pisskop / PKs_Rebalancing

Pisskop's Rebalancing Mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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Mob list? #14

Closed Regularitee closed 7 years ago

Regularitee commented 7 years ago

Not really an issue, but a question:

I'm looking into the feasibility of creating a compatibility patch for PK's Re-balancing and a graphics pack. It would be useful and time-saving if I could find a consolidated master list of all the mobs added to the base game, rather than having to pluck them out of the code one at a time. Note that I'm looking for the mob IDs (e.g. mon_zombie_hulk) and not the common names (e.g. Zombie Hulk).

Does such a list exist? If it doesn't, no worries, I'll just have to make due doing things the old fashioned way.

pisskop commented 7 years ago

hang on I can drag out a list of all new monsters ids and the ids of any coregame monster whose color scheme I alter.


pisskop commented 7 years ago

I lied. below is the list, I warn you it is long

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2c8qaiaygpwh8bg/monster_dump.txt?dl=0 ^^link to .txt file

`"mon_ant_scrib" - forager ant "mon_ant_terminal" - giant ant "mon_ant_soldier_terminal" - soldier ant "mon_ant_soldier_pk_weak" - jack ant "mon_ant_soldier_pk" - jack ant "mon_ant_queen_firebug" - queen ant "mon_ant_queen_young" - young queen ant "mon_ant_male" - male ant

"mon_imp" - imp "mon_imp_black" - imp (black) "mon_pinky" - demon "mon_lostsoul" - lost soul "mon_revenant" - revenant "mon_hell_knight" - hell knight "mon_hell_baron" - hell baron "mon_mancubus" - mancubus "mon_cacodemon" - cacodemon "mon_mechaspider" - arachnotron "mon_cyberdemon" - cyberdemon "mon_doom_churl" - churl (human warrior) "mon_doom_slave" - slave (human slave) "mon_doom_cur" - zombie slave (ala what the pc makes) "mon_lostsoul_mount" - lost soul "mon_doom_sacrifice" - mutilated zombie (ala blood sacrifice) "mon_soulcube" - soulcube (doom 3) "mon_doom_archvile" - vile "mon_doom_archvile_2" - vile "mon_doom_archvile_3" - vile "mon_doom_archvile_4" - vile "mon_doom_archvile_5" - vile "mon_doom_archdemon" - archdemon (doom 2)

"mon_doom_archvile_queen" - archvile (boss archvile) "mon_imp_revive" - scarred imp "mon_pinky_revive" - scarred demon "mon_hell_knight_revive" - battered hell knight "mon_cacodemon_revive" - abhorrent cacodemon "mon_doom_churl_revive" - enslaved churl

"mon_fungus_boil" - fungal boil "mon_fougar" - fungal cougar "mon_feer" - deer (exploding deer) "mon_foose" - foose (fungal moose) "mon_folf" - wolf (fungal wolf) "mon_fant" - fant (fungal ant v2) "mon_fungaloid_pk" - fungal tender "mon_fardigrade" - infected tardigrade (fungal waterbug) "mon_furvivor" - fungal survivor (heavily infected survivor) "mon_furvivor_glock" - infected survivor "mon_furvivor_shotgun" - infected survivor "mon_furvivor_deagle" - infected survivor "mon_furvivor_smg" - infected survivor "mon_furvivor_pk" - infected survivor (melee) "mon_marloss_man" - marloss man "mon_finebeast" - fungal vinebeast "mon_fionaea" - fungal dionaea "mon_finecraft" - fungal brood (fungal minecraft creeper) "mon_zombie_electric_fungal" - fungal shocker "mon_fungus_pig" - squig (warhammer)

"mon_maggot" - giant maggot "mon_caterpillar" - giant caterpillar "mon_pupae" - pupal sac (think pokemon-metapod) "mon_pupae_pk" - pupal sac (think pokemon-metapod) "mon_butterfly" - giant butterfly "mon_moth" - giant moth "mon_tardigrade" - tardigrade (waterbug) "mon_spider_wolf_giant_pk" - huge wolf spider "mon_spider_web_queen" - large egg sac (boss enemy) "mon_trapdoor_egg" - egg sac "mon_trapdoor_queen" - large egg sac (boss) "mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_s" - giant immature trapdoor spider "mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_guardian" - alpha giant trapdoor spider "mon_spider_trapdoor_giant_pk" - giant trapdoor spider (v2 of base) "mon_spider_web_alpha" - giant web spider (brutal poison) "mon_spider_web_omega" - giant web spider (longlasting poison) "mon_spider_web_mu" - giant web spider (fungus killer) "mon_spider_jumping_giant_acid" - medusa spider "mon_bee_scout" - giant bee (faster, weaker) "mon_bee_soldier" - giant bee (slower stronger) "mon_bee_queen" - giant queen bee (boss) "mon_bee_king" - giant royal bee "mon_bee_larvae" - bee larvae "mon_wasp_queen" - queen wasp (boss) "mon_wasp_larvae" - larval wasp

"mon_hallu_mannequin" - mannequin (hallucination) "mon_bear_pk" - bear (strong) "mon_bear_weak" - bear "mon_cougar_pk" - cougar (strong) "mon_cougar_weak" - cougar "mon_dog_large" - large dog "mon_moose_pk" - moose (strong) "mon_moose_weak" - moose "mon_skunk" - skunk "mon_goat" - goat "mon_gator" - sewer gator "mon_robin" - robin "mon_bjay" - blue jay "mon_pidgeon" - pidgeon "mon_bear_mega" - elephant bear "mon_bear_mega_mating" - elephant bear (in heat/musk) "mon_bear_mega_kid" - juvenille elephant bear "mon_bear_mega_baby" - elephant bear cub "mon_coyote_small" - dwarf coyote "mon_pig_saber" - sabertooth pig "mon_mole_large" - large mole

"mon_sludge_crawler_queen" - sludge crawler (boss) "mon_jabberwock_pk" - jabberwock (v2) "mon_bat_vampire" - vampire bat "mon_coyote_wolf_zerg" - scythed coyote

"mon_cyborg_guard" - guard cyborg "mon_cyborg_cop" - robotic cop "mon_manhack_missile" - revenant rocket "mon_manhack_fire" - firebomb hack "mon_turret_shockcannon" - shockcannon "mon_robot_drone" - helidrone

"mon_creeper_hub" - creeper hub (palette swap-> broken sprite) "mon_biollante_pk" - glowing biollante "mon_creeper_vine_terminal" - creeping grass (dying) "mon_creeper_vine_pk" - creeping vine "mon_creeper_vine_terminal_pk" - creeping vine (dying) "mon_creeper_root" - slithering root (burrows) "mon_vinebeast_terminal" - vinebeast (v2) "mon_vinebeast_pk" - tangala (v2 -pokemonish) "mon_triffid_pk" - triffid (v2) "mon_treent" - blue aurora "mon_treent_green" - treunt "mon_dionaea_sprout" - dionaea sprout "mon_dionaea" - dionaea (little shop of horrors) "mon_minecraft" - hissing brood (minecraft creeper) "mon_minecraft_charged" - charged hissing brood (minecraft creeper)

"mon_zolf_shady" - dark howler "mon_horse_zombie" - zombie horse "mon_zombie_dog_pk" - zombie chaser (dog v2) "mon_dog_skeleton_pk" - hell hound (skele dog v2 smoker) "mon_dog_zombie_cop_pk" - zombie hunting dog (rubber z9) "mon_zombie_scorched_pk" - scorched zombie (2nd stage burn) "mon_zombie_scorched_shocker" - scorched zombie "mon_zombie_fiend_pk" - fiend (2nd stage burn) "mon_zombie_fiend_shocker" - fiend (shocker brute burned) "mon_zombie_crawler_scorched" - gutted zombie (3rd stage burn) "mon_skeleton_scorched" - gutted zombie (not meant to be alive, but a prop for the corpse item, too burnt to live) "mon_zombie_scorched_necro" - zombie abomination "mon_zombie_scorched_master" - zombie abomination "mon_zombie_child_scorched_2" - burned child zombie (burn stage 2) "mon_horse_zombie_scorched" - hooved horror (burnt large-mammal zed) "mon_zolf_scorched" - torrid beast (stage 1 'medium' animal burnt) "mon_zanimal_scorched" - putrid pile (stage 2 medani burnt) "mon_zanimal_skeleton" - putrified pile (stage 3 medani burnt) "mon_zanimal_skeleton_dead" - putrified pile (stage 4 - not meant to be alive but serves to prompt the proper nonreviving corpse item) "mon_zombie_bear_mega" - zombie megabear

"mon_zombie_runner_pk" - feral runner "mon_zombie_cripple" - maimed zombie "mon_zombie_blind" - blind zombie "mon_zombie_blind_pk" - unseeing zombie (threat to Early Game PCs) "mon_zombie_2" - zombie "mon_zombie_3" - zombie "mon_zombie_pk" - hungry zombie "mon_zombie_child_2" - zombie child "mon_zombie_child_3" - zombie child "mon_zombie_hollow_pk" - zombie nadir "mon_zombie_fat_2" - fat zombie "mon_zombie_fat_3" - fat zombie "mon_beekeeper_pk" - scabby zombie (v2 scarred zombie) "mon_zombie_child_pk" - zombie scrapper (v2 child zombie) "mon_zombie_child_reaver" - zombie reaver (v3 child zombie) "mon_zombie_tough_2" - tough zombie "mon_zombie_tough_3" - tough zombie "mon_zombie_electric_pk" - sparker zombie (v2 shocker) "mon_zombie_shady_pk" - shadowed zombie (v2 shady) "mon_zombie_shady_ghost" - ethereal zombie (v3 shady, 'ghostly') "mon_zombie_master_pk" - zombie master (v2) "mon_zombie_necro_pk" - zombie necromancer (v2) "mon_zombie_lord" - zombie lord (necro/master combined) "mon_zombie_swimmer_pk" - swimmer zombie "mon_zombie_scales" - encrusted zombie (armored swimmer) "mon_zombie_rot_pk" - rotting zombie "mon_skeleton_pk" - zombie mangler (skele v2) "mon_skeleton_husk" - zombie husk (skele v3) "mon_zombie_crawler_pk_weak" - shambling zombie (crawling sludge zombie) "mon_zombie_crawler_pk" - shambler (late-game threat crawling sludge zombie) "mon_zombie_hulk_pk" - zombie tank (hulk v2) "mon_boomer_huge_pk" - huge boomer (glow in dark boomer) "mon_zombie_gasbag_pk" - putrid zombie (majiin boo sillyputty monster) "mon_zombie_radbag" - smoldering zombie (very radioactive zombie) "mon_zombie_smoker_pk" - zombie incus (smoker v2) `

Regularitee commented 7 years ago

That's... actually not too bad. I thought it was a lot longer, but maybe that was just because I was looking at the code directly, which has a far longer number of lines of text. Nice. And thanks.

pisskop commented 7 years ago

Ill keep a list in .txt form in the mod