piousdeer / vscode-adwaita

VS Code theme for the GNOME desktop
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consider removing the `window.activeBorder` color #15

Open mkhl opened 1 year ago

mkhl commented 1 year ago

it might be just me but the border around the whole window looks really out of place (active windows from other applications have a heavier drop shadow, not a border around them)

what's worse is that borders defined by the theme can't be removed in the settings, only recolored, so i currently have to modify the theme after installing it 😒

apart from that i love it though, thank you!

piousdeer commented 1 year ago

Could you illustrate the problem with a screenshot? Looks consistent with libadwaita apps to me: in both cases the border is always present on the window regardless of whether it's active.

mkhl commented 1 year ago

here's vscode with the theme border (noticeable as a thin line around the status bar) VSCode

maybe i'm confused as to which apps actually use libadwaita but here's gnome text editor gnome text editor and nautilus nautilus

neither of which have this kind of border at the bottom as far as i can see

piousdeer commented 1 year ago

I see it looks annoying when using the colorful status bar option. The libadwaita apps on your screenshots have a border too, but the difference is that it's semi-transparent and drawn over the window contents. Since window.activeBorder is drawn separately and can't be transparent, I'll remove it in a future release.

mkhl commented 1 year ago

The libadwaita apps on your screenshots have a border too, but the difference is that it's semi-transparent and drawn over the window contents.

ohh i see, thank you for explaining

Since window.activeBorder is drawn separately and can't be transparent, I'll remove it in a future release.

perfect, thanks!

mkhl commented 1 year ago

i've switched to dark mode for a while now and the border around libadwaita apps is much more noticeable, so now i'm not sure if removing it from this theme is a good idea after all

piousdeer commented 1 year ago

Personally, I use Rounded Window Corners. It can be configured to create a consistent semi-transparent border around all windows, libadwaita or not.

Anyway, the next version of this theme will have options configurable via settings.json. Whether to enable window.activeBorder can be one of them.