piroor / copy-selected-tabs-to-clipboard

Provides ability to copy title and URL of selected tabs to the clipboard for Firefox 63 and later.
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CSTTC no longer copying correct tabs #50

Open Gitoffthelawn opened 8 months ago

Gitoffthelawn commented 8 months ago

Short description

There is a serious regression in CSTTC v1.6.0 and v1.6.1 in which CSTTC no longer always copies the information for the correct tabs.

Steps to reproduce

I have yet had time to be able to isolate this issue with exact STR.

What I can state for sure is that:

  1. It is a regression with CSTTC v1.6.0 and v1.6.1
  2. It's not related to a Firefox update, as the test box is currently using v115 ESR, which has not changed since before v1.6.0 was released.
  3. I have Copy individual tab set for CSTTC's middle-click operation.
  4. I have Copy all tabs set for CSTTC's regular operation.
  5. Temporary Containers extension is also installed in that Firefox profile. I suspect that this could be related to containers, but I'm not sure at this time.
  6. For the Copy all tabs operation, sometimes CSTTC copies the correct tabs, but sometimes it only copies the current tab or the current tab and the tab immediately to its right.

Expected result

Always copy the information for the correct tabs, as with CSTTC pre-v1.6.0.

Actual result

For the Copy all tabs operation, sometimes CSTTC copies the correct tabs, but sometimes it only copies the current tab or the current tab and the tab immediately to its right.


piroor commented 8 months ago

It looks to behave based on a command choice for a tree parent. Now this addon treats a tab as a tree parent if there is any child tab referring the tab with its openerTabId, even if you don't use any tree management addon like Tree Style Tab, Sideberry and others. The menu item should be shown with a label for tree parent on such cases: this is the real bug of this issue.

I've introduced some commits to show correct menu label. And I've also added a new command choice for tree parent tabs: behave same to the choice for individual tabs. I hope it should help people who don't use any tree management addon.

F271wQbGjWSC commented 1 month ago

Hello, I'm not sure I understand. I sometimes go through long stretches without updating extensions so I am only encountering this now. Are we now doomed to have child tabs (if/when they exist) in our clipboard when trying to copy a single tab? When was this change introduced?

Thanks for your time.

F271wQbGjWSC commented 1 month ago

Disregard, i misread the "Behavior on no multiselection" heading in the extensions config page.

Setting the "Regular Operation" and "Middle Click" colums under "On the Parent Tab of a Tree (require tabs management addon like Tree Style Tab)" to "Copy Individual Tab" have my shortcuts feeling like normal again.