pires / android-obd-reader

Android OBD-II Reader application that uses pure OBD-II PID's Java API.
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ELM327 OBD II mini return strange initial value #187

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


I was testing with ELM 327 OBD II adapter but there are many problem with it. Here is the adapter: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00J7CC4T2/ref=s9_simh_gw_g263_i3_r?pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=CWQZA5C1423S3A1CGSS4&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=9d539fa0-72bc-4756-8b94-2163f0a38a88&pf_rd_i=desktop

After connect to adapter, all of initial value is very strange. Speed is 11565 ( It should be 0 km/h) RPM, Distance v.v.v.. also is really strange.

Has anyone seen this problem before ? Thank

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago


I am also receiving some strange values for most of the parameters. I am using the ECUsim 2000 simulator and for example, the Speed and RPM is displayed like this: Speed: 410D941:DAF11803410D942:DAF12803410D94 RPM: 410CFFFF1:F11804410CFFFF

When i manually change the value of the parameters of the ECUsim, these parameters are updated but are displayed in the same format. Is this a format issue, incompatibility or am i doing something wrong ?

Thank you !

L.E. By the way, i am using an Asus ZEN Tablet with Android 5.0.1

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@bitaromulus that is incompatibility. You are seeing can responses. I am busy working on getting can to work, however my vehicle's do not respond in can so it's taking longer than expected.

Could you please post more raw responses along with what the value should be (roughly).

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp could you please post your raw responses?

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago


Hello again,

My ECUsim 2000 has 5 knobs which can be used to manually update the values of the parameters. The parameters that can be monitored are:

This simulator, also has a Configuration DIP Switch (has two switches that set the protocol attributes for ISO 15765-4(CAN). Switch number 1 is also used to select the init type for ISO 14230-4: a) 29 bit / 11 bit - Selects CAN frame ID type; b) 500 kbps / 250 kbps - Selects CAN baud rate; c) Fast Init / 5 Baud Init - Selects the type of initialization for ISO 14230-4).

When i wrote the previous message, i was using the simulator with the following settings: 29 bit / Fast Init + 500kbps With these settings, i was receiving those strange values for most of the parameters, to be more precise: Knob 1, Knob 2 and Knob 3.

Meanwhile, i changed to the following settings: 11 bit / 5 Baud Init + either 500 kbps or 250 kbps After i did this, i ran the Android application once again and i've noticed that the values for Knob 1(Engine Coolant Temperature) and Knob 2(Engine Speed (RPM)) are displayed correctly. Knob 3(Vehicle Speed) is still the same strange format, though.

Currently, for Knob 3(Vehicle Speed) the displayed value is as follows:

Knob 3 should give as a returned value 0x00 for min and 0xFF for max (0~255km/h). What is suprisingly is that certain bits of the displayed parameter, are constantly updated without touching any of the knobs: 410DFF2:0DFF4000103700

The numbers marked in bold are being updated constantly (it doesn't has an exact period of time, it just changes at about 5~10 seconds).

If you need any other information, please let me know and i will try to help in whatever way is possible for me.

Thank you in advance !

L.E. I've tried using the same ECUsim and ELM 327 with the existing Torque application. Everything runs as it should, no problem regarding the display of parameters.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Good morning !

@Pho3niX90 Regrading the raw data, I'm sorry that I didn't save it before. I will take the screenshot or file log in next testing time. BUT, all of strange value look likes a [Max value] that is described on Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs

For examples : RPM 16,383 Distance 65,535 etc...

@bitaromulus Have you think the protocol type is a one of reasonable ? ( At that time, I choosed AUTO )

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago

Good morning,

@kaorijp I've tried with all of the available protocols and only the CAN ones provide good data (except for the Vehicule Speed). The other ones do not work, NODATA is displayed in most of the cases. Currently, i also use AUTO setting. This evening, i will also try to post a screenshot and if possible, a log file. I guess this way, it will be better.

Thank you and have a nice day !

ghost commented 8 years ago


Thank for your reply. As far as I know, the Vehicle speed is the most important value. Anyway, I'm waiting your next report. I will also try to test with all protocols. I just need to get Timing, Speed, Distance only . Report you soon....

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago

Hello once again,

I've tested once again the application but it's the same problem with the vehicle speed. I am attaching the log file, i hope it helps to identify more easily the source of this problem: OBDReader_logcat_1466540907052.txt

If you need any other information, please let me know.

Thank you and have a nice day !

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hello @bitaromulus Thank for your report 👍 I have a question for you.

I've tried with all of the available protocols and only the CAN ones provide good data (except for the Vehicule Speed).

What kind of CAN protocol that has been confirmed ? There are many CAN protocols type that is defined in source code . Ex: IOS_15765_4_CAN IOS_15765_4_CAN_B IOS_15765_4_CAN_C IOS_15765_4_CAN_D SAE_J1939_CAN USER1_CAN

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago

Hello @kaorijp

You are right, i should have been more specific regarding the protocol which i use. My ECUsim 2000 is not full featured, this means that it currently supports only the Standard ISO 15765-4.

I currently have chosen the AUTO option from the configuration menu, but it always uses IOS_15765_4_CAN_C (except for the Vehicle Speed, everything works for me with this protocol). If i choose a different protocol, NODATA is received/displayed.

I hope this information is useful for you. Have a nice evening !

ghost commented 8 years ago


I'm planing to buy a OBD 2 Simulator such as ECUsim. So I have been testing on real car ( Toyota Voxy 2014). I didn't test with each of protocol type. Just set as AUTO. Beside that, I do not use Wifi , my expected is what is the real result that retuning by OBD II command only . I dont want to get distance by GPS. Can you help me to test Distance MIL with out GPS ?

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp Distance MIL is not distance traveled, it's distance traveled with MIL light on.

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@bitaromulus thank you for the examples you have posted. My pc crashes and need to resetup everything from scratch again. Once I have done that I will work on a solution for the can messages. I will look into acquiring the ecusim as well for the multiprotocol development. Currently I use win-obdsim for testing but only supports kline messages.

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@bitaromulus Could you please post example of these mods 29 bit / Fast Init + 500kbps 11 bit / 5 Baud Init + either 500 kbps or 250 kbps

With 2 raw examples of each knob, for each protocol above? That would be a considerable help to improve the library @ https://github.com/pires/obd-java-api/issues/115

ghost commented 8 years ago

Good evening! @Pho3niX90

Thanks for your explain. So , OBD 2 is not currently supporting distance traveled command (PID) ?

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp no it doesn't have such a function. Only distance travelled with MIL on, and since codes cleared. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs

bitaromulus commented 8 years ago

Hello @Pho3niX90

I have managed to group some raw incoming/outgoing data for each of the Knobs. In the pictures, you will see incoming/outgoing (Rx/Tx) data from the ECUsim 2000, which i've captured using TeraTerm. I've started with min value for each knob and gradually increased it until the max value is reached (you will notice that the values will modify). Also, for each Knob, i've associated the log file.

11 bit / 5 Baud Init + 250 kbps

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316364/f795ab94-398e-11e6-98f1-9bf4eb8843a8.jpg Android App LOG: - (I forgot to send the logfile. If it's necessary, i can upload it later.)

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316391/19188be2-398f-11e6-82e9-206dc385879b.jpg Android App LOG: [RPM]OBDReader_logcat_1466705645131.txt

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316417/2a89a0aa-398f-11e6-9661-58eed0e5b989.jpg Android App LOG: [VH. SPEED]OBDReader_logcat_1466706265806.txt

ECUsim LOG: - Android App LOG: -

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316423/3872af68-398f-11e6-8b1b-6dcfc58999b0.jpg Android App LOG: [MAF]OBDReader_logcat_1466706011275.txt

29 bit / Fast Init + 500kbps

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316508/9075dc8a-398f-11e6-9f57-f4cc4a47078d.jpg Android App LOG: [ENGINE COOLANT TEMP.]OBDReader_logcat_1466707547676.txt

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316516/9997fa8c-398f-11e6-8284-d3611a315777.jpg Android App LOG: [RPM]OBDReader_logcat_1466708093893.txt

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316949/912e3030-3991-11e6-8baa-bd61ebaf9054.jpg Android App LOG: [VH. SPEED]OBDReader_logcat_1466707754477.txt

ECUsim LOG: - Android App LOG: -

ECUsim LOG: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20044707/16316530/acb95af2-398f-11e6-8fd6-42f0e23355a1.jpg Android App LOG: [MAF]OBDReader_logcat_1466707977783.txt

When do you think it will be possible to fix the displayed format for the Vehicle Speed ?

If you need any more information, let me know and if it's possible for me, i will try to help.

Thank you and have a nice evening !

ghost commented 8 years ago

@bitaromulus @Pho3niX90 I'm so sorry for ask you again about Distance traveled.
I'm really confused with three Module $ PID

From my understanding,we can get value that return from command Distance travelled with MIL on And then, if (04 NA) command has been called , it means the MIL if OFF. At this time, we can use command (01 31) to get value in this case ( Since codes cleared) . What does value of (01 31) mean ?

So my confusion is :

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp What are you trying to achieve?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Pho3niX90 Ex: A car travels from point A to point B. How many km driven in this case?

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp Then there is no pid for you. 31 has a max value it will display and does not get reset on each trip. 31 is distance travelled after the last time errors were cleared. And it's not supported by most vehicles as far as I have seen

sytolk commented 8 years ago

@Pho3niX90 I have KM on the display of my car :) and I suppose that its have some pid to get this KM. If its have this KM (of production without reset) a car travels from point A to point B = km B - km A

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@sytolk There is no generic PID for this. Therefore not possible in this project. You will have yo run a sniffer on your vehicles network to find it. But this is different per brand and per model. I personally do not see a need for this so cannot assist in persuing it when the gps works flawlessly.

Pho3niX90 commented 8 years ago

@kaorijp My only suggestion to what you want to achieve is monitor the cars speed over the session time and calculate the distance.

sytolk commented 8 years ago

@Pho3niX90 this is good idea. @kaorijp can you check distance calculated from speed like: List speedChanges = [30,10,30,25,5]; if(curr_speed != previous_speed) //add to array int avgSpeed = 100/5=20 km/h distance (km)= 20 x time(h)

sytolk commented 8 years ago

Its wrong :) its need to have timestamp attached to the HashMap speed => timestamp

HIGHLANDER3 commented 8 years ago


If you take the memorized distance traveled and subtract from the actual and display it, that could satisfy? You just need to consider that other option when he uses the other PID for the calculation the distance traveled due to MIL ocurrence. It will not be good if you clear those trouble codes, once you need it to know whats going on in your vehicle.

sytolk commented 8 years ago

Maybe some mix if pid 31 and 21 supported by vehicle use it. If not it will be good to have distance based on speed changes or to enable both methods +GPS and match the results. Who can provide PR ? :)

ghost commented 8 years ago


31 has a max value it will display and does not get reset on each trip

What does max value mean in this case ?

@sytolk @Pho3niX90

My only suggestion to what you want to achieve is monitor the cars speed over the session time and calculate the distance

Yep. This is my workaround until now. I also tested this case and has a litle difference from the real kilometer on car.


In fact, I have driven 2.2km and spent 15 minutes. But the calculation is returned 1.9 ~ 2.05 km Maybe the calculation the not good BUT the main problem is the speed is not updated in real time ! ( Around 2 seconds is delayed with real kilometer )