementation #256

Closed jlaws closed 4 years ago

jlaws commented 4 years ago

PINDiskCache.h line 156 states

 The maximum number of bytes allowed on disk. This value is checked every time an object is set, if the written
 size exceeds the limit a trim call is queued. Defaults to `0.0`, meaning no practical limit.

@property (assign) NSUInteger byteLimit;

 The maximum number of seconds an object is allowed to exist in the cache. Setting this to a value
 greater than `0.0` will start a recurring GCD timer with the same period that calls <trimToDate:>.
 Setting it back to `0.0` will stop the timer. Defaults to `0.0`, meaning no limit.

@property (assign) NSTimeInterval ageLimit;

It states the byteLimit and ageLimit default to 0. This is not actually the case based on the code in PINDiskCache.m line 215

        // 50 MB by default
        _byteLimit = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
        // 30 days by default
        _ageLimit = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;

Either the header needs to be updated or the defaults need to change.