piroor / multipletab

Multiple Tab Handler, Provides feature to close multiple tabs.
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Not compatible with Vertical Tabs Reloaded #148

Open Mr-Personality opened 7 years ago

Mr-Personality commented 7 years ago

This seems like a great add-on and it's exactly what I've been looking for. But sadly it doesn't work with the "Vertical Tabs Reloaded" add-on.

I find that surprising as I would imagine that the people who want to select multiple tabs are people who use lots of tabs, and surely they're the same people who would be using vertical tabs? And last time I checked Vertical Tabs Reloaded was the only decent vertical tabs add-on that works.

piroor commented 7 years ago

I'm very sorry but I hope to label this bug as "won't fix".

Currently, Vertical Tabs Reloaded is a hybrid addon (WebExtensions + SDK-based). However, SDK part must die at Firefox 57. For future versions, VTR (and Multiple Tab Handler) must be reconstructured as pure WebExtensions addons. I hope to spend more time to fix other resolvable bugs, with my very few free time.

Croydon commented 7 years ago

As the developer of Vertical Tabs Reloaded I agree with @piroor. Right now we should concentrate our time to port our add-ons to WebExtensions (my work can be tracked here https://github.com/Croydon/vertical-tabs-reloaded/issues/13).

Once this is done we can come back here and see what we can do. I'm planning to create an API so that other add-ons can extend the tab browser of Vertical Tabs Reloaded. So maybe Multi Tab Handler could hook up into that or the other way around.

Mr-Personality commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the information gentlemen, I appreciate it. I'm afraid I don't understand the technicality of things very much, but I am happy to wait until these issues are resolved, there's no rush. (I also don't understand Github much either, please forgive me if I am not using it correctly.)

While I'm here, may I say it would also be great if Vertical Tabs was compatible with the "RightBar" add-on, allowing tabs on the left, and bookmarks/history sidebar on the right - it's a shame to have everything cramped up on one side. But again, I'm sure this will all be sorted out in time.

leedoyle commented 7 years ago

@Croydon I do enjoy both addons and I do hope Vertical Tabs Reloaded and Multiple Tab Handler will play well together. This should be possible, because Multiple Tab Handler is perfectly compatible with Tree Style Tabs and I don't see why it shouldn't be feasible with Vertical Tabs Reloaded. People will (hopefully) be able to benefit from it for a year (Mozilla deprecates XUL sometime in April 2018 with FF52 ESR) or even more as there are plans for independent forks by Waterfox and Pale Moon teams.

alreadydone commented 6 years ago

still not compatible though everything has switched to WE ...

piroor commented 6 years ago

@alreadydone For compatibility of these addons, VTR must have something APIs for other addons like Tree Style Tab: https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/API-for-other-addons

alreadydone commented 6 years ago

OK. I can keep using TST but is there an option to disable tree structure completely? All other vertical/sidebar tab add-ons don't currently support Multiple Tab Handler. I mainly use the vertical tab feature, and I observe occasionally that the tree get scrambled, making me unable to move tabs to the desired place, etc. (Maybe conflict with other add-on; suspects are Auto Tab Discard, Open Tabs Next to Current). Anyway I think disabling tree structure should reduce the possibility of bad things happen. I am now using Sync Tab Groups as well, and it seems to fare well with TST, but I am not sure what will happen if I later load a session with 3000+ tabs (yes I am such a creature called tab hoarder ...)

I used Pale Moon for a long time mainly for the tab group and vertical tab features (I recall that TabGroups Manager revived doesn't have signature required by recent versions of Firefox), and now I find the WE transition of Firefox add-ons has made substantial progress thanks to developers like you, so I am trying to switch to Quantum for its speed.

grahamperrin commented 6 years ago

… TST … is there an option to disable tree structure completely? …

Probably better to raise the question in a support area for the extension. Thanks.