piroor / copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard

Provides ability to copy title and URL of selected tabs to the clipboard for Firefox 63 and later.
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Attributes in alphabetical not in order presented in pattern #13

Closed DavidMcRitchie closed 3 years ago

DavidMcRitchie commented 3 years ago

Short description

href attribute tags are being generated in alphabetcal ordet rather than order specified

Steps to reproduce

Using ^ instead of < so page does not get messed up.

HTML Link with Desc ^LI> ^li>^a target="_blank" href="%URL_HTML%" title="%DESCRIPTION_HTML%">%TITLE_HTML%^/a>^/li>%RT% .

attribute tags came out in alphabetical order within Anchor element href= target= title= instead of the order presented target= href= title=

Expected result

expected them in the order I presented

Why this is important to me

I enter a lot of links manually and type the href="h... immediately after the A. I want to change links later to insert target="_blank" immediately after the A.

change all '^a href="h' to '^a target="_blank" href="h'

Actual result



Thanks for fixing Description #12 it is active

piroor commented 3 years ago

FYI: you can put HTML sources as is with "preformattted" text mark:

<li><a target="_blank" href="%URL_HTML%" title="%DESCRIPTION_HTML%">%TITLE_HTML%</a></li>%RT%
DavidMcRitchie commented 3 years ago

I tried yours, then I tried mine, both had the same output, exactly what I wanted and expected.Then I checked the version still 1.3.1 Close it as user error, I can't see how I saw something completely different earlier today.Sorry to bother you, embarrassing for me.   The output looks great.

piroor commented 3 years ago

Ah, sorry for a confusable comment. I actually just wrote about a syntax on this issue tracker. I've not researched about the problem you reported yet...

piroor commented 3 years ago

I've tried to reproduce but I couldn't.

This addon fills the placeholders at https://github.com/piroor/copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard/blob/486db22d70fd887fbb4eed19cffb045b68bc4a42/common/commands.js#L189 and the operation will be done based on simple string replacement. The logic doesn't parse HTML so attributes won't be rearranged by this addon. I prepared some tabs and select-and-copy, then I pasted it to some applications:

But I successfully got HTML sources same as the definition.

On the other hand, when you paste the data to any application like Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, or any other application with rich-text support, the pasted data will be parsed by the receiver application. And if you get the HTML source on the application, attributes may be sorted by the application itself.

Could you describe more detailed steps to reproduce? Which application do you use, and how to get the HTML source on the application?

DavidMcRitchie commented 3 years ago

Found the problem,as you suggested some things might rearrange the code.     https://bestonlinehtmleditor.com/    did rearrange the code When pasted into code is exactly what I wanted with target=    first. When pasted in as RTF and then look at the code this is what I saw. It does generate the ul  and  /ul  when pasted as RTF

Don't know if this is going to look like HTML code or not,  but is the problem as described.

Of course I would not be going thru this to add to a webpage.This was test it output was correct.    Into notepad code is as expected

I  was testing with a different HTML editor yesterday and did not see the problem, this one has more features. So was already determined  yesterday your stuff  is good and not a problem.And today that I am not insane, which is a relief.   Just not a good tester..

-----Original Message----- From: piroor notifications@github.com To: piroor/copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard@noreply.github.com Cc: DavidMcRitchie dmcritchie@verizon.net; Author author@noreply.github.com Sent: Fri, Jul 31, 2020 12:23 pm Subject: Re: [piroor/copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard] Attributes in alphabetical not in order presented in pattern (#13)

I've tried to reproduce but I couldn't.This addon fills the placeholders at https://github.com/piroor/copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard/blob/486db22d70fd887fbb4eed19cffb045b68bc4a42/common/commands.js#L189 and the operation will be done based on simple string replacement. The logic doesn't parse HTML so attributes won't be rearranged by this addon. I prepared some tabs and select-and-copy, then I pasted it to some applications:

DavidMcRitchie commented 3 years ago

Was looking at output in an HTML editor after switching between the two views, not a problem with this addon.