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New Maintainers #3

Open Foggalong opened 6 years ago

Foggalong commented 6 years ago

We really need new maintainers. I've made minor contributions in the past but my part is primarily "groundskeeper"; pretty much to make sure it doesn't fall to shit. @StefansM also seems to have been too busy to work on the project as of late, so we don't have anyone actively working on the script to fix bugs and keep the maintenance going.

If you're interested in contributing then drop a comment below and we can talk about getting you on board :)

The following section was written by @livibetter on 2018-02-11.

I have taken the recruiting task from @Foggalong , a few changes. When you ask to join, I will put you on the teams without write or admin permission as probationary memeber, once you have shown initiatives and contributions, I will move you to the Maintainers team of relevant repos, where you have the write permission.

Current Members

{team} confirmed
Bash @livibetter {Admin} (interim)
C @StefansM {Admin}
Perl @StefansM {Admin}
Python @KonradIT
Packagers @StefansM {AUR,Admin}


nicohman commented 6 years ago

I'm not particularly adept with bash, but I would be very willing to handle simple bugs and maintenance or packaging it and keeping AUR or debian repos up to date. What exactly are you looking for?

NickSica commented 6 years ago

Hey, I'd be happy to help maintain the python and C versions as those are the languages I know the most. I don't have much on my github as most of my work is for a job causing me to not be able to openly publish my code.

KonradIT commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy to maintain the python version and package to AUR

StefansM commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

In terms of actual maintenance, I don't think there's much to do for the C or perl versions. They're both very simple programs that are unlikely to suffer too badly from backwards compatibility issues. Both could benefit from packaging for various distros, the addition of new pipe types, and normalisation of the command line parameters. The perl version would likely work much more efficiently if it wrote its own escape codes to the terminal (via Term::Cap) rather than shelling out to tputs.

I'm content to remain as a maintainer, responding to issues and pull requests for the perl and C versions, but I'm unlikely to contribute any new features (although this thread has sparked some ideas...).

@Foggalong, would you like me to take a more active role in the bash and python versions? I've been busy recently, but should have a bit more time available these days. I'm no bash god, but I can muddle along, and I'm fairly good with python.

Foggalong commented 6 years ago

Thanks folks! I've added you all to a dev group on GH and will start adding you to repos after they've been accepted :)

@nicohman If you'd like to get involved with packaging that'd be brilliant! We have an AUR package for pipes.sh and that's about it; it'd be great to get packages for all of them into as many distros as possible.

@NickSica Yeah, if you want to give @StefansM a hand with the C version and any of those new sparks they've had :wink:

@KonradIT Getting some momentum behind the Python version would be cool. We imported it from another dead repo with the intention of making is as featured as the bash version but didn't have the man power to do much with it. @NickSica might be able to lend a hand with that too!

@StefansM Good to hear, especially Perl considering devs seem harder to come by these days. Basically yeah just want someone to be looking through issues and judging what's fixable and what isn't, reviewing PRs and the like. I can get involved with Python and bash if really needed, but I don't really have a massive amount of time to do anything beyond the caretaker role.

nicohman commented 6 years ago

@Foggalong RE: packaging. I think that we should try to get packages in the AUR and debian repos--they're by far the most popular distros. The debian submission guidelines are fairly strict, so I'd suggest only pipes.sh and maybe pipesX.sh to be submitted to that. However, getting all of the screensavers in the AUR should be easy. Thoughts?

Foggalong commented 6 years ago

@nicohman Yeah that sounds good to me :)

livibetter commented 6 years ago

Amazed to see so many Lead Developers / Maintainers :-) of respective versions.

@StefansM I've love to see your C match up the pipes.sh's functionality, perhaps even pipeseroni/pipes.sh#36 one day?

@nicohman @KonradIT I haven't actually seen any on Debian or AUR (our vanilla pipes.sh) (see also pipeseroni/pipes.sh#29), is it under way?

@Foggalong perhaps add a new column to HTML for their usernames for credits? (I have forgot that website, wish there is a pipes.js, so it can pipe in background. Animated piping favicon, that'd be cool.)

add @ 2018-02-08T01:06:15Z: GH Discover got me jspaint, while browsing through @1j01's repos, I found pipes. I honestly have forgot how the original pipes look like.

@ all, I think you guys should edit your README, add yourself as the current maintainers or developers (or Pipe Lord or Plumber) to claim the pipes.

livibetter commented 6 years ago

@ all, in case you haven't known, I have taken the recruiting task from @Foggalong.

@KonradIT, please accept your invite, and check out Devs team discussion board once you join. Or I will cancel it after 7 days.

KonradIT commented 6 years ago


livibetter commented 6 years ago

@KonradIT I and @StefansM are starting to discuss packaging, it'd be nice if you can join, the more inputs the better.

livibetter commented 6 years ago

@NickSica The confirmation period has ended, so I have removed you from Pipeseroni, but judging by your recent inactivity on GitHub, you probably are busy, so if you are still interested in helping out, please reply, we will re-invite you.

livibetter commented 6 years ago

@KonradIT please check your mail box at <mail @ your website domain>, I've just sent you one email regarding maze.py. Please do reply here or the email.

u9000-Nine commented 2 years ago

I’d love to help merge the open PRs on the shell script, then package it for Fedora.