In the previous version there was no problem, but in this update of my linux distribution (linux mint 19 to mint 20) it can no longer run piskel because apparently a library is missing (I don't know how to install, I run it from terminal). Researching the internet this libconf-2.so.4 library is already obsolete.
I tried to download it with my "apt" package manager:
sudo apt install libgconf2-4
But it is no longer available, I don't know what else I can do.
Steps to reproduce the bug
I enter the folder "Piskel-0.14.0-64bits"
In the terminal I run ./piskel
The terminal issues the following message:
./piskel: error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Environment details
operating system: Linux (Linux Mint 20 Ulyana kernel: 5.4.0-42-generic)
browser (or offline application version): Offline application version
Sprite details
number of frames:
sprite resolution:
session duration:
Feel free to include a screenshot of the bug, a .piskel file of the sprite or anything else that can help us investigate.
Bug description
Hi. In the previous version there was no problem, but in this update of my linux distribution (linux mint 19 to mint 20) it can no longer run piskel because apparently a library is missing (I don't know how to install, I run it from terminal). Researching the internet this libconf-2.so.4 library is already obsolete.
I tried to download it with my "apt" package manager: sudo apt install libgconf2-4 But it is no longer available, I don't know what else I can do. Regards.
Steps to reproduce the bug
Environment details
Sprite details
Feel free to include a screenshot of the bug, a .piskel file of the sprite or anything else that can help us investigate.