piqoni / hn-text

A text-first HN client.
MIT License
491 stars 9 forks source link

Exits on articles without a link #6

Closed leosunmo closed 3 weeks ago

leosunmo commented 3 weeks ago

Nice work! Interesting to see a new CLI project not using https://charm.sh/ ;)

If you try to read an article that doesn't have a link, the program just exits with code 1 (and messes up my terminal a bit).

An example of an article without a link: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40555435

When I open that in hn-text I get comments just fine, but if I navigate "to the right" to see the article itself (the poster text in this case) it just exits.

piqoni commented 3 weeks ago

Fix is part of the latest release. Thank you very much for reporting it. https://github.com/piqoni/hn-text/releases/tag/v0.1.1