pip / Octology

The ontology of 8.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Good First Issue is: "Not Having Other Issues Yet!" #1

Open pip opened 3 years ago

pip commented 3 years ago

Can anyone who could give a flying crap about anything I've ever done please do whatever you must to do me a solid and crE8 any serious (more than this) new Issues? I'd be gr8ful! ;)

lemonnuggets commented 3 years ago

Hey, I read through the README but still have no clue what this project is supposed to be about. It might be that the project is too technical for me to understand, which is fine if you're expecting a high amount of technical knowledge from your audience. But if it's not that and your target audience are people with average technical proficiency then maybe improving the documentation should be where we start. I'd love to help out as well if it turns out that I can be of any help. Watched your video and this is clearly something you're extremely passionate about so it's a shame that it doesn't have an audience to share in your enthusiasm yet.

pip commented 3 years ago

psst shhh "yeah... you! over here. This is just 2 trial-doses of that 'clue' you wanted. ;) " : -> HTTPS://GitHub.Com/Pip/Octology/blob/master/dox/2du/8.utf

/me glances sketchily over his shoulders... "GGPO" vanishes-in-poof-of-vapor =)

Sorry if I'm being daft, evasive, or coming off as disproportion8ly obstin8 about explaining the "about" of Octology that I've intended, but might you please provide me with a demonstr8ive example of what it is that you could perceive, and recognize as, some valid "clue"? Then we might start to become capable of improving document8ion if you recounted what it is you read that held meaning regarding the "about", and what you saw and heard during my Lightning-Talk Take2 video that seemed rel8d. You could probably try reading the other files under ~/dox/ to get a better "about" picture (maybe a couple times). I'm not even sure what distinctions there should be between high, and average, technical knowledge being attained by prospective audiences. I wish my passion and enthusiasm alone could yield such clues you, and maybe other audiences, could have special needs regarding... which I might better accommod8 somehow? Perhaps more of the project document8ion could provide these supposed clues that you are "supposed to be about" seeking (which I hear are all the rage these days)? ouch! burned-myself?

What can I do for you again, please? -Pip

P.S. Sorry I didn't receive the customary notific8ion e-mail that you had posted this comment over a Month ago. I most likely would have attempted to respond sooner, had I become aware of your comment any earlier. Thanks for at least this feedback that you have provided. L8r.

lemonnuggets commented 3 years ago

Okayyyyyyyy.....so I did glance through the document that you referenced till line 2500 but then realized that I'm understanding nothing at all. Like why 8? What properties of 8 make it special? And what makes it useful for arranging datasets? There's a lot of stuff with color also I guess but I don't really see what connects all of these things. Also, is this supposed to be a suite of applications that follows this whole 8 thing? What does it even mean for an application to be built around 8? And how would these applications differ from pre-existing ones? Also, what is this repository actually? There do seem to be a few files that I guess are some of your personal files? I don't really understand why they're posted publicly tbh. Also, no clue what the files are supposed to be about. I mean I understand some of the filenames but most of them I have no idea about. Guess I'm too dumb to keep up with all these abbreviations. Also, what's the advantage of the abbreviations? If you do intend on having other people work on/ use this shouldn't it be made less cryptic? I read that it was a project for yourself as well so I don't really know which of these the project actually is.

As far as I understand, this project is basically lots of command-line tools that have something to do with 8, and also lots of stuff about coloring the output? Not really sure about anything so this is all I've gotten so far. I do still want to understand more though, but reading that doc wasn't helping which is why I'm asking for some help with these things that didn't make sense to me. Hope you don't mind explaining these things to me, cuz I think after I understand the basics, reading the docs might be helpful.

Also no worries, reply when you can.

pip commented 3 years ago

Hello Again LemonNuggets (AdamJijo). You have mentioned many things and asked quite a number of good salient questions. I will attempt to respond to your entire message mostly in the same order here. Thank you for all that you took time to look into and write. I gr8ly appreC8 your interest.

Okay, well I'm glad you glanced through more than the first 2 ** 11 (this is C and Perl syntax for exponentE8ion, so 2 raised to the 11th power) lines of 8.utf and I'm sorry that has not enabled you to understand anything significant about Octology yet. That is probably my fault, as I likely should have explained enough with the link to help you set your expect8ions and indic8 what I thought could be a "clue" that you might have been looking for. Hopefully I can do a better job of that here. I'm trying.

"Like why 8? What properties of 8 make it special?"

So many reasons (and special properties) that I'm at a loss of where to try to start... but I will try to begin somewhere near to what might be the best (to my mind, so far). Let's go with:

Reason 0: n8ure (study "cellular-division" of fertiliz8ion by a sperm swimming into an ovum [egg], which proceed from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, etc.)

Reason 1: digital comput8ion (where mainly 64-bit processors today perform oper8ions on values which are multiples of the "byte" [8-bits] and predominantly rely on ASCII or UniCode UTF-8 [mainly 8-bits per character)

8 is 2 to the 3rd power, or cubed... so 8 is the first 3-dimensional value that can arise from multiple binary axes. 8 squared is 64. In most cases, these 2 numbers (8 and 64) are far more important than almost any identifiable usage of 10 ("Ten") or 100 ("One-Hundred").

8.utf contains over 1,400 instances of mostly common (or well-established scientific) words which seem to quite consistently incorpor8 at least one '8' (usually as "ate") in their typical pronunC8ion. If you took all other digits (i.e., 0 [Zero] through 7 [Seven], plus 9 [Nine]) and combined the prevalence that their syllables can be found in other words, they together would barely show up when compared against the wide-spread occurrences of the mighty '8'. 8.utf attempts to impress this upon readers, but probably needs to do more telling, rather than assuming just showing can prove to be enough.

Hopefully that's a good start for those questions, so let's try to move on.

"What makes [8] useful for arranging d8asets?"

It often proves to be the best basis for performing multiple efficient halvings or doublings, whenever the need (or desire) for either arises. When you reach 8-squared (i.e., 64), Chess (A.K.A. "Checker") Boards are not hard to find, which facilit8 arranging your elements into a flat uniform standardized grid.

(paraphrased) "There's a lot of color in Octology. What connects these colored things?"

Well it used to be the case that computer displays were monochrome (with every screen pixel being simply a binary value of bright or dark). CGA became a standard with 4-colors. Then other standards supported 256 total colors. Then text-modes began supporting RGB-based colors with support for 6-bits (0 through 63) per Red/Green/Blue channels. The World-Wide-Web and Hyper-Text-Markup-Language established 24-bit RGB (with 8-bits per channel, or 0 through 255 for each). Cascading-Style-Sheets crE8d today still exhibit these default conventions for color specific8ion. If you've installed Octology, running resp or reso spec, you should see many rel8d resolution standards. The a8.pm Perl-Module also includes h2rl and rl2h which converts HTML-style "#RRGGBB" (all preferably in UpperCase HEXadecimal) into 4 Base-64 characters. Base-64 characters are 6-bits per character. 4 of these yields 24-bits total. This equ8s to the same number of bits as 3 bytes can together (as in 8-bits per R, G, and B channels). The lower-case "L" in the names of those functions is to indic8 that the "lowest" bits are all grouped together into that last (4th) character. Thus, if you only care about the 6 highest bits in RGB, you can leave a 0 (Zero) in the 4th character and simply not worry about the smallest 2 bits of each channel (which have been striped together specifically for this purpose).

Furthermore, Octology establishes some other remarkable properties regarding the colors which it defines and heavily utilizes. If you look into the project's ~/gfx/sho/ sub-directory, you can find examples of gnp8 and tstc (as well as some of tsgr also) which exhibit how I've assoC8d expanded names with 4 layers of Base-64 abbreV8ion characters for each color (to map all standard options for modern terminal-emul8ion programs which adhere to the "xterm-256color" specific8ion). These programs carefully arrange all standard colors into consistent families. Usually a single Base-64 character is all that's needed to specify a desired color mnemonically. UpperCase (and odd) are Bright versions, with lower-case (and even) for dark versions. To get from the core 64 to all 256 possible colors, you need to preface the color-code with d, a, or l for back-ground, or D, A, or L for Fore-Ground (which stand for Dark, Avrg, and Lite layers).

I have just checked-in my upd8s to README.md and Dockerfile (so hopefully you or others can more easily try out running Octology yourself, safely containerized inside Docker). I think I should just submit this response as an initial answer to your first few questions, which should get us rolling somewhat. I will try to answer your other questions in detail with further comment posts in this thread l8r (hopefully tonight or tomorrow). Thanks again for all the interest and gr8 questions. I am gr8ful. =) -Pip

pip commented 3 years ago

Hello Again lemonnuggets,

I'm wanting to try taking your myriad questions on, but also want to indic8 special-property of 8 as 2 square boxes for the 7-bar Liquid-Crystal-Display mechanism within which the other digits partialize (like in classic alarm-clocks or old digital wrist-watches). 8 can be a Zero with a half-twist, or conceived as 2 Zeros bridged by 2 crossed Ones. Maybe seems too arbitrary or cryptic to note. Could be. Not sure.

Thanks for p8ience. I may have to think further about your piercing questions (parry), before I can respond hopefully inform8ively. You please take whatever time too. I think your queries are each probably rather thoughtful and deserving of some commensur8 answers, however I'm attempting to prepare to give a talk at the upcoming Perl Conference on WednesDay (June 9th of this 2021 "BlackJack"), so I may have to try to attend to that and prepR8ion more ahead of the looming schedule... and will try to address your preponderances when I can, which is likely to be afterward. Just wanted to give you a head's up, since I remain a bit busy and had to fix h2rl and rl2h that I mentioned before (because I just noticed they were accidentally broken by a small fE8ure I attempted to add which went un-tested for too long). Be well.

Peace, -Pip

lemonnuggets commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond either. I have been extremely busy with college stuff for the past few days, but I'll try to find time in the coming week to respond. I wanted to clone the repo and play around with it, but I'm getting some errors while cloning the repo itself (never happened to me before). It said it couldn't find /home/some/path so I'm guessing it's some problem with trying to clone it into windows. I intended to set up wsl on my laptop but didn't get around to it and I think I'll do that now as well, so I can try out your repo. Thanks for answering stuff btw, I have more doubts but it feels like I'm making progress. Hope your talk goes well!