pipecat-ai / pipecat

Open Source framework for voice and multimodal conversational AI
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Simpler context management for LLMs #147

Open chadbailey59 opened 1 month ago

chadbailey59 commented 1 month ago

As mentioned in Discord, Pipecat bots don't automatically maintain an LLM context object for you; instead, you have to use a bunch of aggregators and other tools to manage that yourself.

We originally built that because there were plenty of use cases where you didn't necessarily want to automatically store everything the user or bot said in the context, but we should consider adding an 'easy mode' that does this for you.

ramishi commented 1 month ago

Will you please consider adding https://dify.ai/ supports? it will solve the context issue and overall LLOMps solution.

TomTom101 commented 3 weeks ago

Langchain's message history comes in handy here, see the langchain example. You can store the history per speaker, summarize long conversations, persist in a database etc.