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Probabilistic Inference on Noisy Time Series
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Various slice sampling directions #772

Open ben18785 opened 5 years ago

ben18785 commented 5 years ago

In Neal paper:

Additional methods:

MichaelClerx commented 4 years ago

@lorcandelaney how well does this ticket (from March this year) match with your current project?

lorcandelaney commented 4 years ago

@lorcandelaney how well does this ticket (from March this year) match with your current project?

@MichaelClerx Hi Michael, my work covers all these methods, with the only exception of Skilling and MacKay's integer representation and parallel multivariate slice sampling - if I have some time left at the end of the project, I will be happy to cover these!

MichaelClerx commented 4 years ago

Hey @ben18785 , do we still want to look at the Skilling/MacKay thing at some point? Otherwise let's close this issue