pioneerspacesim / pioneer

A game of lonely space adventure
1.58k stars 364 forks source link

Game Creates User/Config Directory at Incorrect Location #5820

Closed jonathan-gruber-jg closed 3 weeks ago

jonathan-gruber-jg commented 1 month ago

Observed behaviour

The game creates the user/config directory at ~/.pioneer, even if that directory does not exist before starting the game.

Expected behaviour

The game should create the user/config directory at "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/pioneer or ~/.local/share/pioneer.

Steps to reproduce

I observed this behavior after I cloned the pioneer GitHub repository and built and installed the program. In particular, I observed this behavior on the master branch (as it was at time of writing) and on the branch for the latest release at time of writing, 20240314. For cmake, the build system I used was make, and I installed the game into /usr/local. I have attached my CMakeCache.txt file, in case it is of any use.

My pioneer version (and OS):

Pioneer version: 20240314 or master branch of GitHub repository. OS: Arch Linux.

My output.txt, opengl.txt, and CMakeCache.txt

output.txt opengl.txt CMakeCache.txt

jonathan-gruber-jg commented 3 weeks ago

I am no longer observing this bug, so I suppose I shall close this issue.