piskelapp / piskel

A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
Apache License 2.0
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GIFs not assembling #1036

Open Escaman51 opened 2 years ago

Escaman51 commented 2 years ago

Bug description: When attempting to export a piece as an animated gif, it refuses to build the gif. As far as I know, exporting as a png, zip, or other file still work perfectly, it just seems to be an issue with exporting gifs. I attempted to make a test animation to see if it was just my piece but it seems like it's just piskel itself. I even tried exporting on a seperate device and was met with the same issue. (this template is intended for bug reports, erase it when requesting features/enhancements) Screenshot 2022-01-01 3 21 49 PM

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. go to piskelapp.com
  2. make an art piece with more than 1 frame
  3. select export as gif

Environment details

Sprite details

Feel free to include a screenshot of the bug, a .piskel file of the sprite or anything else that can help us investigate.

FoxxoNick commented 2 years ago

I can also confirm I've been having this issue.