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Add rule to add braces to multiline when-condition #2557

Open paul-dingemans opened 4 months ago

paul-dingemans commented 4 months ago

Similar to the if-else-bracing rule, all branches in a when-statement should be wrapped in braces. Braces are helpful for following reasons:


fun foo(bar: Bar) =
    when (bar) {
        ABC_ABC_ABC_ABC -> "Lorem ipsum 1"
        DE ->
            "Lorem ipsum 2"
        FGHIJ -> {
            Lorem ipsum 3
        KLMNOPQ -> "Lorem ipsum 4"
        else -> null


fun foo(bar: Bar) =
    when (bar) {
        ABC_ABC_ABC_ABC -> {
            "Lorem ipsum 1"
        DE -> {
            "Lorem ipsum 2"
        FGHIJ -> {
            Lorem ipsum 3
        KLMNOPQ -> {
            "Lorem ipsum 4"
        else -> {

A when-statement for which all branches are single lines should not be affected.


fun foo(bar: Bar) =
    when (bar) {
        ABC_ABC_ABC_ABC -> "Lorem ipsum 1"
        DE -> "Lorem ipsum 2"
        FGHIJ -> """Lorem ipsum 3""".trimIndent()
        KLMNOPQ -> "Lorem ipsum 4"
        else -> null