pioneerspacesim / pioneer

A game of lonely space adventure
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Art Style/Design #1261

Closed SimonRinehart closed 12 years ago

Ae-2222 commented 12 years ago

@SimonRinehart wrote: Apology if this stuff already exists. ... I propose making the documents public

:D It's an opensource project so everything is public and open. Things that are lacking is due to art / story design having not been started yet :). Design process is here and existing discussion is on the wiki for people to add to. No finalised design docs yet.

@SimonRinehart wrote: Goal is a document for the following: complete gameplay features (not mechanics of flight or random exploration, but game core related) -includes profession related specifics (how player fights, how player trades, how player mines etc)

I'm not sure how much of this is feasible right now. Currently what 'game' exists could be said to consist of tech demos of different areas linked roughly together. Various 'systems' regarding combat, economy, mining, planetary blockades, proposed convoys, any tracking/detection, and so on will need to be implemented first. A lot will depend on the the developed tech and what is feasible to implement. For instance, discussion about possibilities for in system FTL, which is generally regarded as very necessary and game changing for combat, boiled down to needing prototypes to effectively see the consequences.

Luomu commented 12 years ago

When it comes to art, words are not all that useful - do pictures. Either your own or inspiration from existing things.

(I'll do that myself when I have time, until that feel free to ignore what I write ;))

Ae-2222 commented 12 years ago

Ae wrote in issue 1265: I think with regards to what you need with respect to the design pad, it might help if you opened another thread and explained it from the beginning. Or talk on IRC as realtime is good for clearing things up and avoiding misconceptions.

I was hoping you'd drop by on IRC when you found the time.

(From when I last participated in a discussion with you (this was a while ago and apparently there has been more discussion while I was away) I was under the impression we had agreed the idea was to find what direction is relevant for art direction to proceed in the immediate term and to work on that - as stuff regarding complete feature set down the line is subject to research/development/implementation.

Obviously it seems not to be the case according to github discussion:) and it might help if you re-stated what you need and why with respect to art.)

As far as game features go it is best to think in terms of systems which might be developed which would enable entire sets of game features.

A few of the systems that impact gameplay features on the last few github issues are

I'm not sure how much of all this is needed for art direction, especially in terms of generation of assets known to be required for the game in the short term.

It should be kept in mind that creating an entire universe is a huge undertaking, let alone by an opensource project and one that is still very young. Massive games with a million different aspects take time (a good example is Microprose's Falcon 4 (which covered all possible aspects of a simulated war as well as flying) - it took 10 years to create and another 10 years work by the community based on leaked code:)

The result of all this is that, as far as immediate work goes in terms of the code dev, there is enough work to be kept occupied for an year or two - on basic features that are guaranteed to be needed and on re-factoring foundations to ensure flexibility/maintainability/extensibility for years to come. The 'general' direction is known, as well as the main thrust of the scope.

So people can be a bit slow to respond as they are busy with immediate concerns:), and this is why previous attempts (e.g. on the old design piratepad) tended to trail off.

robn commented 12 years ago

This is open source. Design happens during implementation, and things get built and rebuilt until it seems right. Design up front is nice if you can pin it down, but we're not game designers, so that becomes iterative too. This is also a huge undertaking with close to no resources, so taking many years is quite reasonable.

Understand completely that its not for everyone. Best of luck with whatever you go on with :)