piotrmurach / github

Ruby interface to GitHub API
MIT License
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Github.repos.contents.update - Missing required parameters #175

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago
github_api (0.11.3)
rails (4.1.2)
# Github API gem configuration 
Github.configure do |config|
  config.basic_auth    = 'XXX:XXX'
  config.client_id     = 'XXX'
  config.client_secret = 'XXX'
  config.user          = 'XXX'
  config.repo          = 'XXX'
  config.adapter       = :net_http
Github.repos.contents.update path: '/data/plugin_vulns.xml', message: 'Update commit from WPVULNDB', content: Typhoeus.get('/api/v1/export_plugins/').body
 Missing required parameters: message, content provided for this request.
 Github gem checks the request parameters passed to ensure that github api is not hit unnecessairly and to fail fast.
 Required parameters are: path, message, content, make sure these are the ones you are using
ghost commented 10 years ago

This worked:

sha =  Github.repos.contents.get(path: '/data/plugin_vulns.xml')[:sha]
Github.repos.contents.update 'wpvulndb', 'wpscan', '/data/plugin_vulns.xml', path: '/data/plugin_vulns.xml', message: 'Update commit from WPVULNDB', content: Typhoeus.get('/api/v1/export_plugins/').body, sha: sha

It seems that the sha argument also needs passing but this is not mentioned in the error. Also, for some reason I had to pass the user, repo and path to update even though I had configured them previously (other configs such as basic_auth worked).

piotrmurach commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your report!

Regarding the user, repo parameters, I had some problems getting the logic right in the past. Since then it has been rewritten and I should be in position to release it soon. The configuration options are global in a sense and it is much better to pass these per method call anyway.

Not sure why the :sha parameter has been excluded from the error message, I trust it should be fixed in new argument parser. I will add that to the test suite.

ghost commented 10 years ago


To use the Typhoeus adapter you need to include the Typhoeus faraday code, example:

Github.configure do |config|
  require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'

  config.basic_auth    = "wpvulndb:#{password}"
  config.user          = 'wpvulndb'
  config.repo          = 'wpscan'
  config.adapter       = :typhoeus

Otherwise you get this error:

undefined method `ssl_cacert=' for #<Typhoeus::Request:0x007fa771cea278>

Not sure if it is worth putting in the readme or not.

piotrmurach commented 10 years ago

I will keep this one open as I certainly want to rewrite the documentation to be more comprehensive and include gotchas like this! Thanks