pit-ray / Anime-Semantic-Segmentation-GAN

This repository was implemented to perform semantic segmentation for pixiv anime illust.
MIT License
55 stars 3 forks source link

inference errer #4

Closed asao-kanta closed 1 year ago

asao-kanta commented 1 year ago

thank you sharing your work! There is an error during inference.

The environment was created in google colab and is as follows

!pip install chainer
!git clone https://github.com/pit-ray/Anime-Semantic-Segmentation-GAN.git
%cd /content/Anime-Semantic-Segmentation-GAN/
!python get_pretrained_weight.py

upload my image file

import os
from google.colab import files
import shutil
DATA_DIR = "predict_from"
uploaded = files.upload()
for filename in uploaded.keys():
    dst_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, filename)
    shutil.move(filename, dst_path)


!python predict.py

Then the following error is occurring

File "/content/Anime-Semantic-Segmentation-GAN/generator.py", line 21, in __init__
    self.resnet101 = L.ResNet101Layers()
OSError: The pre-trained caffemodel does not exist. Please download it from 'https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks', and place it on /root/.chainer/dataset/pfnet/chainer/models/ResNet-101-model.caffemodel

I stepped on the link to download the file, but the download link did not allow me to download the file. Is there any solution to this problem, such as the version must be wrong? Also, I would like the requirement.txt file to be made public!

Thank you very much.

asao-kanta commented 1 year ago

sorry, i dont read

OS Windows10 Home 1909
CPU AMD Ryzen 2600
language Python 3.7.1
framework Chainer 7.0.0, cupy-cuda91 5.3.0

i will try this thank you