piratar / wasa2il

Direct democracy system
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Make "things" happen when a user adds themselves to a ballot #188

Open BjarniRunar opened 6 years ago

BjarniRunar commented 6 years ago

In all the elections I have been involved with so far, there has been a duplication of effort, where people would have to both add themselves to the ballot on x.piratar.is, AND send an e-mail or fill out a form, or do something outside wasa2il to provide the organizers with extra information they need that isn't captured by wasa2il itself.

The instructions being sent to potential candidates are therefore confusing and involve multiple unconnected steps - people make mistakes and volunteers have to clean up the mess and chase after people to fill in missing information.

It would probably be very helpful if after the user has clicked the button to run in an election, they are presented with a "next step" dialog which explains what else they have to do. A minimal viable implementation could be as simple as a free-form HTML-enabled text area which the admins could fill out and populate with links to Google docs forms or some such. This would only be presented to users who are actually running in an election.

Longer term, we probably want the wasa2il profile to capture more of the information needed by the election committees (and we need a way to expose that information to the admin of the election, see #189), but there will still often be surveys or other non-wasa2il things associated with elections. So I think this sort of feature will remain useful (and it's easy to implement).

helgihg commented 6 years ago

This is a good idea. I'm just wondering how to implement it without creating an entirely new survey project with endless scope creep. In my experience, anything that starts as an HTML-enabled text area is bound to receive a lot of so-called ideas on how it should be somehow completely different.