piquelab / QuASAR

Quantitative Allele Specific Analysis of Reads. Joint genotyping & ASE inference for RNA-seq data
MIT License
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aseInference output pval #11

Open liangyy opened 7 years ago

liangyy commented 7 years ago

Instead of having pval3 as a column in output in ourInferenceData$sample_name, I got pval2.het.ind.. And after I went back and checked the difference between pval3 and pval2.het.ind., I found they are almost the same, except the case where the site is determined as heterozygous by joint genotyping but in that particular sample, the observed counts are highly biased (i.e. 0/10: ref/alt, pval2.het.ind. gives 1 but pval3 gives a significant result, and pval3 seems more reasonable to me).

If I understand it correctly, the likelihood test in QuASAR paper Eqn 9 needs genotype as prior. So, I am wondering if logLikBetaBinomialRhoEps needs to use the genotype computed by fitAseNullMulti.

If my guess is wrong, could you explain the meaning of pval2.het.ind.?
