pion / mediadevices

Go implementation of the MediaDevices API.
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What is wrong with the C interface for opus opus_encoder_create ? #452

Open trump-7575 opened 1 year ago

trump-7575 commented 1 year ago

Your environment.

What did you do?

I modified the official example : example/ion-sfu-join-from-mediadevice/main.go at ion-sdk-go respository ( https://github.com/ionorg/ion-sdk-go ) to try to publish audio ( opus ) only to sfu.

The modificaion : =========== original ==============

vpxParams, err := vpx.NewVP8Params()
if err != nil {
vpxParams.BitRate = 500_000 // 500kbps

codecSelector := mediadevices.NewCodecSelector(


s, err := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{
    Video: func(c *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
        c.FrameFormat = prop.FrameFormat(frame.FormatYUY2)
        c.Width = prop.Int(640)
        c.Height = prop.Int(480)
    Codec: codecSelector,

============ My modification =================

opusParams, err := opus.NewParams()
if err != nil {

codecSelector := mediadevices.NewCodecSelector(


s, err := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{
    Audio: func(c *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
    Codec: codecSelector,

What did you expect?

Audio track is published to sfu.

What happened?

Failed to create the opus encoder when calling the C function :

parsed:} SIGILL: illegal instruction PC=0xaa89a1 m=5 sigcode=2 signal arrived during cgo execution instruction bytes: 0xc5 0xf9 0x6f 0x5 0x47 0xa8 0x2c 0x0 0x48 0x83 0xe7 0xf8 0x31 0xc0 0x48 0x29

goroutine 53 [syscall]: runtime.cgocall(0xa237c0, 0xc0000bc930) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:158 +0x5c fp=0xc0000bc908 sp=0xc0000bc8d0 pc=0x4134fc github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/codec/opus._Cfunc_opus_encoder_create(0xbb80, 0x2, 0x800, 0xc000323360) _cgo_gotypes.go:118 +0x4d fp=0xc0000bc930 sp=0xc0000bc908 pc=0xa1c42d github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/codec/opus.newEncoder({0xd3a9c0, 0xc00032a828}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0}}, {0x2, ...}}, ...) /home/trump/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pion/mediadevices@v0.3.0/pkg/codec/opus/opus.go:51 +0x149 fp=0xc0000bc9c8 sp=0xc0000bc930 pc=0xa1c709 github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/codec/opus.(Params).BuildAudioEncoder(0x0?, {0xd3a9c0?, 0xc00032a828?}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0}}, ...}) /home/trump/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pion/mediadevices@v0.3.0/pkg/codec/opus/params.go:71 +0xaf fp=0xc0000bca98 sp=0xc0000bc9c8 pc=0xa1bfef github.com/pion/mediadevices.(CodecSelector).selectAudioCodecByNames(0xc00039ae40, {0xd3a9c0, 0xc00032a828}, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0}}, ...}, ...) /home/trump/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pion/mediadevices@v0.3.0/codec.go:115 +0x439 fp=0xc0000bcbe0 sp=0xc0000bca98 pc=0xa14599 github.com/pion/mediadevices.(AudioTrack).newEncodedReader(0xc000300450, {0xc0000bcde8, 0x1, 0x1}) /home/trump/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pion/mediadevices@v0.3.0/track.go:434 +0x165 fp=0xc0000bcd70 sp=0xc0000bcbe0 pc=0xa1a4c5 github.com/pion/mediadevices.(AudioTrack).NewRTPReader(0xc000300450, {0xc000322fe6?, 0xc000320270?}, 0x8be88d61, 0x4b0) /home/trump/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pion/mediadevices@v0.3.0/track.go:468 +0x6a fp=0xc0000bce08 sp=0xc0000bcd70 pc=0xa1a8ea

If you need more info. , please do not hesitate to let me know. I do not want to debug an outdate version of mediadevices either. If any of you have a working demo to publish audio to sfu via ion-sdk-go , please kindly give me an example. Thanks !

trump-7575 commented 1 year ago

go version : go1.19.2 linux/amd64

at-wat commented 1 year ago

illegal instruction on calling external library function is usually caused when the linked library is not supported on the environment. Please check the library your binary linked is correct.