Closed walterar closed 12 years ago
In your $HOME/.pioneer
directory there's a file called lua-core-dump
. Could you please post it?
[string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range
--[1]-- C function "Integer" (from method)
(_temporary) = "userdata: 0xac69c2e4"
(_temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 0
--[2]-- Lua function "init" (from method) @ [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397
currently on line 397
self = { }
station = "userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc"
urgency = 0.6
risk = 0
systems = { }
nearbySystems = { ["inhabited"] = { }, ["all"] = { [1] = "userdata: 0xaac02914", [2] = "userdata: 0xaac1005c", [3] = "userdata: 0xaac11c64", [4] = "userdata: 0xaac1385c", [5] = "userdata: 0xaa8c647c", [6] = "userdata: 0xab5b6e84", [7] = "userdata: 0xaac2234c", [8] = "userdata: 0xaac25cc4", [9] = "userdata: 0xaac27844", [10] = "userdata: 0xaa6d6dcc", [11] = "userdata: 0xaac7a26c", [12] = "userdata: 0xaac8490c", [13] = "userdata: 0xaac8f284", [14] = "userdata: 0xaac9248c", [15] = "userdata: 0xa9fc61a4", [16] = "userdata: 0xaa6937dc", [17] = "userdata: 0xaa948ab4", [18] = "userdata: 0xaa8f20d4", [19] = "userdata: 0xaa67b62c", [20] = "userdata: 0xab5754d4", [21] = "userdata: 0xaa59022c", [22] = "userdata: 0xaa5913b4", [23] = "userdata: 0xaa6d923c", [24] = "userdata: 0xaa64b484", [25] = "userdata: 0xaacb99d4", [26] = "userdata: 0xaacc3514", [27] = "userdata: 0xaa650fec", [28] = "userdata: 0xaa652d0c", [29] = "userdata: 0xaa8b1b0c", [30] = "userdata: 0xaa942ad4", [31] = "userdata: 0xaa8b5f34", [32] = "userdata: 0xaa8b6234", [33] = "userdata: 0xaa8b7eac", [34] = "userdata: 0xab591bd4", [35] = "userdata: 0xaa61bfec", [36] = "userdata: 0xab5960dc" } }
Hyperclasses = { ["DRIVE_CLASS1"] = 1, ["DRIVE_CLASS6"] = 6, ["DRIVE_CLASS7"] = 7, ["DRIVE_CLASS8"] = 8, ["DRIVE_CLASS9"] = 9, ["DRIVE_CLASS5"] = 5, ["DRIVE_CLASS2"] = 2, ["DRIVE_CLASS3"] = 3, ["DRIVE_CLASS4"] = 4 }
validateCapacity = "Lua function"
roundup = "Lua function"
--[3]-- Lua function "makeAdvert" (from upvalue) @ [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570
currently on line 570
station = "userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc"
bbcreate = false
flavours = { ["successmsg"] = "Se le ha efectuado el pago completo por la entrega. Gracias.", ["adtext"] = "URGENTE. Se necesita una nave rápida para la entrega de un paquete en el sistema {system}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Es una propuesta de investigación y debe ser entregada en el plazo o no tendremos financiación.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Soy {name}. Y mi intención es pagar {cash} por una nave que transporte un paquete a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Creo que fui bastante claro con la fecha tope y estoy muy defraudado por la tardanza. No se le pagará.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.6 }
flavour = 3
urgency = 0.6
risk = 0
ctr = { }
heavy_duty_check = "Lua function"
makeInst = "Lua function"
LocalCtr = { ["minacc"] = 107.14285714286, ["index"] = "
["Console"] = {
["AddLine"] = "C function"
["e"] = "userdata: 0xac0f059c",
["tostring"] = "C function",
["gcinfo"] = "C function",
["Constants"] = {
["MissionStatus"] = {
[1] = "ACTIVE",
[2] = "COMPLETED",
[3] = "FAILED"
["ShipTypeThruster"] = {
[1] = "REVERSE",
[2] = "FORWARD",
[3] = "UP",
[4] = "DOWN",
[5] = "LEFT",
[6] = "RIGHT"
["PolitGovType"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[5] = "CISLIBDEM",
[6] = "CISSOCDEM",
[7] = "LIBDEM",
[8] = "CORPORATE",
[9] = "SOCDEM",
[11] = "MILDICT1",
[12] = "MILDICT2",
[14] = "COMMUNIST",
[16] = "DISORDER"
["EquipSlot"] = {
[1] = "CARGO",
[2] = "ENGINE",
[3] = "LASER",
[4] = "MISSILE",
[5] = "ECM",
[6] = "SCANNER",
[11] = "CABIN",
[12] = "SHIELD",
[13] = "ATMOSHIELD",
[14] = "FUELSCOOP",
[15] = "CARGOSCOOP",
[18] = "AUTOPILOT"
["BodyType"] = {
[1] = "GRAVPOINT",
[2] = "BROWN_DWARF",
[3] = "WHITE_DWARF",
[4] = "STAR_M",
[5] = "STAR_K",
[6] = "STAR_G",
[7] = "STAR_F",
[8] = "STAR_A",
[9] = "STAR_B",
[10] = "STAR_O",
[11] = "STAR_M_GIANT",
[12] = "STAR_K_GIANT",
[13] = "STAR_G_GIANT",
[14] = "STAR_F_GIANT",
[15] = "STAR_A_GIANT",
[16] = "STAR_B_GIANT",
[17] = "STAR_O_GIANT",
[32] = "STAR_M_WF",
[33] = "STAR_B_WF",
[34] = "STAR_O_WF",
[35] = "STAR_S_BH",
[36] = "STAR_IM_BH",
[37] = "STAR_SM_BH",
["ShipFlightState"] = {
[1] = "FLYING",
[2] = "DOCKING",
[3] = "DOCKED",
[4] = "LANDED",
["EquipType"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "HYDROGEN",
[4] = "METAL_ORE",
[5] = "CARBON_ORE",
[7] = "PLASTICS",
[8] = "FRUIT_AND_VEG",
[9] = "ANIMAL_MEAT",
[10] = "LIVE_ANIMALS",
[11] = "LIQUOR",
[12] = "GRAIN",
[13] = "TEXTILES",
[14] = "FERTILIZER",
[15] = "WATER",
[16] = "MEDICINES",
[18] = "COMPUTERS",
[19] = "ROBOTS",
[25] = "SLAVES",
[26] = "HAND_WEAPONS",
[28] = "NERVE_GAS",
[29] = "NARCOTICS",
[31] = "RUBBISH",
[38] = "ECM_BASIC",
[39] = "SCANNER",
[40] = "ECM_ADVANCED",
[46] = "AUTOPILOT",
[47] = "RADAR_MAPPER",
[48] = "FUEL_SCOOP",
[49] = "CARGO_SCOOP",
[53] = "DRIVE_CLASS1",
[54] = "DRIVE_CLASS2",
[55] = "DRIVE_CLASS3",
[56] = "DRIVE_CLASS4",
[57] = "DRIVE_CLASS5",
[58] = "DRIVE_CLASS6",
[59] = "DRIVE_CLASS7",
[60] = "DRIVE_CLASS8",
[61] = "DRIVE_CLASS9",
[62] = "DRIVE_MIL1",
[63] = "DRIVE_MIL2",
[64] = "DRIVE_MIL3",
[65] = "DRIVE_MIL4",
[71] = "PULSECANNON_10MW",
[72] = "PULSECANNON_20MW",
["ShipAlertStatus"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "SHIP_NEARBY",
["ShipJumpStatus"] = {
[1] = "OK",
[3] = "NO_DRIVE",
[5] = "OUT_OF_RANGE",
["ShipFuelStatus"] = {
[1] = "OK",
[2] = "WARNING",
[3] = "EMPTY"
["PolitEcon"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[4] = "MIXED",
[5] = "PLANNED"
["BodySuperType"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "STAR",
[4] = "GAS_GIANT",
[5] = "STARPORT"
["PolitBloc"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "EARTHFED",
[3] = "CIS",
[4] = "EMPIRE"
["ShipTypeTag"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "SHIP",
[3] = "STATIC_SHIP",
[4] = "MISSILE"
["SpaceStationAnimation"] = {
[1] = "DOCKING_BAY_1",
[2] = "DOCKING_BAY_2",
[3] = "DOCKING_BAY_3",
[4] = "DOCKING_BAY_4"
["PolitCrime"] = {
[3] = "PIRACY",
[4] = "MURDER"
["ShipAIError"] = {
[1] = "NONE",
[2] = "GRAV_TOO_HIGH",
["ShipAnimation"] = {
["os"] = {
["exit"] = "C function",
["setlocale"] = "C function",
["date"] = "C function",
["getenv"] = "C function",
["difftime"] = "C function",
["remove"] = "C function",
["time"] = "C function",
["clock"] = "C function",
["tmpname"] = "C function",
["rename"] = "C function",
["execute"] = "C function"
["Star"] = {
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function"
["getfenv"] = "C function",
["pairs"] = "C function",
["ShipType"] = {
["isa"] = "C function",
["GetShipType"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["GetEquipSlotCapacity"] = "C function",
["GetShipTypes"] = "C function",
["GetLinearThrust"] = "C function"
["tonumber"] = "C function",
["SystemPath"] = {
["SectorOnly"] = "C function",
["IsSameSystem"] = "C function",
["GetSystemBody"] = "C function",
["SystemOnly"] = "C function",
["IsSameSector"] = "C function",
["GetStarSystem"] = "C function",
["DistanceTo"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["New"] = "C function"
["io"] = {
["lines"] = "C function",
["write"] = "C function",
["close"] = "C function",
["flush"] = "C function",
["open"] = "C function",
["output"] = "C function",
["type"] = "C function",
["read"] = "C function",
["stderr"] = "file (0xb736f460)",
["stdin"] = "file (0xb736f5a0)",
["input"] = "C function",
["stdout"] = "file (0xb736f500)",
["popen"] = "C function",
["tmpfile"] = "C function"
["load"] = "C function",
["module"] = "C function",
["Serializer"] = {
["isa"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["Register"] = "C function"
["_G"] = "
}, ["Lang"] = { ["GetCoreLanguages"] = "C function", ["GetCurrentLanguage"] = "C function", ["GetDictionary"] = "C function" }, ["PersistentCharacters"] = { ["player"] = { ["female"] = true, ["player"] = true, ["name"] = "Peter Jameson", ["seed"] = 1073118834, ["armour"] = false } }, ["string"] = { ["sub"] = "C function", ["gmatch"] = "C function", ["upper"] = "C function", ["len"] = "C function", ["gfind"] = "C function", ["rep"] = "C function", ["find"] = "C function", ["match"] = "C function", ["char"] = "C function", ["dump"] = "C function", ["interp"] = "Lua function", ["reverse"] = "C function", ["byte"] = "C function", ["format"] = "C function", ["gsub"] = "C function", ["lower"] = "C function" }, ["xpcall"] = "C function", ["package"] = { ["preload"] = {
["loadlib"] = "C function",
["loaded"] = {
["Rand"] = {
["Number"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["Integer"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["New"] = "C function"
["string"] = "<repeated table...>",
["Serializer"] = "<repeated table...>",
["Console"] = "<repeated table...>",
["package"] = "<repeated table...>",
["_G"] = "<repeated table...>",
["CargoBody"] = {
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function"
["Body"] = {
["DistanceTo"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["IsDynamic"] = "C function"
["Space"] = {
["GetBodies"] = "C function",
["SpawnShip"] = "C function",
["SpawnShipParked"] = "C function",
["GetBody"] = "C function",
["SpawnShipDocked"] = "C function",
["SpawnShipNear"] = "C function"
["Format"] = "<repeated table...>",
["os"] = "<repeated table...>",
["table"] = {
["setn"] = "C function",
["insert"] = "C function",
["getn"] = "C function",
["foreachi"] = "C function",
["maxn"] = "C function",
["foreach"] = "C function",
["concat"] = "C function",
["sort"] = "C function",
["remove"] = "C function"
["math"] = {
["log"] = "C function",
["ldexp"] = "C function",
["rad"] = "C function",
["cosh"] = "C function",
["fixed"] = {
["deg2rad"] = "Lua function"
["random"] = "C function",
["frexp"] = "C function",
["tanh"] = "C function",
["floor"] = "C function",
["max"] = "C function",
["sqrt"] = "C function",
["modf"] = "C function",
["huge"] = inf,
["mod"] = "C function",
["pow"] = "C function",
["atan"] = "C function",
["tan"] = "C function",
["cos"] = "C function",
["log10"] = "C function",
["deg2rad"] = "Lua function",
["acos"] = "C function",
["abs"] = "C function",
["pi"] = 3.1415926535898,
["sinh"] = "C function",
["asin"] = "C function",
["min"] = "C function",
["deg"] = "C function",
["fmod"] = "C function",
["randomseed"] = "C function",
["atan2"] = "C function",
["ceil"] = "C function",
["sin"] = "C function",
["exp"] = "C function"
["Star"] = "<repeated table...>",
["coroutine"] = "<repeated table...>",
["EventQueue"] = {
["onShipEquipmentChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4ff7bc",
["onCargoUnload"] = "userdata: 0xa55255c",
["onShipDocked"] = "userdata: 0xa5259c4",
["onJettison"] = "userdata: 0xa54f324",
["onSongFinished"] = "userdata: 0xa51c64c",
["Connect"] = "C function",
["onShipUndocked"] = "userdata: 0xa52473c",
["onShipLanded"] = "userdata: 0xa57519c",
["onEnterSystem"] = "userdata: 0xa54fdc4",
["onShipFuelChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4eb514",
["onShipFlavourChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4e838c",
["isa"] = "C function",
["onFrameChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa544b2c",
["onUpdateBB"] = "userdata: 0xa548fcc",
["onShipCollided"] = "userdata: 0xa54936c",
["onShipDestroyed"] = "userdata: 0xa5370f4",
["onCreateBB"] = "userdata: 0xa52b58c",
["exists"] = "C function",
["onShipTakeOff"] = "userdata: 0xa4b7154",
["onShipAlertChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa5247ec",
["DebugTimer"] = "C function",
["Disconnect"] = "C function",
["onLeaveSystem"] = "userdata: 0xa53729c",
["onShipHit"] = "userdata: 0xa5533f4",
["onAICompleted"] = "userdata: 0xa4ef2d4",
["onGameStart"] = "userdata: 0xa51f6ec",
["onGameEnd"] = "userdata: 0xa54fbdc"
["UI"] = {
["Message"] = "C function",
["ImportantMessage"] = "C function"
["Player"] = {
["IsPlayer"] = "C function",
["SetMoney"] = "C function",
["GetCombatTarget"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["GetMoney"] = "C function",
["AddCrime"] = "C function",
["AddMission"] = "C function",
["RemoveMission"] = "C function",
["GetMission"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["AddMoney"] = "C function",
["SetNavTarget"] = "C function",
["GetNavTarget"] = "C function",
["SetCombatTarget"] = "C function",
["UpdateMission"] = "C function"
["debug"] = {
["getupvalue"] = "C function",
["debug"] = "C function",
["sethook"] = "C function",
["getmetatable"] = "C function",
["gethook"] = "C function",
["setmetatable"] = "C function",
["setlocal"] = "C function",
["traceback"] = "C function",
["setfenv"] = "C function",
["getinfo"] = "C function",
["setupvalue"] = "C function",
["getlocal"] = "C function",
["getregistry"] = "C function",
["getfenv"] = "C function"
["Ship"] = {
["SetSecondaryColour"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["GetDockedWith"] = "C function",
["GetEquipFree"] = "C function",
["SetShipType"] = "C function",
["SetHullPercent"] = "C function",
["HyperspaceTo"] = "C function",
["FireMissileAt"] = "C function",
["GetEquipCount"] = "C function",
["SetFuelPercent"] = "C function",
["CheckHyperspaceTo"] = "C function",
["GetEquipSlotCapacity"] = "C function",
["Undock"] = "C function",
["Explode"] = "C function",
["CancelAI"] = "C function",
["IsPlayer"] = "C function",
["AIEnterLowOrbit"] = "C function",
["AIDockWith"] = "C function",
["AddEquip"] = "C function",
["Jettison"] = "C function",
["SetPrimaryColour"] = "C function",
["AIEnterHighOrbit"] = "C function",
["AIKill"] = "C function",
["AIEnterMediumOrbit"] = "C function",
["GetStats"] = "C function",
["AIFlyTo"] = "C function",
["RemoveEquip"] = "C function",
["SetEquip"] = "C function",
["GetEquip"] = "C function",
["SetLabel"] = "C function",
["GetHyperspaceDetails"] = "C function"
["SystemBody"] = {
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function"
["SpaceStation"] = {
["isa"] = "C function",
["RemoveAdvert"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["AddAdvert"] = "C function",
["GetEquipmentPrice"] = "C function"
["ShipType"] = "<repeated table...>",
["StarSystem"] = {
["GetBodyPaths"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["GetNearbySystems"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["GetCommodityBasePriceAlterations"] = "C function",
["DistanceTo"] = "C function",
["IsCommodityLegal"] = "C function",
["GetStationPaths"] = "C function"
["SystemPath"] = "<repeated table...>",
["io"] = "<repeated table...>",
["ChatForm"] = {
["Clear"] = "C function",
["RemoveAdvertOnClose"] = "C function",
["Close"] = "C function",
["SetFace"] = "C function",
["SetMessage"] = "C function",
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function",
["GotoPolice"] = "C function",
["AddGoodsTrader"] = "C function",
["SetTitle"] = "C function",
["AddOption"] = "C function"
["EquipType"] = "<repeated table...>",
["Timer"] = "<repeated table...>",
["Music"] = {
["FadeOut"] = "C function",
["GetSongList"] = "C function",
["FadeIn"] = "C function",
["IsPlaying"] = "C function",
["GetSongName"] = "C function",
["Play"] = "C function",
["Stop"] = "C function"
["Lang"] = "<repeated table...>",
["Planet"] = {
["exists"] = "C function",
["isa"] = "C function"
["loaders"] = {
[1] = "C function",
[2] = "C function",
[3] = "C function",
[4] = "C function"
["cpath"] = "./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/",
["config"] = "/\
["path"] = "./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua",
["seeall"] = "C function"
["ships"] = {
[1] = "Adder",
[2] = "Asp Explorer",
[3] = "Boa Freighter",
[4] = "Caribou",
[5] = "Cobra Mk I",
[6] = "Cobra Mk III",
[7] = "Cobra Mk IV",
[8] = "Constrictor",
[9] = "E.Y.E",
[10] = "Eagle Long Range Fighter",
[11] = "Eagle MK-II",
[12] = "Eagle MK-III",
[13] = "Eagle MK-IV \"Bomber\"",
[14] = "Flowerfairy Heavy Trader",
[15] = "Hammerhead Heavy Freighter",
[16] = "Imperial Courier",
[17] = "Imperial Transporter",
[18] = "Interplanetary Shuttle",
[19] = "Ladybird Starfighter",
[20] = "Lanner",
[21] = "Natrix",
[22] = "Sidewinder",
[23] = "Sirius Interdictor",
[24] = "Stardust",
[25] = "Talon Military Interceptor",
[26] = "Turtle",
[27] = "Viper Defence Craft",
[28] = "Viper Police Craft",
[29] = "Viper X",
[30] = "Walrus",
[31] = "Wave Heavy Hypersonic Fighter"
["_VERSION"] = "Lua 5.1",
["ChatForm"] = "
Thanks. Its going to take a little while to go through that. I'm hoping to find in there the details of which system its trying to find starports in.
@johnbartholomew It occurs to me that we might want to have ToString()
-style methods for classes that are exposed to Lua, and have the core dumper call them so it doesn't just print userdata: 0xdeadbeef
. Just a thought.
If necessary I can send _quicksave, but can not find the way to go here.
Looks like quite a simple script error: the if statement on DeliverPackage.lua:394 is wrong; it should be checking whether the systems table is empty.
According to the information you posted, there are no nearby inhabited systems. Could you tell us what sector & system you're in?
Thanks for the report!
Depart from: Ioand 4,-8,-1 Destination: Inollia 6,-5,-2 Intermediate hops: Liaqu and Olur
I've reproduced this issue at Inollia. It didn't happen immediately when looking at the BB on Inollia, but happens if I leave time acceleration on.
Changing (config.ini) Vsync = 0 for 1 solves problem
This is nothing to do with VSync. I can reproduce with VSync=0 and with VSync=1.
has been reverted to the pre-alpha 20 code. The particular details of this crash likely no longer exist.
savefile version: 50 Error: [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range stack traceback: [C]: in function 'Integer' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: in function 'init' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570: in function 'makeAdvert'
Error: [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range stack traceback: [C]: in function 'Integer' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: in function 'init' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570: in function 'makeAdvert'
Updating 136fe23..dcc4390 (before too)
OS: Linux Ubuntu 11.10