piroor / treestyletab

Tree Style Tab, Show tabs like a tree.
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Enable full-size (normal width) scrollbar #2489

Closed grahamperrin closed 4 years ago

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

I see no scrollbar:


– and with a trackball device for input, I can't scroll. As a workaround I typically use keyboard shortcuts to navigate tabs, or switch temporarily to Sidebery.

I see e.g. preferences for scrollbarMode and sidebarScrollbarPosition but I can't guess the effects of changing the values in version 3.3.6.

Shot of a cleaner profile:


Can I force appearance of the scrollbar?

(If I'm overlooking something, I'm sincerely sorry; I spent half an hour or so searching including e.g. the tabs in the first screenshot.)

grahamperrin@momh167-gjp4-8570p:~ % date ; uname -v
Sat 22 Feb 2020 17:24:42 GMT
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #51 r357746: Tue Feb 11 03:54:19 GMT 2020     root@momh167-gjp4-8570p:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC-NODEBUG 
grahamperrin@momh167-gjp4-8570p:~ % pkg query '%o %v %R' firefox
www/firefox 73.0.1,1 FreeBSD
grahamperrin@momh167-gjp4-8570p:~ % 


irvinm commented 4 years ago

I see the scrollbar in both screenshots. (I think) It looks like it is on the left side of the sidebar and it is "half-sized". You can make it full-sized if you want ... or even move it to the right side of the sidebar if it is easier to see and\or interact with your trackball. You can also change the color scheme of the scrollbar to make it easier to see.

It looks like in the 2nd screenshot, the scrollbar is all the way to the bottom but I am not sure why the last tab gets clipped by the "Open a new tab" "+" bar ...

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

Oh, wow! Thanks.

Now I see it, in the screenshots, but the half-size is (for me) very vague. The previous screenshots were slightly misleading in that the shot software excluded the borders. Here's a truer representation:


– at a glance, the bar is almost as narrow as the indicators alongside each task, almost as narrow as borders.

Now, embarrassingly, I can't find an option to widen the scrollbar.

From https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/issues/1544#issuecomment-522902490:

… "Preferences" > Scroll all the way down to an expandable menu named "All Configs" …

A few hours ago this expandable menu was visible to me. Now it's not:


I considered the possibility of an extensions conflict but with a different profile – Tree Style Tab alone enabled – here, too, I can't see All Configs:


Have I become word-blind? Or am I confusing myself in some other way?

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

I can't see All Configs:

OK, now I see it, expandable All Configs nested under expandable Development but still (sorry) I can't find anything to normalise the width of the scrollbar.

It's past 03:00 in the morning here, entirely possible that I'm doing something stupid (again) …

irvinm commented 4 years ago

You can use CSS to take care of it: https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/Code-snippets-for-custom-style-rules#show-scrollbar-with-regular-width

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago


Five stars, https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/tree-style-tab/reviews/1494551/


mxmilkiib commented 4 years ago

I have tried this in userChrome.cssimage and the textarea in Advanced / Extra Style Rules... but I'm still getting the narrower scrollbar. Might there be something else in the options overriding that style?

irvinm commented 4 years ago

@mxmilkb you only need to add "#tabbar { scrollbar-width: auto; }" to your TST CSS. I tried your 20px value and it didn't work for me either. I am guessing that it not a valid size for the scrollbar.

piroor commented 4 years ago

The description at MDN says that the scrollbar-width property accepts CSS length, but the CSS spec actually says that it accepts only three keywords none, auto, and thin. Indeed Firefox says that length like 40px is invalid for the property (you can see the error on the DOM inspector).

mxmilkiib commented 4 years ago

Thanks folks, apologies, I had thought I had tried "auto" before with no affect, but I might have typoed or something as it does work.

zesty commented 2 years ago

workaround is no longer working

piroor commented 2 years ago

#tabbar { scrollbar-width: auto; } still works for me on Nightly 102.0a1 (on Windows 10). Screenshot:


zesty commented 2 years ago

more info:

I'm on Kubuntu 22.04 / ff 100.0

The scollbar gutter appears and disappears -- with mouseover -- as an overlay, taking up no structural/layout width, such that it covers most of the click area for expand/collapsing trees when active (scrollbar on left side), making for unexpected scrolling when trying to expand/collapse. Before ff 100, the scrollbar gutter took up real/layout space all the time. Now the gutter is present only when mouse-hovered (no animation).

Changing up the themes (addon and firefox) didn't help, neither did L/R positioning (scrollbar or sidebar), nor disable/enable the addon.

Scrollbar slider not shown:

1 2

irvinm commented 2 years ago

@zesty have you tried removing all of your other TST CSS and just add the one line back for the scrollbar back in to see if that works? Also, do you have anything in your userChrome.css? Maybe try disabling that for testing purposes too.

I tried on Ubuntu 22.04 and didn't see any problems.

zesty commented 2 years ago

TL;DR workaround: enable double click tab title to expand collapse and use that instead

Preferences > Tree Behavior > Double-click on a tab > Collapse/expand tree

Don't have a userChrome.css; no joy with the clean TST CSS. Seems like it might be something to do with kde/qt/plasma interaction with ff:

[kde] [Bug 439448] New: Scrollbars are invisible and disappear, and are too narrow https://www.mail-archive.com/kde-bugs-dist@kde.org/msg582213.html

439448 – Scrollbars are invisible and disappear, and are too narrow https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=439448

I hammered on the kde/plasma appearance settings, and tried some of the standard options in qt5ct to no effect. I'll update again if I can find a fix, and maybe check back to see if anyone else reports. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

piroor commented 2 years ago

Is this workaround effective on this case?: https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/discussions/3124#discussioncomment-2742198

zesty commented 2 years ago

Yep, that was indeed the issue.