Hey, thank you everyone involved in this plugin. I ran into an issue when trying to use this on browser with polyfills
Here is what was wrong this plugin provides a property which is preprocessorOptions and it gets merged with default settings but even though i passed preprocessCustomRequire @vue/compiler-sfc was erroring out because it does not look preprocessCustomRequire in preprocessorOptions rather it looks it in options (options being the whole object passed to compileStyleAsync) so i made some changes to fix that check this pr #27 and here is how to reproduce it https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/esbuild-plugin-vue3-browser-issue-xtfpzm
Here is the whole error in case anyone searches for this
[@vue/compiler-sfc] Style preprocessing in the browser build must provide the preprocessCustomRequire option to return the in-browser version of the preprocessor.
Hey, thank you everyone involved in this plugin. I ran into an issue when trying to use this on browser with polyfills
Here is what was wrong this plugin provides a property which is preprocessorOptions and it gets merged with default settings but even though i passed preprocessCustomRequire @vue/compiler-sfc was erroring out because it does not look preprocessCustomRequire in preprocessorOptions rather it looks it in options (options being the whole object passed to compileStyleAsync) so i made some changes to fix that check this pr #27 and here is how to reproduce it https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/esbuild-plugin-vue3-browser-issue-xtfpzm
Here is the whole error in case anyone searches for this [@vue/compiler-sfc] Style preprocessing in the browser build must provide the
option to return the in-browser version of the preprocessor.