pinterest / PINOperation

Apache License 2.0
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Performance group cancel. #23

Open kinarobin opened 5 years ago

kinarobin commented 5 years ago
  1. Once you want cancel group, the_groupToOperationReferences contains all object,

    for (id <PINOperationReference>operationReference in [_groupToOperationReferences objectEnumerator]) 
     if ([_operationQueue cancelOperation:operationReference]) {

    Execute all object's cancelOperation is so expensive, So I remove single operationReference when single operation had finished.

  2. If the group start, it's not necessary to nil out the containers.

    _operations = nil;
    _operationPriorities = nil;
    _operationReferences = nil;

    Just remove all objects. Thus support adding operations after completion or cancelation.

ghost commented 5 years ago
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