pirate / sites-using-cloudflare

:broken_heart: Archived list of domains using Cloudflare DNS at the time of the CloudBleed announcement.
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Tools for easily searching the list #37

Closed thislooksfun closed 7 years ago

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

It might be nice to have a searchable HTML site for the non-programmers that don't know how to use Github/grep. I am willing to throw one together early tomorrow afternoon (~13hrs from now), but if anyone wants to do it sooner, I wouldn't complain.

EDIT: Here's the list so far: http://www.doesitusecloudflare.com/ (doesn't search the historical list, it's just current sites) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloudbleed-bookmark-check/egoobjhmbpflgogbgbihhdeibdfnedii - chrome plugin http://cloudflarelistcheck.abal.moe/ https://talepicker.com/cloudbleed/ https://cloudbleed.ak5s.com/ https://thislooksfun.github.io/cloudbleed-search/ (mine - fully browser based) http://pickarsch.xyz/ https://cloudbleedcheck.com/ https://github.com/Eonasdan/LeakyCloudChecker/ - windows app https://bleed.cloud/index.html https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloudbleed/gmbmbodfgolnnfhfanhjeodfambaoklj - chrome plugin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cloudbleed/ - Firefox plugin https://github.com/mikemrm/CloudFlare-HistoryChecker - Chrome / Firefox history checker

pirate commented 7 years ago

I was planning on setting this up at some point, but if anyone else wants to toss one together before me, go for it.

abalabahaha commented 7 years ago

I might be taking a stab at this in a few hours

coderobe commented 7 years ago

You can open the txt in a browser tab and ctrl-f, there is no need for a website IMO

If there's gonna be one, i suggest keeping that in it's own repository though

abalabahaha commented 7 years ago

@coderobe not everyone wants to (or can afford to) load a 68.4MB txt to search a single string

tycoonlover1359 commented 7 years ago

I would definitely agree with this. I'd make one myself, however I only know EXTREMELY basic HTML.

@coderobe A site for this would look a lot better, and be more user friendly.

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

@coderobe Yes, but people might not know that. Since this affects more than just us people familiar with GitHub (and even that web browsers have a search function), it would be nice.

I would do it now, but I unfortunately really need to get to bed so I can actually function in the morning. If nobody else has taken it up by the time I'm free I will take a stab at it.

coderobe commented 7 years ago

I agree. Still, keeping it in a different repository would be beneficial for easy management / version control of the "database"

abalabahaha commented 7 years ago

Agreed, since the site code should be mostly static after initial development. Having a link here directing to the other repo/site is enough.

basisbit commented 7 years ago

maybe putting cloudflare as cache in between github.io and that website would be a fun idea - now that they fixed the actual issue.

pirate commented 7 years ago

http://www.doesitusecloudflare.com/ (doesn't search the historical list, it's just current sites)

franciscop commented 7 years ago

Ouch, didn't see this issue and ended up doing one myself with the list from this repository. It's open source so you can actually switch it for any text dataset of your own. Will publish it when it gets deployed, which should be soon.

franciscop commented 7 years ago

Never mind, it uses 590MB of RAM and I'm not going to pay hundreds of dollars for a Heroku Professional Dyno, the code is in https://github.com/franciscop/cloudbleed if anyone is interested

rickdmer commented 7 years ago

Not exactly what was requested, but I created a Chrome extension that searches your bookmarks for sites that use Cloudflare: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloudbleed-bookmark-check/egoobjhmbpflgogbgbihhdeibdfnedii

abalabahaha commented 7 years ago

Made a very barebones list checker on my site for now, will improve on it when I get the time

BhawaniGarg commented 7 years ago

Here is a little tool from which you can search: https://talepicker.com/cloudbleed/

PS: i am updating my list every day so people can use it :)

franciscop commented 7 years ago

BTW if anyone wants http://cloudbleed.site/ I'll point the DNS to their project or transfer it

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

I'm starting work now on a simple search. Progress will be over at https://github.com/thislooksfun/cloudbleed-search , contributions are welcome.

pathmissing commented 7 years ago

I too made a little tool: https://cloudbleed.ak5s.com/

pathmissing commented 7 years ago

As already discussed in the IRC, I propose to use @abalabahaha's site and link it in the readme so it is easy to find for everyone.

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

Mine is coming along well. Will post initial version soon.

Related question: would it be possible to maintain some way to see which have been confirmed affected/unaffected? (like an [affected] / [unaffected] tag after the url in the list for example?

Empty2k12 commented 7 years ago

I have created a simple Python webserver that uses a Redis cache for high speed domain lookups. Might be useful for anyone needing to check a ton of domains: https://github.com/Empty2k12/CloudBleedInfoServer

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

Ok, first draft of my search is live: https://thislooksfun.github.io/cloudbleed-search/ It's not fully working, and it only displays the first 5 results, so it may seem like it's not working, but it is.

It's fully browser based at the moment, so it is slow (has to load and search 68mb). If anyone wants to put work together to make a faster filter or move filtering to the backend, let me know in a new issue

Zenexer commented 7 years ago

@thislooksfun Returning 404 for https://thislooksfun.github.io/cloudbleed-search/sorted_unique_cf.txt

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

Aw crap, one sec... EDIT: Fixed

haxhxm commented 7 years ago

I can help set up a website on a webserver

MiningPickaxe commented 7 years ago

Whoops, just woke up to see, that a lot of people already did those websites xD I also created a webpage. It is based on a Node.js server and updates the database every 30min. For faster access times, I cached the whole file. http://pickarsch.xyz

ahmadawais commented 7 years ago

C'mon guys! Command line for the win! MacOS comes with curl installed. Just open your terminal and write the following command.

curl -Ls https://git.io/vyT0W | grep -x 'domain.com'

Where domain.com is what you should change. It will download the file if it outputs your domain name then that means your site might be affected.

BTW to close the search you can use CTRL + C.

pathmissing commented 7 years ago

@ahmadawais The average user does not know what a command line is and how to use it. That's why this thread exists.

SandNerd commented 7 years ago

Stumbled upon this https://cloudbleedcheck.com

Eonasdan commented 7 years ago

Made a windows app that will scan through your Google history against the list. https://github.com/Eonasdan/LeakyCloudChecker/tree/master. Can be downloaded from https://rink.hockeyapp.net/apps/d25274d5cd434dfabf22ff97782267d1/

Phineas commented 7 years ago

You can also use this if you <3 Golang - https://github.com/Phineas/cloudbleed-search to copy the code into your own Go project, or anything.

SandNerd commented 7 years ago

@pirate et all can someone enable the wiki on this repo and add all the links of tools related there? Should be done following the commandment: though shalt do the Awesome list for thyself first!

Oh and add this site there too: https://bleed.cloud/index.html

EmmanuelMess commented 7 years ago

@pathmissing https://cloudbleed.ak5s.com/ shows pages in duplicate ("localbitcoins.com", "animeflv.net").

coderobe commented 7 years ago

it's also using an outdated list btw.

pathmissing commented 7 years ago

Did not update the tool because there were plenty other tools. This version uses the outdated list.

coderobe commented 7 years ago

@sahal2080 bleed.cloud uses an outdated list as well.

coderobe commented 7 years ago

Please don't post services here if you don't intend to keep them up to date.
Thanks in advance.

pathmissing commented 7 years ago

Most tools here have been posted before we decided which one to pick.

coderobe commented 7 years ago

Well yes, but sites like bleed.cloud have only been added very recently, yet they are using lists from 2 days ago.

MiningPickaxe commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to keep my site up to date. Theoretically it should sync it every 30 min, does not work atm, doing it manually as soon as a new version arrives. Currently working on fixing it.

My site does not look so cool though

coderobe commented 7 years ago

@MiningPickaxe whilst your website does use an up-to-date list, the wording is still a bit unclear IMO.

MiningPickaxe commented 7 years ago

If you could help me with that, I would appreciate it. I'm german and english is my secondary language...

coderobe commented 7 years ago

@MiningPickaxe As you may understand, this is kinda out-of-scope here. You can check your site in to git though, allowing people to contribute.

MiningPickaxe commented 7 years ago

The code is now avaible here: https://github.com/MiningPickaxe/Cloudbleed-Domain-Checker Feel free to give feedback, help me with my grammar and spelling or help to add new features/fix bugs

mikemrm commented 7 years ago

I made a tool to search your Chrome and FireFox history and compare it to the current list of sites and tell you which sites you've been to are affected. Would appreciate you considering adding it to the list. https://github.com/mikemrm/CloudFlare-HistoryChecker

thislooksfun commented 7 years ago

@mikemrm added!

mikemrm commented 7 years ago


taltman commented 7 years ago

I created a tool to check your browsing history across several browsers on MacOSX against the list, feedback welcome! https://github.com/taltman/cloudbleed-browser-scan

peterrosell commented 7 years ago

Another tool for bulk checking against the list of possible affected sites, https://github.com/peterrosell/cloudbleed-check. It always fetches the master version of the list. To use it you just pipe a file containing hostnames or urls. No external dependencies and can also be run as a docker container.

coderobe commented 7 years ago

@peterrosell you mean like curl -Ls https://git.io/vyT0W | grep -x 'domain.com'? 😉