piskelapp / piskel

A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
Apache License 2.0
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Piskel its not support in Opera GX #1093

Open DoctorManuadvance opened 1 year ago

DoctorManuadvance commented 1 year ago

hello, again creators of piskel, I wanted to report this to you (I don't know if someone else has done it). The fact is that in Opera GX piskel is not supported, you can do pixel art, yes, you can but it says on a poster that it is very likely that it has many bugs or even the pixel art is lost, I don't know if it's a great problem but, I would love for piskel to have support in opera, for the users of said application and of course so that Piskel doesn't feel so abandoned. That's all for now, I wish you the best and I hope from the bottom of my heart as a fan of piskel you can do something about it, without further ado, I wish you the best


OPStellar commented 1 year ago

It only says that because it doesn't recognize the browser, not because it doesn't work.