piroor / informationaltab

Informational Tab, Provides thumbnail, progress meter, or others to each tab.
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TreeStyleTab: Tab height is not changed when entering bigger thumbnail sizes #7

Open muescha opened 11 years ago

muescha commented 11 years ago

TreeStyleTab: Tab height is not changed when entering bigger thumbnail sizes

i like to see the TreeStyleTabs a little big higher if i enter a bigger thumbnail size.

this can be done automatic or via a settings

Pystro commented 11 years ago

I have a similar problem (i'm also using InformationalTab and TreeStyleTab). If i choose to display thumbnail and site name above each other, the thumbnails (or the site names) are extending over the lower edge of the tab. It gets fixed when i choose to have the thumbnail behind the name. And changing the thunmbnail size does not help. I think the tab sized gets only calculated based on the thumbnail size without considering the name of the website.