pinterf / AviSynthPlus

AviSynth with improvements
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Reddish colors #26

Closed Ilya87 closed 5 years ago

Ilya87 commented 5 years ago

VC1 video, decoded with AviSynth+ r2772 has reddish colors.

K-Lite Codec Pack settings window: 58

FFmpegSource2("Equilibrium-001.mkv") ffmpegsource2

DirectShowSource("Equilibrium-001.mkv") orig

ffmpeg.exe -i Equilibrium-001.mkv -frames:v 1 ff.png ffmpeg

All screenshots (when AviSynth+ was used) above were taken with ffmpeg: ffmpeg.exe -i 01.avs -frames:v 1 ff.png

As you can see ffmpeg decoder provides natural colors.

Ilya87 commented 5 years ago

Forgot to mention - color primaries, range, color matrix, trasfer parameters are set in mkv.

pinterf commented 5 years ago

It's very unlike that I can help with it. Source filters do decoding stuff, AviSynth+ passes it through, and then you have again something at the end of the pipe. Avisynth does not able to preserve original clip properties. Reddish cast is usually happens when rec.601 vs. rec709 is mismatched somewhere in the conversions. I recommend asking this question on a public forum, such as Community users know hundred times more than I do as a developer.

Ilya87 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the hint! The solution that I found by myself - ffmpeg.exe -colorspace bt709 -color_range tv -i 01.avs ... So, it's ffmpeg "feature".