pishangujeniya / instagram-helper

Instagram Scripts for Bulk Unsending Direct Messages
MIT License
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Failed to find ConsumerLibCommons.js from Instagram Server #89

Closed datnewfix closed 1 year ago

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I see this script has been updated from the older one which had better directions. Im confused where exactly do I place my "Chat Thread ID" and the number of how many messages to skip in the script. Thx

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

You first try to follow the guidelines as mentioned in README, it will ask you in prompt to enter the details.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I read the README section im still confused. On the last README it actually showed where to input the Chat Thread ID and the Skip number was already show.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago


this is what im getting

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix you have not followed the readme properly. Please read the README properly. It has steps to follow the .vbs file and creating new chrome instance. Also you need to install an extension in the new instance of chrome which is mentioned in Readme.

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix I hope you have solved it.

Please close the issue.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

The issue is not solved I dont know what im missing

datnewfix commented 1 year ago


I follwed the directions in read me and get this still

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix Answer me following questions

  1. Are you using InstagramHelperChrome ?
  2. Have you installed the Disable Content-Security-Policy Extension in InstagramHelperChrome ?
  3. Are you opening site using InstagramHelperChrome?
datnewfix commented 1 year ago

Yes image

this correct right?

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

then i got to Instagram log in and hit F12 then I paste the script thats where im stuck

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago


  1. Open Instagram.com press the CSP icon, so that it becomes pink. image

  2. Try refreshing site, and it should be pink again automatically.

  3. Now go to conversation, and run the script code in F12 console.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

going to try now

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I just did it .. when you say run the script you mean just paste it into the console like this right ? image

How do i run it press enter?

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix Yes, press Enter

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I press enter and get this image

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix Thanks for reporting, its a bug.

Instagram servers have removed one of the script from there server - https://www.instagram.com/static/bundles/es6/ConsumerLibCommons.js/4f7f1faf9a94.js

Need to find the updated script from Instagram servers.

I am working on it.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

ok thx!

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I was using a different script about a month ago that was working fine.. this seems to be new

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix That script which you were using, that will also not work now, as there has been some change done by Instagram developers, so we need to keep our script updated with it by reverse engineering it.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

ok I understand! Ill wait patiently for update thx again

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix Its fixed in the latest 3.1 version, you can use the latest code from the README.

Please donate, if it helps you.


datnewfix commented 1 year ago

doesnt seem to fix anything. looks like the same code unless im using the wrong one strange

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix It's fixed and added a flow guide with screenshots in README, you can follow it. You need to follow the steps very properly.

The code in README is also updated, do copy the new code (It might look the same, but version is different)

If it is still showing you an error, please attach the screenshot here.

datnewfix commented 1 year ago

I got it working thanks for all the help!

datnewfix commented 1 year ago


its working for a little bit then this pops up ? anything I can do to stop this?

pishangujeniya commented 1 year ago

@datnewfix Read the following

  1. https://github.com/pishangujeniya/instagram-helper#-getting-too-often-try-again-tomorrow-error-or-429-response-code
  2. https://github.com/pishangujeniya/instagram-helper/issues/6#issuecomment-663906500