pion / mediadevices

Go implementation of the MediaDevices API.
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Failed to start streaming: invalid argument #475

Open johnscode opened 1 year ago

johnscode commented 1 year ago

Your environment.

What did you do?

Trying to run the jpeg snapshot example from the main Readme: import ( "image/jpeg" "os"


// This is required to register camera adapter
_ "github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/driver/camera" 
// Note: If you don't have a camera or your adapters are not supported,
//       you can always swap your adapters with our dummy adapters below.
// _ "github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/driver/videotest"

) func main() { stream, _ := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{ Video: func(constraint *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) { // Query for ideal resolutions constraint.Width = prop.Int(640) constraint.Height = prop.Int(480) }, })

// Since track can represent audio as well, we need to cast it to
// *mediadevices.VideoTrack to get video specific functionalities
track := stream.GetVideoTracks()[0]
videoTrack := track.(*mediadevices.VideoTrack)
defer videoTrack.Close()

// Create a new video reader to get the decoded frames. Release is used
// to return the buffer to hold frame back to the source so that the buffer
// can be reused for the next frames.
videoReader := videoTrack.NewReader(false)
frame, release, _ := videoReader.Read()
defer release()

// Since frame is the standard image.Image, it's compatible with Go standard
// library. For example, capturing the first frame and store it as a jpeg image.
output, _ := os.Create("frame.jpg")
jpeg.Encode(output, frame, nil)

} example runs fine on OSX. runs to completion on pi when substituting the test drivers in the imports, ie // "github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/driver/camera" "github.com/pion/mediadevices/pkg/driver/videotest"

attempt to run using go run main.go

What did you expect?

successful run producing a jpeg file

What happened?

panic failure at line 28

error is occurring due to the line: stream, _ := mediadevices.GetUserMedia( ....

If i change it to check the error: stream, err := mediadevices.GetUserMedia( .... if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n",err) return } error reported is: 'Failed to start streaming: invalid argument'

If I run (with the real driver imported) using: export PION_LOG_DEBUG=all && go run main.go i get output showing several configurations that match the constraints, with final one shown being 'best fit':

================ Best Fit ================

DeviceID: b1a30cff-6365-4313-9c8f-e96fd5cadee0 Video: Width: 640 Height: 480 FrameRate: 0 FrameFormat: UYVY Audio: ChannelCount: 0 Latency: 0s SampleRate: 0 SampleSize: 0 IsBigEndian: false IsFloat: false IsInterleaved: false

then the error

Should point out that this is using an onboard pi camera and not a usb camera.

fwiw: the onboard camera is accessible using the standard libcamera apis (in cpp). the blackjack webcam lib works for usb cams on a pi, but not the onboard cam

malykhin commented 1 year ago

Hey @johnscode, Is legacy camera support enabled? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7KPSc_Xr24)

johnscode commented 1 year ago

yes. using raspi-config, legacy camera support was enabled for this.

florianbgt commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue trying to run the examples/http using a raspberry pi 4 with a pi camera module 3

cleroux commented 1 year ago

I've also just started getting this error. I suspect underlying Pi camera driver must have automatically updated because my Go service was working with the camera stream until my Pi was rebooted a couple days ago. The camera stream works fine on my laptop so I think this issue is probably at a lower level than Pion. I will report any further findings here.

jamespilgrim commented 3 months ago

(UPDATE - Please see RPi Forum post here: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=369927)

FWIW, I recently updated libcamera (and rpicam-app), and now I get: [5:14:13.575871523] [8761] ERROR V4L2 v4l2_videodevice.cpp:1906 /dev/video0[21:cap]: Failed to start streaming: Invalid argument

whenever I've changed the cropping width/height away from the default. For example, media-ctl -d "/dev/media3" --set-v4l2 "'imx296 10-001a':0 [fmt:SBGGR10_1X10/100x100 crop:(0,0)/100x100]" -v

Has anyone had a similar experience?