piqoni / hn-text

A text-first HN client.
MIT License
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Needs refresh functionality. #2

Open brendenriggs opened 2 weeks ago

brendenriggs commented 2 weeks ago

I have it implemented locally. just need to create the fork and submit the PR. putting this up here so others aren't duplicating work

brendenriggs commented 2 weeks ago

update, I realized that we need to separate homepage/article list refresh from refreshing a discussion. hitting refresh on a discussion/comments shouldn't refresh the whole homepage, you should keep your place. I'll see if I can get that done tonight

piqoni commented 1 week ago

Thanks, I added basic refresh functionality here: https://github.com/piqoni/hn-text/pull/12

I addressed the main use case for now which is refreshing the article list (frontpage) since comments and articles content are updated less frequently.