pioneerspacesim / pioneer

A game of lonely space adventure
1.6k stars 362 forks source link

Error DeliverPackage.lua #1162

Closed walterar closed 12 years ago

walterar commented 12 years ago


savefile version: 50 Error: [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range stack traceback: [C]: in function 'Integer' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: in function 'init' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570: in function 'makeAdvert'

Error: [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range stack traceback: [C]: in function 'Integer' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: in function 'init' [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570: in function 'makeAdvert'

Updating 136fe23..dcc4390 (before too)

OS: Linux Ubuntu 11.10

robn commented 12 years ago

In your $HOME/.pioneer directory there's a file called lua-core-dump. Could you please post it?

walterar commented 12 years ago

[string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397: Max must be bigger than min in random number range


--[1]-- C function "Integer" (from method) Locals: (_temporary) = "userdata: 0xac69c2e4" (_temporary) = 1 (*temporary) = 0 --[2]-- Lua function "init" (from method) @ [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:397 currently on line 397 Locals: self = { } station = "userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc" urgency = 0.6 risk = 0 systems = { } Up-values: nearbySystems = { ["inhabited"] = { }, ["all"] = { [1] = "userdata: 0xaac02914", [2] = "userdata: 0xaac1005c", [3] = "userdata: 0xaac11c64", [4] = "userdata: 0xaac1385c", [5] = "userdata: 0xaa8c647c", [6] = "userdata: 0xab5b6e84", [7] = "userdata: 0xaac2234c", [8] = "userdata: 0xaac25cc4", [9] = "userdata: 0xaac27844", [10] = "userdata: 0xaa6d6dcc", [11] = "userdata: 0xaac7a26c", [12] = "userdata: 0xaac8490c", [13] = "userdata: 0xaac8f284", [14] = "userdata: 0xaac9248c", [15] = "userdata: 0xa9fc61a4", [16] = "userdata: 0xaa6937dc", [17] = "userdata: 0xaa948ab4", [18] = "userdata: 0xaa8f20d4", [19] = "userdata: 0xaa67b62c", [20] = "userdata: 0xab5754d4", [21] = "userdata: 0xaa59022c", [22] = "userdata: 0xaa5913b4", [23] = "userdata: 0xaa6d923c", [24] = "userdata: 0xaa64b484", [25] = "userdata: 0xaacb99d4", [26] = "userdata: 0xaacc3514", [27] = "userdata: 0xaa650fec", [28] = "userdata: 0xaa652d0c", [29] = "userdata: 0xaa8b1b0c", [30] = "userdata: 0xaa942ad4", [31] = "userdata: 0xaa8b5f34", [32] = "userdata: 0xaa8b6234", [33] = "userdata: 0xaa8b7eac", [34] = "userdata: 0xab591bd4", [35] = "userdata: 0xaa61bfec", [36] = "userdata: 0xab5960dc" } } Hyperclasses = { ["DRIVE_CLASS1"] = 1, ["DRIVE_CLASS6"] = 6, ["DRIVE_CLASS7"] = 7, ["DRIVE_CLASS8"] = 8, ["DRIVE_CLASS9"] = 9, ["DRIVE_CLASS5"] = 5, ["DRIVE_CLASS2"] = 2, ["DRIVE_CLASS3"] = 3, ["DRIVE_CLASS4"] = 4 } validateCapacity = "Lua function" roundup = "Lua function" --[3]-- Lua function "makeAdvert" (from upvalue) @ [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:570 currently on line 570 Locals: station = "userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc" bbcreate = false flavours = { ["successmsg"] = "Se le ha efectuado el pago completo por la entrega. Gracias.", ["adtext"] = "URGENTE. Se necesita una nave rápida para la entrega de un paquete en el sistema {system}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Es una propuesta de investigación y debe ser entregada en el plazo o no tendremos financiación.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Soy {name}. Y mi intención es pagar {cash} por una nave que transporte un paquete a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Creo que fui bastante claro con la fecha tope y estoy muy defraudado por la tardanza. No se le pagará.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.6 } flavour = 3 urgency = 0.6 risk = 0 ctr = { } Up-values: heavy_duty_check = "Lua function" makeInst = "Lua function" LocalCtr = { ["minacc"] = 107.14285714286, ["index"] = "", ["maxacc"] = 714.28571428571, ["equip"] = { ["wprice"] = 0, ["mass"] = 3, ["slots"] = { ["SCANNER"] = 1, ["ATMOSHIELD"] = 1, ["AUTOPILOT"] = 1 }, ["price"] = 2280 }, ["selectAcceleration"] = "Lua function", ["update"] = "Lua function", ["init"] = "Lua function" } ExternalCtr = { ["index"] = "", ["equip00"] = { ["wprice"] = 0, ["mass"] = 7, ["slots"] = { ["SCANNER"] = 1, ["AUTOPILOT"] = 1, ["ATMOSHIELD"] = 1, ["ENGINE"] = 1 }, ["price"] = 2980 }, ["equip02"] = { ["wprice"] = 650, ["mass"] = 9, ["slots"] = { ["SCANNER"] = 1, ["ATMOSHIELD"] = 1, ["AUTOPILOT"] = 1, ["LASER"] = 1, ["MISSILE"] = 2, ["ENGINE"] = 1 }, ["price"] = 2980 }, ["init"] = "Lua function", ["shipCosts"] = "Lua function", ["equip04"] = { ["wprice"] = 1145, ["mass"] = 12, ["slots"] = { ["SCANNER"] = 1, ["ATMOSHIELD"] = 1, ["AUTOPILOT"] = 1, ["LASER"] = 1, ["MISSILE"] = 3, ["ENGINE"] = 1 }, ["price"] = 2980 }, ["equip07"] = { ["wprice"] = 2345, ["mass"] = 19, ["slots"] = { ["SCANNER"] = 1, ["ATMOSHIELD"] = 1, ["AUTOPILOT"] = 1, ["LASER"] = 1, ["MISSILE"] = 4, ["ENGINE"] = 1 }, ["price"] = 2980 } } Advert = { ["__index"] = "", ["desc"] = "Lua function" } ads = { } onChat = "Lua function" onDelete = "Lua function" --[4]-- Lua function @ [string "modules/DeliverPackage/DeliverPackage.lua"]:606 currently on line 606 Locals: station = "userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc" delivery_flavours = { [1] = { ["successmsg"] = "Gracias por la entrega. Se le ha pagado al contado.", ["adtext"] = "VIAJA al sistema {system}? Se paga dinero por la entrega de un pequeño paquete.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Cuando una amiga me visitó se dejó algunas prendas y unos libros antiguos en papel. Me gustaría devolverselos.", ["introtext"] = "Hola, soy {name}. Le pagaré {cash} si entrega un pequeño paquete en {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Inaceptable! La entrega ha tardado una eternidad. No tengo intención de pagarle.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0 }, [2] = { ["successmsg"] = "El paquete se ha recibido y se le ha pagado lo acordado.", ["adtext"] = "SE BUSCA. Entrega de un paquete al sistema {system}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "No es nada especial.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Soy {name}. Tengo intención de pagar {cash} por una nave que transporte un paquete a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Estoy frustrado por la tardanza de mi paquete, me niego a pagarle.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.1 }, [3] = { ["successmsg"] = "Se le ha efectuado el pago completo por la entrega. Gracias.", ["adtext"] = "URGENTE. Se necesita una nave rápida para la entrega de un paquete en el sistema {system}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Es una propuesta de investigación y debe ser entregada en el plazo o no tendremos financiación.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Soy {name}. Y mi intención es pagar {cash} por una nave que transporte un paquete a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Creo que fui bastante claro con la fecha tope y estoy muy defraudado por la tardanza. No se le pagará.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.6 }, [4] = { ["successmsg"] = "Se aprecia su servicio discreto y a tiempo. Se le pagará en el acto.", ["adtext"] = "ENTREGA. Documentos al sistema {system}. {cash} para un piloto experimentado.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Ciertos documentos extremadamente sensibles han caido en mis manos, y tengo razones para creer que estoy bajo vigilancia.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Soy {name}. Tengo la intención de pagar {cash} por una nave que transporte una carga a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Inutil! No volveré a depender de usted en el futuro! Es innecesario decir que no se le pagará ni un crédito.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0.75, ["urgency"] = 0.4 }, [5] = { ["successmsg"] = "Se aprecia su entrega discreta y a tiempo. Se le ha transferido el monto completo.", ["adtext"] = "SERVICIO POSTAL. Se requiere una nave para una entrega en el sistema {system}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Estaríamos encantados de pagarle menos dinero.", ["introtext"] = "Saludos. Este es un mensaje automatizado de los Servicios de Mensajería Bedford y {name}. Pagamos {cash} por la carrera a {starport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorx}, {sectory}, {sectorz}).", ["failuremsg"] = "Se ha anotado el registro de su nave, vamos a rechazar cualquier solicitud de trabajo suya en el futuro.", ["localdelivery"] = 0, ["risk"] = 0.1, ["urgency"] = 0.1 }, [6] = { ["successmsg"] = "Oh maravilloso. Empezaré a desembalar inmediatamente. Gracias de nuevo.", ["adtext"] = "MUDANZA. Traslado de soportes físicos a {starport}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Es mucho? Debería replantearme la oferta!", ["introtext"] = "Encantado de conocerle. Soy {name} y estoy dispuesto a pagar {cash} a alguien con una nave que me ayude a trasladar mis pertenencias a {starport}. No hay prisa, no son más que algunos restos de la mudanza.", ["failuremsg"] = "Qué es esto? Oh, ha tardado tanto que me había olvidado de que lo había enviado!", ["localdelivery"] = 1, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.1 }, [7] = { ["successmsg"] = "Gracias por el paquete. Se le ha pagado el importe completo.", ["adtext"] = "MENSAJERO DE CORTA DISTANCIA. Entrega de un paquete pequeño en {starport}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "No creo que sea mucho.", ["introtext"] = "Qué hay. Soy {name} y pagaré {cash} por una nave que entregue este paquete en {starport}.", ["failuremsg"] = "Yo lo habría entregado mas rápido. No le voy a pagar.", ["localdelivery"] = 1, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.2 }, [8] = { ["successmsg"] = "Excelente, hemos añadido los fondos en su cuenta.", ["adtext"] = "CARGAMENTO INTERPLANETARIO. Transporte de carga local a {starport}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Las tarifas estandar, trabajamos con el mercado.", ["introtext"] = "Hola. Necesitamos estas cajas entregadas en {starport} tan pronto como sea posible. El pago estandar para este envío es de {cash}.", ["failuremsg"] = "Nuestros clientes no se van a alegrar de esto. No espere pago alguno.", ["localdelivery"] = 1, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.4 }, [9] = { ["successmsg"] = "Se aprecia su puntualidad, le he transferido lo pactado.", ["adtext"] = "ENTREGA INMEDIATA. Se requiere la entrega express de un objeto a {starport}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Es muy urgente.", ["introtext"] = "Mi nombre es {name} y necesito la entrega de este objeto a un amigo en {starport} pronto, Le pagaré {cash} créditos si lo tiene allí en un tiempo razonable.", ["failuremsg"] = "Las condiciones eran una rápida entrega! Me niego a pagarle por esto.", ["localdelivery"] = 1, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.6 }, [10] = { ["successmsg"] = "Magnífico! Empezaremos a desembalar urgentemente. Le actualizaré la cuenta inmediatamente.", ["adtext"] = "PAQUETE PENDIENTE. Envío urgente de alimentos perecederos a {starport}.", ["whysomuchtext"] = "Nuestro sustento depende de esto.", ["introtext"] = "Saludos, vamos retrasados con nuestro envio de productos y necesitamos entregarlos a {starport} urgentemente. Le pagaremos {cash} por las molestias.", ["failuremsg"] = "Está todo estropeado, No vale para nada! No podemos pagarle.", ["localdelivery"] = 1, ["risk"] = 0, ["urgency"] = 0.8 } } Up-values: updates = { ["userdata: 0xaa6f5ecc"] = 23011046.479585 } ads = { } makeAdvert = "Lua function"


{ ["Console"] = { ["AddLine"] = "C function" }, ["e"] = "userdata: 0xac0f059c", ["tostring"] = "C function", ["gcinfo"] = "C function", ["Constants"] = { ["MissionStatus"] = { [1] = "ACTIVE", [2] = "COMPLETED", [3] = "FAILED" }, ["ShipTypeThruster"] = { [1] = "REVERSE", [2] = "FORWARD", [3] = "UP", [4] = "DOWN", [5] = "LEFT", [6] = "RIGHT" }, ["PolitGovType"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "EARTHCOLONIAL", [3] = "EARTHDEMOC", [4] = "EMPIRERULE", [5] = "CISLIBDEM", [6] = "CISSOCDEM", [7] = "LIBDEM", [8] = "CORPORATE", [9] = "SOCDEM", [10] = "EARTHMILDICT", [11] = "MILDICT1", [12] = "MILDICT2", [13] = "EMPIREMILDICT", [14] = "COMMUNIST", [15] = "PLUTOCRATIC", [16] = "DISORDER" }, ["EquipSlot"] = { [1] = "CARGO", [2] = "ENGINE", [3] = "LASER", [4] = "MISSILE", [5] = "ECM", [6] = "SCANNER", [7] = "RADARMAPPER", [8] = "HYPERCLOUD", [9] = "HULLAUTOREPAIR", [10] = "ENERGYBOOSTER", [11] = "CABIN", [12] = "SHIELD", [13] = "ATMOSHIELD", [14] = "FUELSCOOP", [15] = "CARGOSCOOP", [16] = "LASERCOOLER", [17] = "CARGOLIFESUPPORT", [18] = "AUTOPILOT" }, ["BodyType"] = { [1] = "GRAVPOINT", [2] = "BROWN_DWARF", [3] = "WHITE_DWARF", [4] = "STAR_M", [5] = "STAR_K", [6] = "STAR_G", [7] = "STAR_F", [8] = "STAR_A", [9] = "STAR_B", [10] = "STAR_O", [11] = "STAR_M_GIANT", [12] = "STAR_K_GIANT", [13] = "STAR_G_GIANT", [14] = "STAR_F_GIANT", [15] = "STAR_A_GIANT", [16] = "STAR_B_GIANT", [17] = "STAR_O_GIANT", [18] = "STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT", [19] = "STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT", [20] = "STAR_G_SUPER_GIANT", [21] = "STAR_F_SUPER_GIANT", [22] = "STAR_A_SUPER_GIANT", [23] = "STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT", [24] = "STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT", [25] = "STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT", [26] = "STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT", [27] = "STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT", [28] = "STAR_F_HYPER_GIANT", [29] = "STAR_A_HYPER_GIANT", [30] = "STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT", [31] = "STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT", [32] = "STAR_M_WF", [33] = "STAR_B_WF", [34] = "STAR_O_WF", [35] = "STAR_S_BH", [36] = "STAR_IM_BH", [37] = "STAR_SM_BH", [38] = "PLANET_GAS_GIANT", [39] = "PLANET_ASTEROID", [40] = "PLANET_TERRESTRIAL", [41] = "STARPORT_ORBITAL", [42] = "STARPORT_SURFACE" }, ["ShipFlightState"] = { [1] = "FLYING", [2] = "DOCKING", [3] = "DOCKED", [4] = "LANDED", [5] = "HYPERSPACE" }, ["EquipType"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "HYDROGEN", [3] = "LIQUID_OXYGEN", [4] = "METAL_ORE", [5] = "CARBON_ORE", [6] = "METAL_ALLOYS", [7] = "PLASTICS", [8] = "FRUIT_AND_VEG", [9] = "ANIMAL_MEAT", [10] = "LIVE_ANIMALS", [11] = "LIQUOR", [12] = "GRAIN", [13] = "TEXTILES", [14] = "FERTILIZER", [15] = "WATER", [16] = "MEDICINES", [17] = "CONSUMER_GOODS", [18] = "COMPUTERS", [19] = "ROBOTS", [20] = "PRECIOUS_METALS", [21] = "INDUSTRIAL_MACHINERY", [22] = "FARM_MACHINERY", [23] = "MINING_MACHINERY", [24] = "AIR_PROCESSORS", [25] = "SLAVES", [26] = "HAND_WEAPONS", [27] = "BATTLE_WEAPONS", [28] = "NERVE_GAS", [29] = "NARCOTICS", [30] = "MILITARY_FUEL", [31] = "RUBBISH", [32] = "RADIOACTIVES", [33] = "MISSILE_UNGUIDED", [34] = "MISSILE_GUIDED", [35] = "MISSILE_SMART", [36] = "MISSILE_NAVAL", [37] = "ATMOSPHERIC_SHIELDING", [38] = "ECM_BASIC", [39] = "SCANNER", [40] = "ECM_ADVANCED", [41] = "UNOCCUPIED_CABIN", [42] = "PASSENGER_CABIN", [43] = "SHIELD_GENERATOR", [44] = "LASER_COOLING_BOOSTER", [45] = "CARGO_LIFE_SUPPORT", [46] = "AUTOPILOT", [47] = "RADAR_MAPPER", [48] = "FUEL_SCOOP", [49] = "CARGO_SCOOP", [50] = "HYPERCLOUD_ANALYZER", [51] = "HULL_AUTOREPAIR", [52] = "SHIELD_ENERGY_BOOSTER", [53] = "DRIVE_CLASS1", [54] = "DRIVE_CLASS2", [55] = "DRIVE_CLASS3", [56] = "DRIVE_CLASS4", [57] = "DRIVE_CLASS5", [58] = "DRIVE_CLASS6", [59] = "DRIVE_CLASS7", [60] = "DRIVE_CLASS8", [61] = "DRIVE_CLASS9", [62] = "DRIVE_MIL1", [63] = "DRIVE_MIL2", [64] = "DRIVE_MIL3", [65] = "DRIVE_MIL4", [66] = "PULSECANNON_1MW", [67] = "PULSECANNON_DUAL_1MW", [68] = "PULSECANNON_2MW", [69] = "PULSECANNON_RAPID_2MW", [70] = "PULSECANNON_4MW", [71] = "PULSECANNON_10MW", [72] = "PULSECANNON_20MW", [73] = "MININGCANNON_17MW", [74] = "SMALL_PLASMA_ACCEL", [75] = "LARGE_PLASMA_ACCEL" }, ["ShipAlertStatus"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "SHIP_NEARBY", [3] = "SHIP_FIRING" }, ["ShipJumpStatus"] = { [1] = "OK", [2] = "CURRENT_SYSTEM", [3] = "NO_DRIVE", [4] = "DRIVE_ACTIVE", [5] = "OUT_OF_RANGE", [6] = "INSUFFICIENT_FUEL", [7] = "SAFETY_LOCKOUT" }, ["ShipFuelStatus"] = { [1] = "OK", [2] = "WARNING", [3] = "EMPTY" }, ["PolitEcon"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "VERY_CAPITALIST", [3] = "CAPITALIST", [4] = "MIXED", [5] = "PLANNED" }, ["BodySuperType"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "STAR", [3] = "ROCKY_PLANET", [4] = "GAS_GIANT", [5] = "STARPORT" }, ["PolitBloc"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "EARTHFED", [3] = "CIS", [4] = "EMPIRE" }, ["ShipTypeTag"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "SHIP", [3] = "STATIC_SHIP", [4] = "MISSILE" }, ["SpaceStationAnimation"] = { [1] = "DOCKING_BAY_1", [2] = "DOCKING_BAY_2", [3] = "DOCKING_BAY_3", [4] = "DOCKING_BAY_4" }, ["PolitCrime"] = { [1] = "TRADING_ILLEGAL_GOODS", [2] = "WEAPON_DISCHARGE", [3] = "PIRACY", [4] = "MURDER" }, ["ShipAIError"] = { [1] = "NONE", [2] = "GRAV_TOO_HIGH", [3] = "REFUSED_PERM", [4] = "ORBIT_IMPOSSIBLE" }, ["ShipAnimation"] = { [1] = "WHEEL_STATE" } }, ["os"] = { ["exit"] = "C function", ["setlocale"] = "C function", ["date"] = "C function", ["getenv"] = "C function", ["difftime"] = "C function", ["remove"] = "C function", ["time"] = "C function", ["clock"] = "C function", ["tmpname"] = "C function", ["rename"] = "C function", ["execute"] = "C function" }, ["Star"] = { ["exists"] = "C function", ["isa"] = "C function" }, ["getfenv"] = "C function", ["pairs"] = "C function", ["ShipType"] = { ["isa"] = "C function", ["GetShipType"] = "C function", ["exists"] = "C function", ["GetEquipSlotCapacity"] = "C function", ["GetShipTypes"] = "C function", ["GetLinearThrust"] = "C function" }, ["tonumber"] = "C function", ["SystemPath"] = { ["SectorOnly"] = "C function", ["IsSameSystem"] = "C function", ["GetSystemBody"] = "C function", ["SystemOnly"] = "C function", ["IsSameSector"] = "C function", ["GetStarSystem"] = "C function", ["DistanceTo"] = "C function", ["exists"] = "C function", ["isa"] = "C function", ["New"] = "C function" }, ["io"] = { ["lines"] = "C function", ["write"] = "C function", ["close"] = "C function", ["flush"] = "C function", ["open"] = "C function", ["output"] = "C function", ["type"] = "C function", ["read"] = "C function", ["stderr"] = "file (0xb736f460)", ["stdin"] = "file (0xb736f5a0)", ["input"] = "C function", ["stdout"] = "file (0xb736f500)", ["popen"] = "C function", ["tmpfile"] = "C function" }, ["load"] = "C function", ["module"] = "C function", ["Serializer"] = { ["isa"] = "C function", ["exists"] = "C function", ["Register"] = "C function" }, ["_G"] = "", ["EquipType"] = { ["isa"] = "C function", ["GetEquipTypes"] = "C function", ["exists"] = "C function", ["GetEquipType"] = "C function" }, ["Format"] = { ["Date"] = "C function", ["Distance"] = "C function", ["Money"] = "C function" }, ["coroutine"] = { ["resume"] = "C function", ["yield"] = "C function", ["status"] = "C function", ["wrap"] = "C function", ["create"] = "C function", ["running"] = "C function" }, ["loadstring"] = "C function", ["Timer"] = { ["isa"] = "C function", ["CallAt"] = "C function", ["exists"] = "C function", ["CallEvery"] = "C function" }, ["Game"] = {

}, ["Lang"] = { ["GetCoreLanguages"] = "C function", ["GetCurrentLanguage"] = "C function", ["GetDictionary"] = "C function" }, ["PersistentCharacters"] = { ["player"] = { ["female"] = true, ["player"] = true, ["name"] = "Peter Jameson", ["seed"] = 1073118834, ["armour"] = false } }, ["string"] = { ["sub"] = "C function", ["gmatch"] = "C function", ["upper"] = "C function", ["len"] = "C function", ["gfind"] = "C function", ["rep"] = "C function", ["find"] = "C function", ["match"] = "C function", ["char"] = "C function", ["dump"] = "C function", ["interp"] = "Lua function", ["reverse"] = "C function", ["byte"] = "C function", ["format"] = "C function", ["gsub"] = "C function", ["lower"] = "C function" }, ["xpcall"] = "C function", ["package"] = { ["preload"] = {

["loadlib"] = "C function",
["loaded"] = {
  ["Rand"] = {
    ["Number"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["Integer"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["New"] = "C function"
  ["string"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["Serializer"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["Console"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["package"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["_G"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["CargoBody"] = {
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function"
  ["Body"] = {
    ["DistanceTo"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["IsDynamic"] = "C function"
  ["Space"] = {
    ["GetBodies"] = "C function",
    ["SpawnShip"] = "C function",
    ["SpawnShipParked"] = "C function",
    ["GetBody"] = "C function",
    ["SpawnShipDocked"] = "C function",
    ["SpawnShipNear"] = "C function"
  ["Format"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["os"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["table"] = {
    ["setn"] = "C function",
    ["insert"] = "C function",
    ["getn"] = "C function",
    ["foreachi"] = "C function",
    ["maxn"] = "C function",
    ["foreach"] = "C function",
    ["concat"] = "C function",
    ["sort"] = "C function",
    ["remove"] = "C function"
  ["math"] = {
    ["log"] = "C function",
    ["ldexp"] = "C function",
    ["rad"] = "C function",
    ["cosh"] = "C function",
    ["fixed"] = {
      ["deg2rad"] = "Lua function"
    ["random"] = "C function",
    ["frexp"] = "C function",
    ["tanh"] = "C function",
    ["floor"] = "C function",
    ["max"] = "C function",
    ["sqrt"] = "C function",
    ["modf"] = "C function",
    ["huge"] = inf,
    ["mod"] = "C function",
    ["pow"] = "C function",
    ["atan"] = "C function",
    ["tan"] = "C function",
    ["cos"] = "C function",
    ["log10"] = "C function",
    ["deg2rad"] = "Lua function",
    ["acos"] = "C function",
    ["abs"] = "C function",
    ["pi"] = 3.1415926535898,
    ["sinh"] = "C function",
    ["asin"] = "C function",
    ["min"] = "C function",
    ["deg"] = "C function",
    ["fmod"] = "C function",
    ["randomseed"] = "C function",
    ["atan2"] = "C function",
    ["ceil"] = "C function",
    ["sin"] = "C function",
    ["exp"] = "C function"
  ["Star"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["coroutine"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["EventQueue"] = {
    ["onShipEquipmentChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4ff7bc",
    ["onCargoUnload"] = "userdata: 0xa55255c",
    ["onShipDocked"] = "userdata: 0xa5259c4",
    ["onJettison"] = "userdata: 0xa54f324",
    ["onSongFinished"] = "userdata: 0xa51c64c",
    ["Connect"] = "C function",
    ["onShipUndocked"] = "userdata: 0xa52473c",
    ["onShipLanded"] = "userdata: 0xa57519c",
    ["onEnterSystem"] = "userdata: 0xa54fdc4",
    ["onShipFuelChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4eb514",
    ["onShipFlavourChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa4e838c",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["onFrameChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa544b2c",
    ["onUpdateBB"] = "userdata: 0xa548fcc",
    ["onShipCollided"] = "userdata: 0xa54936c",
    ["onShipDestroyed"] = "userdata: 0xa5370f4",
    ["onCreateBB"] = "userdata: 0xa52b58c",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["onShipTakeOff"] = "userdata: 0xa4b7154",
    ["onShipAlertChanged"] = "userdata: 0xa5247ec",
    ["DebugTimer"] = "C function",
    ["Disconnect"] = "C function",
    ["onLeaveSystem"] = "userdata: 0xa53729c",
    ["onShipHit"] = "userdata: 0xa5533f4",
    ["onAICompleted"] = "userdata: 0xa4ef2d4",
    ["onGameStart"] = "userdata: 0xa51f6ec",
    ["onGameEnd"] = "userdata: 0xa54fbdc"
  ["UI"] = {
    ["Message"] = "C function",
    ["ImportantMessage"] = "C function"
  ["Player"] = {
    ["IsPlayer"] = "C function",
    ["SetMoney"] = "C function",
    ["GetCombatTarget"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["GetMoney"] = "C function",
    ["AddCrime"] = "C function",
    ["AddMission"] = "C function",
    ["RemoveMission"] = "C function",
    ["GetMission"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["AddMoney"] = "C function",
    ["SetNavTarget"] = "C function",
    ["GetNavTarget"] = "C function",
    ["SetCombatTarget"] = "C function",
    ["UpdateMission"] = "C function"
  ["debug"] = {
    ["getupvalue"] = "C function",
    ["debug"] = "C function",
    ["sethook"] = "C function",
    ["getmetatable"] = "C function",
    ["gethook"] = "C function",
    ["setmetatable"] = "C function",
    ["setlocal"] = "C function",
    ["traceback"] = "C function",
    ["setfenv"] = "C function",
    ["getinfo"] = "C function",
    ["setupvalue"] = "C function",
    ["getlocal"] = "C function",
    ["getregistry"] = "C function",
    ["getfenv"] = "C function"
  ["Ship"] = {
    ["SetSecondaryColour"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["GetDockedWith"] = "C function",
    ["GetEquipFree"] = "C function",
    ["SetShipType"] = "C function",
    ["SetHullPercent"] = "C function",
    ["HyperspaceTo"] = "C function",
    ["FireMissileAt"] = "C function",
    ["GetEquipCount"] = "C function",
    ["SetFuelPercent"] = "C function",
    ["CheckHyperspaceTo"] = "C function",
    ["GetEquipSlotCapacity"] = "C function",
    ["Undock"] = "C function",
    ["Explode"] = "C function",
    ["CancelAI"] = "C function",
    ["IsPlayer"] = "C function",
    ["AIEnterLowOrbit"] = "C function",
    ["AIDockWith"] = "C function",
    ["AddEquip"] = "C function",
    ["Jettison"] = "C function",
    ["SetPrimaryColour"] = "C function",
    ["AIEnterHighOrbit"] = "C function",
    ["AIKill"] = "C function",
    ["AIEnterMediumOrbit"] = "C function",
    ["GetStats"] = "C function",
    ["AIFlyTo"] = "C function",
    ["RemoveEquip"] = "C function",
    ["SetEquip"] = "C function",
    ["GetEquip"] = "C function",
    ["SetLabel"] = "C function",
    ["GetHyperspaceDetails"] = "C function"
  ["SystemBody"] = {
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function"
  ["SpaceStation"] = {
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["RemoveAdvert"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["AddAdvert"] = "C function",
    ["GetEquipmentPrice"] = "C function"
  ["ShipType"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["StarSystem"] = {
    ["GetBodyPaths"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["GetNearbySystems"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["GetCommodityBasePriceAlterations"] = "C function",
    ["DistanceTo"] = "C function",
    ["IsCommodityLegal"] = "C function",
    ["GetStationPaths"] = "C function"
  ["SystemPath"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["io"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["ChatForm"] = {
    ["Clear"] = "C function",
    ["RemoveAdvertOnClose"] = "C function",
    ["Close"] = "C function",
    ["SetFace"] = "C function",
    ["SetMessage"] = "C function",
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function",
    ["GotoPolice"] = "C function",
    ["AddGoodsTrader"] = "C function",
    ["SetTitle"] = "C function",
    ["AddOption"] = "C function"
  ["EquipType"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["Timer"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["Music"] = {
    ["FadeOut"] = "C function",
    ["GetSongList"] = "C function",
    ["FadeIn"] = "C function",
    ["IsPlaying"] = "C function",
    ["GetSongName"] = "C function",
    ["Play"] = "C function",
    ["Stop"] = "C function"
  ["Lang"] = "<repeated table...>",
  ["Planet"] = {
    ["exists"] = "C function",
    ["isa"] = "C function"
["loaders"] = {
  [1] = "C function",
  [2] = "C function",
  [3] = "C function",
  [4] = "C function"
["cpath"] = "./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/",
["config"] = "/\

;\ ?\ !\ -", ["path"] = "./?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?/init.lua", ["seeall"] = "C function" }, ["ships"] = { [1] = "Adder", [2] = "Asp Explorer", [3] = "Boa Freighter", [4] = "Caribou", [5] = "Cobra Mk I", [6] = "Cobra Mk III", [7] = "Cobra Mk IV", [8] = "Constrictor", [9] = "E.Y.E", [10] = "Eagle Long Range Fighter", [11] = "Eagle MK-II", [12] = "Eagle MK-III", [13] = "Eagle MK-IV \"Bomber\"", [14] = "Flowerfairy Heavy Trader", [15] = "Hammerhead Heavy Freighter", [16] = "Imperial Courier", [17] = "Imperial Transporter", [18] = "Interplanetary Shuttle", [19] = "Ladybird Starfighter", [20] = "Lanner", [21] = "Natrix", [22] = "Sidewinder", [23] = "Sirius Interdictor", [24] = "Stardust", [25] = "Talon Military Interceptor", [26] = "Turtle", [27] = "Viper Defence Craft", [28] = "Viper Police Craft", [29] = "Viper X", [30] = "Walrus", [31] = "Wave Heavy Hypersonic Fighter" }, ["_VERSION"] = "Lua 5.1", ["ChatForm"] = "", ["table"] = "", ["Planet"] = "", ["require"] = "C function", ["setmetatable"] = "C function", ["next"] = "C function", ["SpaceStation"] = "", ["ipairs"] = "C function", ["fl"] = "file (0xa9eddf90)", ["rawequal"] = "C function", ["station"] = "userdata: 0xaa453ef4", ["collectgarbage"] = "C function", ["Translate"] = { ["GetTranslator"] = "Lua function", ["dictionary"] = { ["Italiano"] = { ["Cannot compensate for local gravity"] = "Impossibile Compensare la gravità locale", ["Cannot compute orbit parameters"] = "Impossibile calcolare i parametri orbitali", ["Starport refused docking permission"] = "Permesso di attraccare rifiutato" }, ["Spanish"] = { ["COMMA_HIGHLY_VOLCANIC"] = ", altamente volcánico", ["WHEELS_ARE_UP"] = "Tren de aterrizaje arriba", ["STAR_AF_SUPER_GIANT"] = "Supergigante blanca", ["EARTH_FEDERATION"] = "Federación Terrestre", ["PIONEER"] = "PIONERO", ["How soon must it be done?"] = "De cuanto tiempo dispongo?", ["ORBITAL_STARPORT"] = "Puerto Orbital", ["Apply for membership"] = "Deseo asociarme", ["ALT"] = "alt ", ["STAR_K"] = "Estrella Naranja tipo 'K'", ["PRICE"] = "Precio", ["VIDEO_RESOLUTION"] = "Resolución de video (Reiniciar para aplicar)", ["MISSIONS"] = "Tareas", ["STATUS"] = "Estado", ["LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_BUSY"] = "Autorización para despegar denegada: Bahía ocupada.", ["REQUEST_DOCKING_CLEARANCE"] = "Solicitar autorización para atracar", ["LARGE_GAS_GIANT"] = "Gigante gaseoso masivo", ["HYPERSPACE_RANGE_LADEN"] = "Autonomía Hiperespacial (Carga completa):", ["OUTER_ARM"] = "Brazo Exterior", ["WEIGHT_EMPTY"] = "Peso en vacío", ["STAR_B"] = "Brillante azul tipo 'B'", ["FORWARD_ACCEL_EMPTY"] = "Aceleración (Vacío)", ["WEAPON_TEMP"] = "Temperat. Armas", ["PULSECANNON_RAPID_2MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos rápido 2MW", ["TEXTILES"] = "Textiles", ["TOGGLE_SCAN_MODE"] = "Encender Radar 3D", ["JOYSTICK_INPUT"] = "Joystick", ["TRADER_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY"] = "El comerciante no dispone de crédito", ["We want to be there before "] = "Queremos llegar antes de ", ["VOL_EFFECTS"] = "Efectos:", ["LOCKED"] = "Fijado", ["STAR_G_GIANT"] = "Gigante amarilla - Inestable", ["A_FEW_THOUSAND"] = "Solo unos pocos miles", ["METAL_ALLOYS"] = "Aleación de metales", ["HULL_INTEGRITY"] = "Estado del Casco", ["NUMBER_G"] = "%acceleration{f.1} G", ["FRUIT_AND_VEG"] = "Frutas y Verduras", ["COMPUTER_HEADING_CONTROL"] = "Asistencia direccional", ["PROBABILITY_OF_ARRIVAL_X_PERCENT"] = "Completado: %probability%%", ["ECM_BASIC"] = "Sistema ECM", ["SMALL_GAS_GIANT"] = "Gigante gaseoso pequeño", ["Will I be in any danger?"] = "¿Hay algún peligro?", ["DOCKED"] = "Atracado", ["SAGITTARIUS_ARM"] = "Brazo Sagitario", ["ZOOM_OUT"] = "Alejar", ["ECM_ADVANCED"] = "Sistema ECM avanzado", ["EARTH_FEDERATION_DEMOCRACY"] = "Democracia de la Federación Terrestre", ["OVER_N_BILLION"] = "Alrededor de %population mil millones", ["REPAIR_ENTIRE_HULL"] = "Reparar daño completo del casco (%repairpercent{f.1}%%)", ["THRUSTER_RETRO"] = "Retroimpulso", ["AND_INDIGENOUS_PLANT_LIFE"] = " y vida vegetal indígena.", ["CAPACITY"] = "Capacidad", ["STAR_SYSTEM_INFORMATION"] = "Info del Sistema Estelar", ["ECONOMIC_INFO"] = "Info Económica", ["Y"] = "Y", ["X"] = "X", ["Z"] = "Z", ["SELECT_FILENAME_TO_LOAD"] = "Seleccione un archivo para cargar", ["You do not have a drive to service!"] = "No dispone de motor para revisar!", ["ANIMAL_MEAT"] = "Carne animal", ["DRIVE_CLASS7"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C7", ["MASS"] = "Masa", ["TOMBSTONE_EPITAPH"] = "RIP VIEJO AMIGO", ["H_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Hidrógeno", ["X_BY_X"] = "%{x}x%{y}", ["OBJECT_LABELS_ARE_OFF"] = "Etiquetas desactivadas", ["COMMS_LINK"] = "Comunicaciones", ["X_SHIELD_GENERATORS"] = "%quantity generadores de escudo", ["WE_HAVE_NO_BUSINESS_WITH_YOU"] = "Por ahora está limpio.", ["COMPETENT"] = "Competente", ["STOCK"] = "Stock", ["INDUSTRIAL_COLONY"] = "Colonia industrial.", ["MOUSE_INPUT"] = "Mouse", ["SOLD_1T_OF"] = "Ha vendido 1t de %commodity.", ["MESSAGE_FROM_X"] = "Mensaje de %sender:", ["N_DAYS"] = "%days{f.1} días", ["ENABLED_AUTOMATIC_SYSTEM_SELECTION"] = "Selección automática de sistema encendido.", ["SMALL_SCALE_PROSPECTING_NO_SETTLEMENTS"] = "Sin asentamientos.", ["NORMA_ARM"] = "Brazo Norma", ["SOMEWHERE_COMMODITIES_MARKET"] = "Mercado de productos %station", ["STAR_A"] = "Caliente blanca tipo 'A'", ["LANDED"] = "Posado", ["FINE_PAID_N"] = "Ha pagado la multa de %fine.", ["N_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Nitrógeno", ["LASER_FIRE_DETECTED"] = "Disparo de laser detectado.", ["SHIP_VELOCITY_BY_REFERENCE_OBJECT"] = "Vector de velocidad relativo al objeto", ["SAVE_THE_GAME"] = "[S] Salvar Juego", ["SHIP_INFORMATION"] = "Info de la nave", ["S_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Azufre", ["NO_ESTABLISHED_ORDER"] = "Sin orden establecido", ["BROWN_DWARF"] = "Enana marrón (objeto subestelar)", ["UNOCCUPIED_CABIN"] = "Cabina extra de pasajeros", ["REAR"] = "Popa", ["MEDIUM"] = "Medio", ["RADIUS"] = "Radio", ["COMPUTERS"] = "Computadoras", ["THRUSTER_MAIN"] = "Impulso adelante", ["SHIP_INFORMATION_HEADER"] = "INFO DE NAVE: ", ["GRAIN"] = "Cereales", ["SPACESTATION_LONG_WELCOME_MESSAGE"] = "Saludos viajero. Bienvenido. Si es su primera visita no dude en conocer a los residentes. Esperamos que disfrute de su estancia. \ \ Recuerde que hay continuos cambios, probablemente lo notará entre visitas.", ["X_PASSENGER_CABINS"] = "%quantity cabinas de pasajeros ocupadas", ["EXTERNAL_VIEW"] = "Vista externa", ["ASTEROID"] = "Asteroide", ["CARGO_SCOOP_DESCRIPTION"] = "Permite recoger carga en el espacio.", ["SHIP_ORIENTATION"] = "Orientación", ["PULSECANNON_20MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos 20MW", ["HYDROGEN"] = "Hidrógeno", ["DOCKING"] = "Maniobra de Puerto", ["UNOCCUPIED_CABIN_DESCRIPTION"] = "Para el transporte de un pasajero", ["CANT_SAVE_IN_HYPERSPACE"] = "No es posible salvar estando en hiperespacio", ["N_CELSIUS"] = "%temperature C", ["UNEXPLORED_SYSTEM_NO_SYSTEM_VIEW"] = "Sistema inexplorado. Sin más datos.", ["ATMOSPHERIC_SHIELDING_DESCRIPTION"] = "Protege su nave de las altas temperaturas durante la reentrada atmosférica.", ["POOR"] = "Pobre", ["VERY_DENSE"] = "muy densa", ["PLANET_DETAIL_DISTANCE"] = "Detalle planetario:", ["COMMS"] = "Sistema de Comunicaciones", ["CRIMINAL_RECORD"] = "REGISTRO DELICTIVO:", ["MINING_MACHINERY"] = "Maquinaria minera", ["PULSECANNON_2MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos 2MW", ["VERY_LARGE_GAS_GIANT"] = "Gigante gaseoso supermasivo", ["STAR_AF_GIANT"] = "Gigante blanca", ["WATER"] = "Agua", ["AUTOPILOT"] = "Piloto automático", ["STAR_IM_BH"] = "Agujero Negro de masa intermedia", ["REMOVE_FROM_WHICH_MOUNT"] = "Desmontar laser de qué soporte?", ["VID_LINK_ESTABLISHED"] = "Videoconexión establecida", ["WEAPONS"] = "Armamento", ["SYSTEM"] = "Sistema", ["VOL_MASTER"] = "Master:", ["WELCOME_TO_MARKET"] = "Bienvenido al mercado de productos de %station", ["HIGHLY_VOLCANIC"] = "Altamente volcánico", ["REFUEL"] = "Recarga Propelente", ["HYPERSPACING_IN_N_SECONDS"] = "Hiperespacio en %countdown{f.0} segundos", ["HUD"] = "HUD", ["SOMEWHERE_POLICE"] = "Policía de %station", ["TIME_POINT"] = "Eje de tiempo:", ["CARGO_N"] = "Carga: %{mass}t", ["LOAD_A_GAME"] = "[L] Cargar Juego", ["It must be delivered by "] = "La fecha de entrega es ", ["ALERT_CANCELLED"] = "Alerta cancelada.", ["HYPERSPACE_ARRIVAL_CLOUD"] = "Nube hiperespacial de llegada", ["HEADING_LOCK_BACKWARD"] = "Traba dir. reversa", ["CLEARANCE_DENIED_NO_BAYS"] = "Autorización denegada. Todas las Bahías ocupados.", ["ECM_ADVANCED_DESCRIPTION"] = "Sistema de defensa electrónico de contramedidas, capaz de neutralizar un tipo mas avanzado de misiles guiados.", ["CARGO_SPACE"] = "Carga", ["DUE"] = "Fecha límite", ["BUY_THIS_SHIP"] = "Permutar", ["CARGO_INVENTORY"] = "Inventario de carga:", ["PIRATE_TAUNTS"] = { [1] = "Vas a lamentar hacer tratos con {client}", [2] = "¿Tienes a {client} a bordo? Esa fue una estúpida idea", [3] = "¡Hoy no es tu día de suerte! Prepárate a morir, rata inmunda.", [4] = "¡Usted no va a llegar a destino!" }, ["BODIES"] = "Cuerpos", ["MM_START_NEW_GAME_LAVE"] = "Juego Nuevo en Lave", ["AIR_PROCESSORS"] = "Purificadores de aire", ["SMALL_INDUSTRIAL_OUTPOST"] = "Puesto industrial.", ["LEGAL_STATUS"] = "Estado legal", ["VID_CONNECTING"] = "Conectando...", ["PULSECANNON_DUAL_1MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos doble 1MW", ["SCANNER_CONTROL"] = "Control de Radar 3D", ["SIMULATING_UNIVERSE_EVOLUTION_N_BYEARS"] = "Simulando la evolución del universo: %age{f.1} mil millones de años ;-)", ["We will only dispose of as many tonnes of {radioactives} as you have bought tonnes of {military_fuel} from us."] = "Sólo se aplicará a los {radioactives} producidos por el {military_fuel} comprado al Club.", ["NARCOTICS"] = "Narcóticos", ["MIXED_ECONOMY"] = "Economía mixta", ["CARGO_SCOOP"] = "Recolector de carga", ["STARPORT"] = "Puerto Estelar", ["STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT"] = "Supergigante roja", ["FUEL_SCOOP"] = "Recolector de combustible", ["DRIVE_CLASS9"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C9", ["SYSTEM_NUMBER"] = "Número de Sistema:", ["USE_LOW_THRUST"] = "Bajar potencia", ["AXIAL_TILT"] = "Inclinación", ["Taxi"] = "Taxi", ["MISSILE_GUIDED"] = "Misil guiado", ["CONTROLS"] = "Controles", ["DRIVE_MIL3"] = "Hipermotor Tipo M3", ["DAY_LENGTH"] = "Duración del día", ["PITCH"] = "Cabecear", ["DRIVE_CLASS4"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C4", ["MINOR_EXPORTS"] = "Exportaciones secundarias:", ["INDUSTRIAL_HUB_SYSTEM"] = "Polo industrial.", ["NAME"] = "Nombre", ["DISTANCE_FROM_SHIP_TO_NAV_TARGET"] = "Distancia desde la nave al objetivo", ["MASSIVE"] = "Masivo", ["HULL_AUTOREPAIR"] = "Sistema de autoreparación del casco", ["AXIS"] = " Ejes", ["MILITARY_FUEL"] = "Combustible militar", ["STAR_F"] = "Estrella Blanca tipo 'F'", ["It must be done after {target} leaves {spaceport}. Do not miss this opportunity."] = "Se debe actuar cuando {target} parta de {spaceport}. No pierda esta oportunidad.", ["SHIP_EQUIPMENT"] = "Equipamiento", ["STAR_AF_HYPER_GIANT"] = "Hipergigante blanca", ["GAME_SAVED_TO"] = "Juego guardado en ", ["PLANET_CONTAINING_LIQUID_WATER"] = " Planeta con agua líquida", ["REWARD"] = "Pago acordado", ["POPULATION"] = "Habitantes:", ["NO_MOUNTING"] = "No montada", ["COUNT_STARPORTS"] = "puertos estelares", ["REQUEST_LAUNCH"] = "Solicitar Lanzamiento", ["MINING_COLONY"] = "Colonia minera.", ["THIN"] = "delgada", ["VAST_STRIP_MINE"] = "Colonia minera masiva.", ["FINE_PAID_N_BUT_N_REMAINING"] = "Ha pagado %paid pero aun tiene una multa pendiente de %fine.", ["DECREASE_SCAN_RANGE"] = "Reducir rango Radar 3D", ["Could you repeat the original request?"] = "¿Podría repetir la solicitud original?", ["AUTOPILOT_ENTER_HIGH_ORBIT_AROUND"] = "Establecer órbita alta alrededor de %target", ["LIBERAL_DEMOCRACY"] = "Democracia liberal", ["USE_SHADERS"] = "Usar Shaders (Reiniciar para aplicar)", ["EMPIRE"] = "Imperio", ["DRIVE_MIL4"] = "Hipermotor Tipo M4", ["CURRENT_SYSTEM"] = "Origen", ["CLIENT"] = "Cliente", ["ATMOSPHERIC_SHIELDING"] = "Escudo atmosférico", ["DISPLAY_NAV_TUNNEL"] = "Túnel de navegación", ["BATTLE_WEAPONS"] = "Armas largas", ["FIT"] = "+", ["TYPE"] = "Tipo", ["DRIVE_CLASS6"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C6", ["HIGH_POPULATION_OUTDOOR_WORLD"] = "Mundo exterior muy poblado.", ["HYPERSPACE"] = "Hiperespacio", ["Not any more than usual."] = "No mas de lo habitual.", ["MININGCANNON_17MW_DESCRIPTION"] = "Utilizado para explotar asteroides ricos en minerales.", ["NAVIGATION_STAR_MAPS"] = "Navegación y mapas estelares", ["SHIELD_STRENGTH_N"] = "Escudos: %shields{f.2}", ["RADAR_MAPPER_DESCRIPTION"] = "Inspección remota de equipo, carga y estado de otras naves.", ["NUMBER_LY"] = "%distance{f.2} ly", ["N_LIGHT_YEARS_N_MAX"] = "%distance{f.1} años luz (%maxdistance{f.1} max)", ["NEW_AND_RECONDITIONED_SHIPS"] = "Naves nuevas y reacondicionadas", ["Your drive has not been serviced since it was installed on {date}"] = "Su motor no ha tenido ninguna revisión desde que fué instalado el {date}", ["MANUAL_CONTROL_MODE"] = "Control manual", ["MAJOR_IMPORTS"] = "Importaciones principales:", ["OUTDOOR_AGRICULTURAL_WORLD"] = "Mundo exterior agrícola.", ["STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT"] = "Hipergigante roja", ["PAY_FINE_REMOTELY"] = "Pagar multa por transferencia remota (%amount)", ["STAR_M_GIANT"] = "Gigante roja", ["DISTANCE_LY"] = "Distancia: %distance{f.2} ly", ["PRICE_TO_REMOVE"] = "$ Venta", ["MISSILE_UNGUIDED"] = "Misil balístico", ["HYPERCLOUD_ANALYZER_DESCRIPTION"] = "Analiza la nube hiperespacial para determinar destino y tiempo de llegada y/o salida.", ["PLANETARY_INFO"] = "Info Planetaria", ["CABINS"] = "Cabinas", ["DRIVE_CLASS5"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C5", ["AUTOPILOT_DESCRIPTION"] = "Sistema de navegación computarizado.", ["VID_LINK_DOWN"] = "Sin Videoconexión", ["SAVE"] = "Guardar", ["NO_ALERT"] = "Sin alertas", ["GAME_SAVE_CANNOT_WRITE"] = "No se puede escribir en este juego salvado por un error del sistema.", ["DIRECTION"] = " Dir ", ["STAR_O_WF"] = "Estrella Wolf-Rayet - Colapso inminente", ["NO_REGISTERED_INHABITANTS"] = "Sin habitantes registrados", ["SHIELD_ENERGY_BOOSTER_DESCRIPTION"] = "Incrementa la velocidad de recarga de los escudos.", ["VERY_VERY_HIGH"] = "Máximo", ["DECREASE_SET_SPEED"] = "Reducir velocidad", ["SYSTEM_TYPE"] = "Tipo de sistema:", ["SHIP"] = "Nave", ["I must be there before "] = "Debo llegar antes de ", ["ZOOM_IN"] = "Acercar", ["HYPERDRIVE"] = "Tecnología hiperespacial", ["STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT"] = "Hipergigante naranja - Inestable", ["CARGO_BAY_LIFE_SUPPORT_LOST"] = "Sensores detectan condiciones críticas en sistemas de apoyo vital de Bahía de carga.", ["GOODS_TRADER"] = { [1] = "Emporio {name}", [2] = "Casa {name}", [3] = "Almacén {name}", [4] = "Centro {name}", [5] = "{name} Holdings", [6] = "{name} e Hijos" }, ["ITEM_IS_OUT_OF_STOCK"] = "Agotado.", ["HARMLESS"] = "Piloto clase c", ["SLAVES"] = "Esclavos", ["META"] = "meta ", ["You do not have enough cabin space on your ship."] = "No hay suficiente espacio en la cabina de su nave.", ["CONTACT_LOCAL_POLICE"] = "Contactar con la Policía Local", ["SOMEWHERE_SHIP_MARKET"] = "Concesionario espacial %station", ["INVERT_MOUSE_Y"] = "Invertir MouseY", ["DOWNGRADING_ALERT_STATUS"] = "60 segundos sin detección de disparos, bajando nivel de alerta.", ["HAND_WEAPONS"] = "Armas cortas", ["SOMEWHERE_SHIP_EQUIPMENT"] = "Equipamientos %station", ["DRIVE_CLASS8"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C8", ["STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT"] = "Hipergigante azul", ["AR_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Argón", ["BUY"] = "+", ["PRESSURE_N_BAR"] = "P: %pressure{f.2} bar", ["TINY"] = "Enano", ["STAR_B_GIANT"] = "Gigante azul", ["CITY_DETAIL_LEVEL"] = "Detalle urbano:", ["TENUOUS"] = "tenue", ["HULL_TEMP"] = " Temp. del Casco", ["CO_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Monóxido de carbono", ["RIGHT_ON_COMMANDER"] = "Buen trabajo Comandante! Su clasificación de combate ha mejorado!", ["SECTOR_X_Y_Z"] = "Sector: %x,%y,%z", ["ALLEGIANCE"] = "Alianza:", ["This is very risky, you will almost certainly run into resistance."] = "Es muy arriesgado, Encontrará resistencia.", ["CLEARANCE_ALREADY_GRANTED_BAY_N"] = "Autorización ya concedida. Utilice Bahía %bay.", ["LOCATION"] = "Destino", ["EXIT_THIS_GAME"] = "Abandonar Juego", ["MURDER"] = "Asesinato", ["STAR_M_WF"] = "Estrella Wolf-Rayet - Inestable", ["WELCOME_TO_SOMEWHERE"] = "Bienvenido a %station", ["WEIGHT_FULLY_LADEN"] = "Peso a plena carga", ["SPEED_CONTROL_MODE"] = "Control de velocidad", ["TRADING_ILLEGAL_GOODS"] = "Comerciar con productos ilegales", ["DEADLY"] = "Mortal", ["FORWARD_ACCEL_LADEN"] = "Aceleración (Cargado)", ["MISSILE_SMART"] = "Misil inteligente", ["SOMEWHERE_SERVICES"] = "Servicios disponibles en %station", ["SHIP_ALTITUDE_ABOVE_TERRAIN"] = "Altitud de la nave sobre el terreno", ["SET_HYPERSPACE_TARGET_TO_FOLLOW_THIS_DEPARTURE"] = "Analizador de nube hiperespacial: Fijar objetivo hiperespacial del viaje", ["MANUAL_CONTROL"] = "Control Manual", ["X_CANNOT_BE_TOLERATED_HERE"] = "%crime no se tolera aquí", ["CAPITALIST"] = "Capitalismo", ["GALACTIC_VIEW"] = "Vista galáctica", ["CH4_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Metano", ["SHIP_TYPE"] = "Tipo", ["SCANNER"] = "Radar 3D", ["FUEL_SCOOP_ACTIVE_N_TONNES_H_COLLECTED"] = "Recogedor de combustible activo. Dispone de %quantity toneladas de hidrógeno.", ["HYDROGEN_DESCRIPTION"] = "El Hidrógeno se usa principalmente como combustible de fusión.", ["SURFACE_TEMPERATURE"] = "Temperatura en superficie", ["Welcome aboard {station}. Your docking and fuelling fee of {fee} has been deducted."] = "Bienvenido a {station}\ Se han deducido {fee} por tasa de puerto y recarga de Propelente.", ["AUTOPILOT_ENTER_LOW_ORBIT_AROUND"] = "Establecer órbita baja alrededor de %target", ["STABLE_SYSTEM_WITH_N_MAJOR_BODIES_STARPORTS"] = "Sistema estable con %bodycount %{body(s)} principales y %portcount %{starport(s)}.", ["PULSECANNON_4MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos 4MW", ["STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT"] = "Supergigante azul caliente", ["ELITE"] = "ELITE", ["SOURCE"] = "Origen", ["IMPERIAL_RULE"] = "Gobierno Imperial", ["SCANNER_DESCRIPTION"] = "Visualiza posición de naves próximas en 3D.", ["MM_START_NEW_GAME_EARTH"] = "Juego Nuevo en Sistema Solar", ["MAJOR_EXPORTS"] = "Exportaciones principales:", ["YOU_MUST_PAY_FINE_OF_N_CREDITS"] = "No toleramos el delito. Debe pagar una multa de %fine.", ["CONSUMER_GOODS"] = "Bienes de consumo", ["COMBAT_RATING"] = "CALIFICACIÓN DEL PILOTO:", ["DOCKING_CLEARANCE_EXPIRED"] = "Su Permiso de atraque ha expirado. Si desea atracar deberá repetir la solicitud.", ["WITH_NO_SIGNIFICANT_ATMOSPHERE"] = " sin atmósfera significativa", ["ORBITAL_PERIOD"] = "Periodo Orbital", ["UNLAWFUL_WEAPONS_DISCHARGE"] = "Disparo de armas ilegal", ["IN_TRANSIT_TO_N_X_X_X"] = "En tránsito a %system [%x,%y,%z]", ["LIQUID_OXYGEN_DESCRIPTION"] = "El Oxígeno se requiere para los sistemas de apoyo vital y algunos procesos industriales.", ["COMMUNIST"] = "Comunismo", ["STAR_M"] = "Estrella Roja tipo 'M'", ["EARTH"] = "Tierra", ["REPAIR_1_PERCENT_HULL"] = "Reparar 1.0% de daños del casco", ["VIEW"] = "Vista", ["SET_SPEED_M_S"] = "Velocidad: %speed{f.0} m/s", ["PULSECANNON_10MW"] = "Cañón de pulsos 10MW", ["REVERSE_ACCEL_EMPTY"] = "Reversa (Vacío)", ["USED"] = "Utilizado", ["TITLE"] = { [1] = "Almirante", [2] = "Embajador", [3] = "Brigadier", [4] = "Cadete", [5] = "Patrón", [6] = "Cardenal", [7] = "Coronel", [8] = "Capitán", [9] = "Comodoro", [10] = "Cabo", [11] = "Alferez", [12] = "General", [13] = "Juez", [14] = "Letrado", [15] = "Teniente", [16] = "Mariscal", [17] = "Mercader", [18] = "Oficial", [19] = "Soldado raso", [20] = "Profesor", [21] = "Fiscal", [22] = "Director", [23] = "Marinero", [24] = "Senador", [25] = "Sargento" }, ["NOT_FOUND_BEST_MATCH_X"] = "Sin resultados, mejor correspondencia: %system", ["GO_BACK"] = "Atras", ["PLUTOCRATIC_DICTATORSHIP"] = "Plutocracia dictatorial", ["You do not have enough money."] = "No dispone de suficientes fondos.", ["SOME_ESTABLISHED_MINING"] = "Minería establecida.", ["TOGGLE_LUA_CONSOLE"] = "SI/NO Consola LUA", ["FARM_MACHINERY"] = "Maquinaria agrícola", ["MISSILE_NAVAL"] = "Misil Naval", ["You must buy our {military_fuel} before we will take your {radioactives}"] = "Debe comprar nuestro {military_fuel} antes de deponer sus {radioactives}", ["REPAIRS_AND_SERVICING"] = "Reparaciones y servicios", ["Hey!?! You are going to pay for this!!!"] = "Hey!? Usted va a pagar por esto!", ["CARGO_LIFE_SUPPORT_DESCRIPTION"] = "Permite el transporte de cargamento vivo.", ["Thank you. All donations are welcome."] = "Gracias. Cualquier donación es bienvenida.", ["CORPORATIONS"] = { [1] = "Sirius", [2] = "ACME", [3] = "Cool Cola", [4] = "Taranis", [5] = "Astilleros Aquarian", [6] = "Rockforth", [7] = "Amaliel", [8] = "Marett Space", [9] = "Vega Line", [10] = "El Condor NG", [11] = "Bulk Ships", [12] = "Arment Aerodynamics" }, ["How many of you are there?"] = "¿Cuantos son?", ["How soon you must be there?"] = "¿Cuándo debería estar ahí?", ["FIT_TO_WHICH_MOUNT"] = "Montar laser a qué soporte?", ["REMOVING"] = "Desmontando ", ["Your fuel tank is empty."] = "ATENCION: Tanque de Propelente vacío.", ["PIRACY"] = "Piratería", ["BUTTON"] = " Button ", ["AUTOPILOT_ON"] = "Piloto Automático", ["FIRE_LASER"] = "Disparar laser", ["Your fuel tank is almost empty."] = "ATENCION: Tanque de Propelente casi vacío.", ["This is {station}. You do not have enough for your docking fee of {fee}. Your fuel has been witheld."] = "{station}\ No dispone de {fee}. Se ignora recarga de Propelente.", ["Welcome to "] = "Bienvenido a ", ["Begin trade"] = "Comenzar a operar", ["SOLAR"] = "Solar", ["The ship's hyperdrive has been destroyed by a malfunction"] = "El motor de hiperimpulso de la nave se ha destruído por un mal funcionamiento", ["FUEL_SCOOP_DESCRIPTION"] = "Permite recoger combustible de hidrógeno de gigantes gaseosos.", ["Your membership application has been declined."] = "Su solicitud de membresía ha sido rechazada.", ["You are now a member. Your membership will expire on {expiry_date}."] = "Usted es ahora miembro. Su membresía vence en {expiry_date}.", ["CTRL"] = "ctrl ", ["Wow! That was very generous."] = "Vaya! Eso ha sido muy generoso.", ["NUMBER_HOURS"] = "%hours{f.1} hrs", ["SHIP_MASS_N_TONNES"] = "Masa de la nave: %{mass}t", ["NERVE_GAS"] = "Gas nervioso", ["GAME_LOAD_CANNOT_OPEN"] = "Este juego salvado no se puede abrir debido a permisos o algo...", ["How soon must it be delivered?"] = "Cual es la fecha de entrega?", ["STAR_G"] = "Estrella Amarilla tipo 'G'", ["DANGEROUS"] = "Peligroso", ["Why so much money?"] = "¿Por qué tanto dinero?", ["I highly doubt it."] = "Lo dudo mucho.", ["Delivery"] = "Entrega", ["RADIOACTIVES"] = "Residuos radioactivos", ["WHEELS_ARE_DOWN"] = "Tren de aterrizaje abajo", ["APOAPSIS_DISTANCE"] = "Apoapsis", ["COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILENAME"] = "No se pudo abrir %path", ["COMPUTER_SPEED_CONTROL"] = "Navegación Asistida", ["ITEM"] = "Elemento", ["It could be dangerous, you should make sure you're adequately prepared."] = "Podría ser peligroso, debería prepararse adecuadamente.", ["Excellent. I will let the recipient know you are on your way."] = "Excelente. Haré saber al receptor que está en camino.", ["SUGGESTED_RESPONSES"] = "Respuestas sugeridas:", ["SOMEWHERE_SHIPYARD"] = "Astillero espacial %station", ["STAR_O_GIANT"] = "Gigante azul caliente", ["NO_TARGET_SELECTED"] = "Computadora de a bordo: Sin objetivo", ["STAR_B_WF"] = "Estrella Wolf-Rayet - Riesgo de colapso", ["I don't have enough money"] = "No dispongo de dinero suficiente", ["AUTOPILOT_ENTER_MEDIUM_ORBIT_AROUND"] = "Establecer órbita media alrededor de %target", ["DRIVE_CLASS1"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C1", ["HEADING_LOCK_FORWARD"] = "Traba dir. avance", ["How will I be paid?"] = "Cómo será efectuado el pago?", ["Excellent."] = "Excelente.", ["CARGO"] = "Carga", ["{target} will be leaving {spaceport} in the {system} system ({sectorX}, {sectorY}, {sectorZ}) at {date}. The ship is {shipname} and has registration id {shipregid}."] = "{target} partirá de {spaceport} en el sistema {system} ({sectorX}, {sectorY}, {sectorZ}) el {date}. La nave es una {shipname} y tiene el número de registro {shipregid}.", ["CARBON_ORE"] = "Carbon mineral", ["SEARCH"] = "Buscar", ["CO2_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Dióxido de carbono", ["Ok, agreed."] = "De acuerdo.", ["BINARY_SYSTEM"] = "Sistema Binario **", ["STAR_O"] = "Caliente masiva tipo 'O'", ["Return here on the completion of the contract and you will be paid."] = "Regrese aquí cuando el contrato se cumpla y se le efectuará el pago.", ["Where can I find {target}?"] = "Dónde puedo encontrar a {target}?", ["AUTOPILOT_FLY_TO_VICINITY_OF"] = "Aproximación a %target", ["ROLL_RIGHT"] = "Rolar derecha", ["HULL_AUTOREPAIR_DESCRIPTION"] = "Repara automáticamente el casco de la nave en caso de daños.", ["HYPERSPACE_DEPARTURE_CLOUD"] = "Nube hiperespacial de partida", ["N_DISTANCE_TO_TARGET"] = "%distance a destino", ["CARBON_ORE_DESCRIPTION"] = "Los minerales de carbono (carbón y petroleo) se requieren para la síntesis de muchos y muy útiles productos químicos, incluyendo plásticos, productos alimenticios sintéticos, medicamentos y textiles.", ["CLASS_NUMBER"] = "Tipo C%class", ["NAVIGATION_TARGETS_IN_THIS_SYSTEM"] = "Destinos en este Sistema", ["Cannot compute orbit parameters"] = "Imposible calcular los parámetros orbitales", ["FRONT_WEAPON"] = "Arma de proa", ["NUMBER_DAYS"] = "%days{f.0} días", ["Starport refused docking permission"] = "Permiso de atraque denegado", ["CANCEL"] = "Cancelar", ["MISSILE"] = "Misil", ["CORPORATE_SYSTEM"] = "Sistema corporativo", ["THRUSTER_PORT"] = "Impulso izquierda", ["Cannot compensate for local gravity"] = "No se puede compensar la gravedad local", ["HIGH"] = "Alto", ["YOU_NO_MONEY"] = "Se encuentra sin fondos.", ["SYSTEM_ORBIT_VIEW"] = "Vista orbital del sistema", ["YAW_RIGHT"] = "Girar derecha", ["CARGO_SCOOP_ACTIVE_1_TONNE_X_COLLECTED"] = "Recogedor de carga activo. Recogida 1 ton de %item.", ["STARPORTS"] = "Puertos Estelares", ["HYPERSPACE_ARRIVAL_CLOUD_REMNANT"] = "Nube hiperespacial de llegada", ["ALT_IN_METRES"] = "Alt: %altitude{f.0}m", ["LASER_COOLING_BOOSTER_DESCRIPTION"] = "Sistema de refrigeración mejorado para sus armas.", ["CLEARANCE_GRANTED_BAY_N"] = "AUTORIZADO. Utilice Bahía %bay.", ["BODY"] = "cuerpo", ["DESTINATION"] = "Destino", ["VERY_LOW"] = "Muy bajo", ["NO_HYPERDRIVE"] = "Sin Hipermotor", ["VOL_MUSIC"] = "Música:", ["INCREASE_SET_SPEED"] = "Aumentar velocidad", ["YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY"] = "Crédito insuficiente", ["HYPERCLOUD_ANALYZER"] = "Analizador de nube hiperespacial", ["SIGHTS_SOUNDS_SAVES"] = "Preferencias & Archivos", ["SHIP_NEARBY"] = "Nave cercana", ["EXACT_MATCH_X"] = "Correspondencia exacta: %system", ["UNEXPLORED_SYSTEM_STAR_INFO_ONLY"] = "Sistema inexplorado. La información estelar ha sido recogida por medio de telescopio remoto, pero no existe información planetaria.", ["BOUGHT_1T_OF"] = "Ha comprado 1t de %commodity.", ["MM_START_NEW_GAME_E_ERIDANI"] = "Juego Nuevo en Epsilon Eridani", ["HYPERSPACE_TARGET"] = "Salto puente", ["SELECTED_SYSTEM"] = "Destino", ["FITTING"] = "Montando ", ["FRONT_VIEW"] = "Vista frontal", ["FUEL"] = " Propelente", ["GAME_LOAD_CORRUPT"] = "Este juego salvado no se puede abrir porque contiene errores.", ["FERTILIZER"] = "Fertilizante", ["ECM_BASIC_DESCRIPTION"] = "Sistema de defensa electrónico de contramedidas, capaz de neutralizar ciertos tipos de misiles guiados.", ["OCEANICWORLD"] = " Planeta oceánico", ["THRUSTER_DORSAL"] = "Impulso abajo", ["HYPERSPACE_RANGE"] = "Alcance hiperespacial", ["ICE_WORLD"] = " Planeta frío", ["MINOR_IMPORTS"] = "Importaciones secundarias:", ["ROCKY_PLANET"] = " Planeta rocoso", ["TARGET_OBJECT_IN_SIGHTS"] = "Fijar blanco en la mira", ["INCREASE_SCAN_RANGE"] = "Ampliar rango Radar 3D", ["HEAVY_INDUSTRY"] = "Industria pesada.", ["LARGE"] = "Supermasivo", ["DRIVE_CLASS2"] = "Hipermotor Tipo C2", ["INDEPENDENT"] = "Independientes", ["PITCH_UP"] = "Nariz arriba", ["AUTOPILOT_DOCK_WITH_STATION"] = "Atracar en la estación espacial", ["SMALL_PLASMA_ACCEL"] = "Acelerador de plasma chico", ["JETTISON"] = "Eyectar 1 ton. de:", ["OFF"] = "Off", ["JOY"] = "Joy", ["STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT"] = "Hipergigante amarilla - Inestable", ["KM_S_RELATIVE_TO"] = "Vel.Relativa a %frame : %speed{f.2} km/s", ["LANGUAGE_SELECTION"] = "Idioma (Reiniciar para aplicar)", ["LASER_COOLING_BOOSTER"] = "Refrigeración reforzada del laser", ["LIQUID_OXYGEN"] = "Oxígeno líquido", ["HAT"] = " Hat", ["FOLLOWING_SELECTION"] = "No determinado", ["LOW"] = "Bajo", ["MASS_N_TONNES"] = "Masa: %{mass}t", ["MEDIUM_GAS_GIANT"] = "Gigate gaseoso medio", ["CASH"] = "Crédito disponible", ["PASSENGER_CABIN"] = "Cabina de pasajeros ocupada", ["ACTIVE"] = "Activa", ["METAL_ORE"] = "Metales", ["Your drive was last serviced on {date} by {company}"] = "La última revisión de su motor fue el {date} por {company}", ["MM_QUIT"] = "Salir", ["EXTERNAL_ATMOSPHERIC_PRESSURE"] = "Presión atmosférica externa", ["MOVE_AXIS_WANTED_FOR"] = "Mueva el eje del Joystick para ", ["NONE"] = "Nada", ["LIVE_ANIMALS"] = "Animales vivos", ["TAKEOFF"] = "Lanzamiento", ["NO_CENTRAL_GOVERNANCE"] = "Sin gobierno central", ["REAR_WEAPON"] = "Arma de popa", ["NO_SPACE_ON_SHIP"] = "Espacio a bordo insuficiente", ["SOMEWHERE_SHIP_REPAIRS"] = "Reparaciones %station", ["SELL"] = "-", ["PRECIOUS_METALS"] = "Metales preciosos", ["CLEAN"] = "Limpio", ["YOUNG_FARMING_COLONY"] = "Colonia agrícola joven.", ["SHIP_IS_ALREADY_FULLY_REPAIRED"] = "La nave se encuentra en perfectas condiciones.", ["SOCIAL_DEMOCRACY"] = "Socialdemocracia", ["DRIVE_MIL1"] = "Hipermotor Tipo M1", ["YAW"] = "Girar", ["SMALL"] = "Pequeño", ["DISABLED_AUTOMATIC_SYSTEM_SELECTION"] = "Selección automática de sistema apagado.", ["INDUSTRIAL_MACHINERY"] = "Maquinaria industrial", ["N_WHATEVER_MASSES"] = "%mass{f.3} masa %units", ["O2_ATMOSPHERE"] = " Atmósfera de Oxígeno", ["EXTENSIVE_MINING"] = "Actividad minera extensiva.", ["OBJECT_LABELS_ARE_ON"] = "Etiquetas activas", ["ON"] = "On", ["OTHER_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS"] = "Otras opciones gráficas", ["OVER_N_MILLION"] = "Alrededor de %population millones", ["ECCENTRICITY"] = "Excentricidad", ["PAY_THE_FINE_NOW"] = "Pagar la multa.", ["N_EARTH_DAYS"] = "%days{f.1} días terrestre

robn commented 12 years ago

Thanks. Its going to take a little while to go through that. I'm hoping to find in there the details of which system its trying to find starports in.

@johnbartholomew It occurs to me that we might want to have ToString()-style methods for classes that are exposed to Lua, and have the core dumper call them so it doesn't just print userdata: 0xdeadbeef. Just a thought.

walterar commented 12 years ago

If necessary I can send _quicksave, but can not find the way to go here.

johnbartholomew commented 12 years ago

Looks like quite a simple script error: the if statement on DeliverPackage.lua:394 is wrong; it should be checking whether the systems table is empty.

According to the information you posted, there are no nearby inhabited systems. Could you tell us what sector & system you're in?

Thanks for the report!

walterar commented 12 years ago

Depart from: Ioand 4,-8,-1 Destination: Inollia 6,-5,-2 Intermediate hops: Liaqu and Olur

johnbartholomew commented 12 years ago

I've reproduced this issue at Inollia. It didn't happen immediately when looking at the BB on Inollia, but happens if I leave time acceleration on.

walterar commented 12 years ago

Changing (config.ini) Vsync = 0 for 1 solves problem

johnbartholomew commented 12 years ago

This is nothing to do with VSync. I can reproduce with VSync=0 and with VSync=1.

robn commented 12 years ago

DeliverPackage has been reverted to the pre-alpha 20 code. The particular details of this crash likely no longer exist.