piskvorky / bounter

Efficient Counter that uses a limited (bounded) amount of memory regardless of data size.
MIT License
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Suspicious import problem #30

Open menshikh-iv opened 6 years ago

menshikh-iv commented 6 years ago


If I install Bounter, I found some suspicious imports, like

from bounter_cmsc ...
from bounter_htc ...

This definitely should be "part" of bounter (not some external imports).

What happens

Probably, the problem with the place of files

In [1]: import bounter_cmsc

In [2]: bounter_cmsc
Out[2]: <module 'bounter_cmsc' from '/home/ivan/.virtualenvs/qqq/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bounter_cmsc.so'
# should be in "site-packages/bounter/" folder, not in the "site-packages/"

In [3]: import bounter

In [4]: bounter
Out[4]: <module 'bounter' from '/home/ivan/.virtualenvs/qqq/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bounter/__init__.pyc'>
# this is correct place

Can you comment this @isamaru? Also, one more (unrelated) question - can Bounter work in "exact" mode (without any probabilistic stuff), like a classical hash-table?