pinterest / elixometer

A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.
Apache License 2.0
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Publish on Hex.PM #40

Closed pragmaticivan closed 7 years ago

pragmaticivan commented 8 years ago

Any reason to not have this package on Hex?

scohen commented 8 years ago

Not at all, I'm working on some updates that will eliminate Elixometer as a bottleneck for high-performance code. Once those are merged, I'll publish.

pragmaticivan commented 8 years ago

Cool! Thanks @scohen o/

scohen commented 8 years ago

@pragmaticivan Want to try it out?

robmadole commented 8 years ago

✨ worked for me @scohen ✨ (where the github install method did not)

scohen commented 8 years ago

@robmadole I tried including this in a project of mine, and it didn't include Elixometer's deps. Did you try sending metrics? Did that work?

Btw, some of elixometer's deps aren't available as hex packages.

Also, where did the github method break?

robmadole commented 8 years ago

Spoke too soon actually. It failed to get lager and I discovered this after the app tried to start.

The Github method broke in a strange way. I don't have the log now but instead of resolving the hash for a tag and sticking that in the mix.lock file it put something from stderr in there. I think this may be something with my git version. I'll investigate and report back.

scohen commented 8 years ago

@robmadole @pragmaticivan Looks like I can't create a hex package that'll work correctly since we depend on packages that don't publish hex artifacts.

I can ask our downstream deps to publish packages.

robmadole commented 8 years ago

Hmm. That makes sense that hex wants hex packages. I can certainly use this project as is (github method). Installing via hex is just cleaner.

scohen commented 8 years ago

@robmadole I've opened a PR in the pobox repo to publish his package via hex. When that happens, I'll publish mine, and bump the version to 1.2.1

pragmaticivan commented 8 years ago

Nice! I think would be better always try to convince other projects to do the same so it will force to control the release workflow of the projects and anything pulling from GitHub would not be stable.

scohen commented 8 years ago

@pragmaticivan, @robmadole How about now? I just published 1.2.1, which should have child deps.

robmadole commented 8 years ago

@scohen it looks this fixes the original problem that I had (not being able to start lager). So I think the package works but I also need exometer so that I could use the statsd reporter. I tried installing {:exometer, github: "PSPDFKit-labs/exometer"} but this doesn't depend on the hex packages and conflicts with elixometer. So, I'm going to contact them and see if I can get exometer turned into a hex packages as well.

scohen commented 8 years ago

@robmadole what if you include the normal exometer?

{:exometer, github: "Feuerlabs/exometer"}


robmadole commented 8 years ago

Mix doesn't like normal exometer:

** (Mix) Command "git --git-dir=.git checkout --quiet fc367682a809ccd463a907e6e00e52d6d354c83f" failed
Could not compile :exometer, no "mix.exs", "rebar.config" or "Makefile" (pass :compile as an option to customize compilation, set it to "false" to do nothing)
scohen commented 8 years ago

of course it doesn't which is why we were using pspdfkit-labs. :-/

Exometer is awesome, but Ulf make it really hard to compile. I want them to release a package, but it doesn't look like they have issues turned on.

Can you use the pspdfkit versions by overriding in your mix.exs?

{:elixometer, "~>1.2.0"},
{:exometer_core, github: "PSPDFKit-Labs/exometer_core", override: true},
{:exometer, github: "PSPDFKit-Labs/exometer", override: true}

Honestly, it makes having this available on less compelling.

robmadole commented 8 years ago

I put an issue up on Feuerlabs project. I think they should really own the Hex package. (They made one for exometer_core...)

I'll try what you gave me above (probably today but may be next week before I can). Thanks for the extra effort on this @scohen.

scohen commented 8 years ago

@robmadole I've talked to Ulf about this. He was concerned that it didn't compile on Elixir, but his main audience is erlang people, so I'm not sure how long a fix will stay fixed.

If at all possible, I'd much prefer that the main projects are on hex, and we can use them.

lpil commented 7 years ago

Any progress here @schun93 ? :)

scohen commented 7 years ago

@lpil Yes, I don't think we can do it until every one of the downstream deps puts them on hex as well.

aerosol commented 7 years ago

Hi, There's elixometer 1.2.1 hexpm, can we get a bump to the latest master please?

jparise commented 7 years ago

@aerosol, the next version (1.3.0) will be coming soon.

jparise commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close this issue because the initial request (publish Elixometer on is complete. Let's start separate issues for any other topics so that we can track them more specifically going forward.