piotrC4 / mqtt-ir-transceiver

ESP8266 based bidirectional bridge between MQTT and IR (change MQTT message to IR signal and change received IR signal to MQTT message)
142 stars 34 forks source link

INO file #2

Closed bachoo786 closed 7 years ago

bachoo786 commented 7 years ago


Thanks for this project

I was trying to find the INO file/sketch to upload it to my Arduino ESP8266 board. Can you please upload that?


travplan commented 7 years ago

@ronaldotz90 - everything that takes up a space is seen as a character. So in your example "2,33" is 4 distinct characters. Are you able to open the serial monitor and view the serialprint output of your esp module?

bachoo786 commented 7 years ago

thank you soo much everything works well :)

travplan commented 7 years ago

@enc-X - I've been struggling for many hours trying to get the raw code portion working. I have a satelitte receiver box that doesnt seem to respond to any global cache protocol i can find. I do have a remote, so I've been recording the raw codes and trying to send them to the receiver box, it never responds to anything. Just wondering if you had any advice. Thanks

piotrC4 commented 7 years ago

I just found that there is problem with RAW recordings - I have to test it a little bit more. In the meantime I changed raw mode support. You can catch RAW sequenc by setting on raw-mode (topic: _mqttprefix/sender/rawMode value 1 - respose will be published in topic: _mqttprefix/receiver/raw) and then send raw code by publishing this value in topic _mqttprefix/sender/sendRAW for example:

mosquitto_pub -u [user] -P [pass] -t "esp8266/999/sender/rawMode" -m "1" mosquitto_pub -u [user] -P [pass] -t "esp8266/999/sender/sendRAW" -m "9000,4550,550,600,600,600,550,1750,550,600,600,600,600,600,550,600,550,650,550,1750,550,1750,600,550,550,1750,550,1750,600,1700,550,1750,550,1750,550,600,600,600,550,650,550,1750,600,550,550,600,550,650,550,600,550,1750,600,1700,550,1750,550,600,600,1700,550,1750,550,1700,550,1750,550"

I've just tested this raw codes with my TV - works well.

piotrC4 commented 7 years ago

I'm closing this 'multi' issue - please open separate request for each issue. It will be easier to manage them.