pirj / tor-privoxy

Tor-privoxy is a Ruby Mechanize wrapper to access the web with mechanize via Tor/Privoxy It allows to use multiple Privoxy instances, switch endpoints, switch proxy when you get 4xx HTTP code Useful for web robots, scanners, grabbers when accessing sites which may ban/block you unexpectedly
84 stars 28 forks source link

Cannot load file #4

Closed mmahalwy closed 10 years ago

mmahalwy commented 10 years ago

Getting this:

2.1.1 :001 > require 'tor-privoxy' LoadError: cannot load such file -- tor-privoxy from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:inrequire' from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in block in require' from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:214:inload_dependency' from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/activesupport-4.0.4/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in require' from (irb):1 from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:90:instart' from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:9:in start' from /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/railties-4.0.4/lib/rails/commands.rb:62:in<top (required)>' from bin/rails:4:in require' from bin/rails:4:in


pirj commented 10 years ago

Can you please provide output of the following:

ls /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/


gem env
mmahalwy commented 10 years ago
actionmailer-4.0.4                     coffee-script-2.2.0              geocoder-1.1.9          morrisjs-rails-0.4.3       polyglot-0.3.4            sass-rails-4.0.1       treetop-1.4.15
actionpack-4.0.4                       coffee-script-source-1.7.0       gmaps4rails-2.1.2       morrisjs-rails-0.5.0       rack-1.5.2                sass-rails-4.0.2       turbolinks-2.2.1
activemodel-4.0.4                      daemon_controller-1.2.0          hashie-2.0.5            multi_json-1.9.0           rack-contrib-1.1.0        sdoc-0.4.0             tzinfo-0.3.39
activerecord-4.0.4                     daemons-1.1.9                    hike-1.2.3              multi_json-1.9.2           rack-mini-profiler-0.9.1  sinatra-1.4.4          uglifier-2.5.0
activerecord-deprecated_finders-1.0.3  delayed_job-4.0.0                http-cookie-1.0.2       multipart-post-1.2.0       rack-protection-1.5.2     socksify-1.5.0         unf-0.1.3
activesupport-4.0.4                    delayed_job_active_record-4.0.0  i18n-0.6.9              multi_xml-0.5.5            rack-test-0.6.2           sprockets-2.11.0       unf_ext-0.0.6
arel-4.0.2                             delayed_job_web-1.2.5            jbuilder-1.5.3          net-http-digest_auth-1.4   rails-4.0.4               sprockets-2.12.0       warden-1.2.3
atomic-1.1.15                          devise-3.2.3                     jqcloud-rails-1.0.0     net-http-persistent-2.9.4  railties-4.0.4            sprockets-rails-2.0.1  webrobots-0.1.1
atomic-1.1.16                          devise-3.2.4                     jquery-rails-3.1.0      nokogiri-1.6.1             rake-10.1.1               thor-0.18.1            whenever-0.9.2
bcrypt-3.1.7                           domain_name-0.5.16               linkedin-scraper-0.1.0  ntlm-http-0.1.1            rake-10.2.0               thor-0.19.1            will_paginate-3.0.5
bcrypt-ruby-3.1.5                      domain_name-0.5.17               lol_dba-1.6.0           oauth-0.4.7                raphael-rails-2.1.2       thread_safe-0.2.0      will_paginate-bootstrap-1.0.0
bootstrap-sass-                 entypo-rails-2.2.1               mail-2.5.4              omniauth-1.2.1             rash-0.4.0                thread_safe-0.3.0
builder-3.1.4                          erubis-2.7.0                     mechanize-2.7.2         omniauth-oauth-1.0.1       rb-readline-0.5.1         thread_safe-0.3.1
bundler-1.5.3                          execjs-2.0.2                     meta_request-0.2.8      omniauth-twitter-1.0.1     rdoc-4.1.1                tilt-1.4.1
callsite-0.0.11                        faraday-0.8.9                    mime-types-1.25.1       orm_adapter-0.5.0          sass-3.2.16               tor-0.1.2
chronic-0.10.2                         faraday_middleware-0.9.0         mini_portile-0.5.2      passenger-4.0.39           sass-3.2.18               tor-privoxy-0.1.1
coffee-rails-4.0.1                     fullcontact-0.6.1                mini_portile-0.5.3      pg-0.17.1                  sass-3.3.3                tor_requests-0.4.0 
RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 2.1.1 (2014-02-24 patchlevel 76) [x86_64-linux]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /home/tristan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby
  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bin
  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /home/tristan/.gem/specs
    - ruby
    - x86_64-linux
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global
     - :update_sources => true
     - :verbose => true
     - :backtrace => false
     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
     - https://rubygems.org/
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bin
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global/bin
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin
     - /usr/local/sbin
     - /usr/local/bin
     - /usr/sbin
     - /usr/bin
     - /sbin
     - /bin
     - /usr/games
     - /usr/local/games
     - /home/tristan/.rvm/bin
pirj commented 10 years ago

That's odd, cannot reproduce. Can you also provide your .irbrc and the output of

Gem.path from irb?

mmahalwy commented 10 years ago

I also get this:

tristan@dossiyadata:~$ tor
Apr 16 10:16:25.058 [notice] Tor v0.2.4.21 (git-c5a648cc6f218339) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.19-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.1c.
Apr 16 10:16:25.058 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Apr 16 10:16:25.058 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Apr 16 10:16:25.061 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
Apr 16 10:16:25.061 [warn] Could not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running?
Apr 16 10:16:25.061 [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.
Apr 16 10:16:25.061 [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.

And gempath ["/home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1", "/home/tristan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global"]

pirj commented 10 years ago

Have you set up tor to enable control port? Should start on 9051 too. You don't have to start tor manually, it's usually running from 'tor' user.

pirj commented 10 years ago

Please reopen if is still the case

mmahalwy commented 10 years ago

Okay thanks. I ended up just using something else other than Tor. It gave me too much trouble

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Phil Pirozhkov notifications@github.comwrote:

Closed #4 https://github.com/pirj/tor-privoxy/issues/4.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/pirj/tor-privoxy/issues/4 .

Mohamed El Mahallawy
