piqoni / hn-text

A text-first HN client.
MIT License
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How to run ? #5

Closed wpeterw closed 2 weeks ago

wpeterw commented 3 weeks ago

Do I run it with "hn-text" ? I get a command not found. (installed with the go install command)

OrbiterToad commented 3 weeks ago


piqoni commented 3 weeks ago


If you installed it via go install and it says command not found, then likely your GOPATH/bin is not in your PATH. You can try by running this first, then 'hn-text' should be recognised from anywhere:

export PATH=${PATH}:`go env GOPATH`/bin

(and if that fixes it, put the above line in your shell source file (such as ~/.bashrc) for persistence).

If you go with the binaries option, then ./hn-text should work, on the directory you downloaded.

Let me know how it goes :)