Closed xaralis closed 6 years ago
Now possible, when post gets youtubeVideoId
property within it's front matter, such as:
date: 2018-06-11
category: blog
tags: tag1 tag2
layout: post
title: Článek s videem místo obrázku
author: Jmeno Prijmeni
authorId: jakub.pirat # uid nekoho z _people (nepoviné)
image: posts/obrazek.u.tohoto.postu.jpg
youtubeVideoId: 5f0-nQLHHM4 # if youtubeVideoId is provided, it will replace the image as the main content
Implemented in 2d4b8a4
This allows people visiting the site to see what articles contain video right away.
It would also be nice if the video could take place of main image for this type of content.