pipwerks / Captivate-Publishing-Templates-Redux

Replacements for Adobe Captivate's Publishing Templates; cleaned, modernized, with extra functionality
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slide view completion not honored #3

Closed amirj26 closed 12 years ago

amirj26 commented 12 years ago

This may be more of a captivate functionality issue, not necessarily related to your changes, but no matter what I try, it seems I can't get the slide view completion to be honored. I have a video containing no quizes, and have the following Captivate settings: -Report Status: Complete/Incomplete -Report to LMS as: Percent -Report Data: Slide Views Only, Slide View Completion of 100 -Reporting Level: Report Score

When the video launches, if I take the progress bar and drag it all the way to the last slide and play the last bit, then close, the LMS will report it as completed. I've tried this with CyberU as well as Scorm Cloud. I've also tried the same settings in both scorm 2004 and 1.2.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

pipwerks commented 12 years ago

Slide views do not have any relation to video views. A video on a single slide will count as a single Captivate slide -- the frames within the video are outside the scope of Captivate's tracking. This is a limitation within Captivate, so you should probably head over to Adobe's forums if you need more help. Perhaps someone has created a widget that enables the functionality you desire?