pipeless-ai / pipeless

An open-source computer vision framework to build and deploy apps in minutes
Apache License 2.0
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[Getting Start] ERROR - OUTPUT - Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state. #96

Closed chanwitkepha closed 7 months ago

chanwitkepha commented 7 months ago

According to Document in https://www.pipeless.ai/docs/docs/v0/getting-started

When I use command pipeless run it showsERROR - OUTPUT - Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.

Please suggest. How to solve this error. Thank you.

Detail is i the Text below

Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Python 3.10.12
pip 23.3.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)

pip install pipeless-ai pipeless-ai-cli

pipeless-ai            0.1.19
pipeless-ai-cli        0.1.16

Install Dependencies (GStreamer)

apt-get install -y pkg-config libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
    libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
    gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
    gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-tools \
    gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-gtk3 \
    gstreamer1.0-qt5 gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev

My config.yaml

    host: localhost
    port: 1234
    enable: true
log_level: INFO
    host: localhost
    port: 1237
    enable: true
    uri: file:///home/devteam/my_first_project/output/output.mp4
  order: ''
  n_workers: 1
    uri: ""

Output whenpipeless run

running project...
Loading config.yaml...
Config file config.yaml detected
17:15:29 INFO     - INPUT - Reading video from                                input.py:290
         INFO     - INPUT - Waiting first worker to be available                                                                                  input.py:305
17:15:30 INFO     - WORKER - Worker ready! Notifying input                                                                                       worker.py:179
17:15:30 INFO     - INPUT - First worker ready                                                                                                    input.py:307
         INFO     - INPUT - Starting input pipeline                                                                                               input.py:216
         INFO     - INPUT - Linking uridecodebin pad to videoconvert pad                                                                          input.py:149
17:15:31 INFO     - INPUT - Tags parsed: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en,                       input.py:276
         INFO     - INPUT - Tags parsed: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\ output",         input.py:276
                  container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A";
17:15:31 INFO     - OUTPUT - Output tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en,          output.py:324
         INFO     - OUTPUT - Output tags updated to: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\     output.py:324
                  output", container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A", video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en,
         INFO     - INPUT - dynamic source pad "video_0" with caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160,           input.py:76
                  interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1,
         INFO     - OUTPUT - Creating new pipeline for caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160,                output.py:370
                  interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1,
         ERROR    - OUTPUT - Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.      

When I change log_level to DEBUG

Loading config.yaml...
Config file config.yaml detected
17:16:34 DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read                                                            connection.py:60
         DEBUG    - OUTPUT - No data to read, try again on: InputOutputSocket-Read

My Nginx Web Server Access Log - - [03/Dec/2023:00:16:37 +0700] "GET /Gate1-Camera4-2023-11-24_0855_0930_REC.mp4 HTTP/1.1" 200 21669061 "-" "GStreamer souphttpsrc 1.20.3 libsoup/2.74.2

miguelaeh commented 7 months ago

Hi @chanwitkepha ,

Could you upgrade to version 1? (https://www.pipeless.ai/docs/v1/getting-started), it is more stable than version 0. You can find the installation details at: https://www.pipeless.ai/docs/docs/v1/getting-started/installation

chanwitkepha commented 7 months ago

Hi @miguelaeh

Now I upgrade to version 1.2 and test again according to https://www.pipeless.ai/docs/v1/getting-started

pipeless init my_first_project --template scaffold
cd my_first_project

pipeless start --stages-dir . Then I SSH to another terminal and run command

pipeless add stream --input-uri "" --output-uri "file:///home/devteam/output/output.mp4" --frame-path "my-stage"

It seems work well.

devteam@test-11236:~/my_first_project$ pipeless start --stages-dir .
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser] ⚙️  Loading stages from .
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser] ⏳ Loading stage 'my_stage' from ./my-stage
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/pre-process.py
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-pre_process
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/process.py
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-process
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/post-process.py
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-post_process
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::config::adapters::rest] REST adapter running
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  warp::server] Server::run; addr=
[2023-12-02T23:47:31Z INFO  warp::server] listening on
[2023-12-02T23:47:53Z INFO  pipeless_ai::dispatcher] New stream entry detected, creating pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:47:53Z ERROR pipeless_ai::gst::utils] Failed to create component nvvidconv of type nvvidconv
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] Using SystemMemory
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id 99c3fe0b-e00e-4ef1-aab6-88172e4be02c. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190;
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id 99c3fe0b-e00e-4ef1-aab6-88172e4be02c. Tags: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\ output", container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A";
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190;
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\ output", container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A";
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] Dynamic source pad video_0 caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1, framerate=(fraction)25/1
[2023-12-02T23:47:56Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] New input caps. Creating output pipeline for caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1, framerate=(fraction)25/1
devteam@test-11236:~/my_first_project$ ls -l /home/devteam/output/
total 348
-rw-rw-r-- 1 devteam devteam 353810 Dec  2 23:48 output.mp4

However if change --output-uri to screen (same as getting start) it have error.

pipeless add stream --input-uri "" --output-uri "screen" --frame-path "my-stage"

devteam@test-11236:~/my_first_project$ pipeless start --stages-dir .
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser] ⚙️  Loading stages from .
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser] ⏳ Loading stage 'my_stage' from ./my-stage
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/pre-process.py
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-pre_process
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/process.py
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-process
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]        Loading hook from ./my-stage/post-process.py
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::stages::parser]                Creating stateless hook for my_stage-post_process
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  pipeless_ai::config::adapters::rest] REST adapter running
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  warp::server] Server::run; addr=
[2023-12-02T23:58:23Z INFO  warp::server] listening on
[2023-12-02T23:59:26Z INFO  pipeless_ai::dispatcher] New stream entry detected, creating pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:59:26Z ERROR pipeless_ai::gst::utils] Failed to create component nvvidconv of type nvvidconv
[2023-12-02T23:59:29Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] Using SystemMemory
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190;
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\ output", container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A";
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190;
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, datetime=(datetime)2023-11-24T02:33:41Z, encoder=(string)"vlc\ 3.0.20\ stream\ output", container-format=(string)"ISO\ MP4/M4A";
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] Dynamic source pad video_0 caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1, framerate=(fraction)25/1
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] New input caps. Creating output pipeline for caps: video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)3840, height=(int)2160, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)mpeg2, colorimetry=(string)1:3:5:1, framerate=(fraction)25/1
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found in the pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)36450989, maximum-bitrate=(uint)36450989;
[2023-12-02T23:59:30Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)36450989;
[2023-12-02T23:59:31Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)41582578;
[2023-12-02T23:59:32Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)62044676;
[2023-12-02T23:59:32Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)63859182;
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)36450989, maximum-bitrate=(uint)36450989;
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found, skipping tags update.
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found in the pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)36450989;
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found, skipping tags update.
[2023-12-02T23:59:34Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found in the pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z INFO  pipeless_ai::pipeline] Tags updated to: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)15214705, maximum-bitrate=(uint)41582578;
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found, skipping tags update.
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z WARN  pipeless_ai::output::pipeline] Taginject element not found in the pipeline
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)10318561, maximum-bitrate=(uint)63859182;
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)10318561, maximum-bitrate=(uint)162271172;
[2023-12-02T23:59:35Z INFO  pipeless_ai::input::pipeline] New tags for input gst pipeline with id abca9c74-644d-4594-8850-cba64840be53. Tags: taglist, video-codec=(string)"H.264\ \(High\ Profile\)", language-code=(string)en, bitrate=(uint)23889190, minimum-bitrate=(uint)6316243, maximum-bitrate=(uint)162271172;
[xcb] Unknown request in queue while dequeuing
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
pipeless: ../../src/xcb_io.c:175: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_unknown_req_in_deq' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
miguelaeh commented 7 months ago

Hi @chanwitkepha ,

Thanks or the detailed information. I am not able to reproduce it on my environment, which is also Ubuntu 22.04. However, it seems to be a problem related to X11 multithreading, since using files it works, I would say it is related to the Gstreamer autovideosink plugin.

Could you try to stop Pipeless, export the following variable, and start it again?


In case that doesn't work, could share the output of the following commands?:

sudo X -version

xvinfo | grep version
chanwitkepha commented 7 months ago

Hi @chanwitkepha ,

Thanks or the detailed information. I am not able to reproduce it on my environment, which is also Ubuntu 22.04. However, it seems to be a problem related to X11 multithreading, since using files it works, I would say it is related to the Gstreamer autovideosink plugin.

Could you try to stop Pipeless, export the following variable, and start it again?


In case that doesn't work, could share the output of the following commands?:

sudo X -version

xvinfo | grep version

Thank you for your help. I will try it again.

miguelaeh commented 7 months ago

Hi @chanwitkepha ,

I see you closed the issue, did the above work? Please let me know so we can improve documentation or add it by default.