piroor / suspendtab

Suspends background old tabs automatically to save memory usage.
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Provide an opt-in ability to require explicit action for un-suspending a tab #67

Open kostix opened 7 years ago

kostix commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to implement an option which, when turned on, would require the user to perform an explicit action to unsuspend a tab?

To explain this in more simple words, I would very much like if suspendtab had a work mode like "The Great Suspender" Chrome extension has by default: when a suspended tab gets focused, that extension does not automatically unsuspend the tab but it rather displays its own content in the tab's page describing that the tab was suspended and unloaded, the content was at such-and-such URL, and suggests the user to click anywhere on that page to actually unsuspend the tab and replace that placeholder content with the real one.

I find this convenient because often I'd like to keep a bunch of (suspended) tabs around but I'd like to keep them suspended until I explicitly decide to activate one of them. With the way suspendtab currently behaves, the most recent suspended tab constantly flips between being suspended and activated as I open and close "normal" tabs. The same also happens with other tabs: as I'm using the Tree-Style Tabs addon as well, a tab from the middle of some sub-hierarchy in the tree might get activated when I close a tab there.

(Can't stand it but thanks for writing the two most useful addons for FF!)

kostix commented 7 years ago

Here's what it looks like in Chrome: the-great-suspender-demo

The addon print's the original page's title, provides a way to whitelist it and suggests the user to click the page to load the original content.